
Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin

Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin
Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin
Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin

Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin

Guest: Nurse Zhang Zhengye

Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin

Zhang Zhengye, head nurse and nurse in charge, has more than 16 years of experience in clinical nursing, is good at clinical front-line nursing work and facial rejuvenation nursing management, and has visited many times to learn dermatology TCM nursing techniques and actively applied them to clinical practice.

Hello listeners! I am Zhang Zhengye, the nurse in charge from the Department of Dermatology of Nan Shun Cheng of Zhaotong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Sensitive skin, as a common skin problem, not only affects the beauty of the skin, but also may trigger a series of skin diseases. Next, we will introduce the treatment methods for sensitive skin by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatments.

1. Characteristic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment for sensitive skin emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang, the balance of qi and blood, and the fundamental improvement of skin condition.

1. Internal regulation of traditional Chinese medicine: According to the specific situation of the patient, choose traditional Chinese medicine with the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling wind and relieving itching, and harmonizing qi and blood. For example, for symptoms such as dry skin and itching, traditional Chinese medicine such as angelica and white peony can be used to nourish blood and moisten dryness.

2. External treatment of traditional Chinese medicine: external treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine include traditional Chinese medicine fumigation, traditional Chinese medicine mask, etc. These treatments can act directly on the skin and act on soothing, anti-inflammatory, and restorative. For example, using a traditional Chinese medicine mask with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects can relieve symptoms such as skin redness and itching.

2. Western medicine treatment

Western medicine for sensitive skin focuses more on topical treatment and symptom relief.

1. Anti-allergic treatment: For sensitive skin caused by allergies, antihistamines are commonly used for anti-allergic treatment. These medications are able to quickly relieve symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling of the skin.

2. Anti-infective treatment: If sensitive skin is accompanied by a bacterial infection, treat it with antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria and prevent the infection from spreading further.

3. Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy methods such as cold spray, red and yellow light therapy, soothing treatment, etc., can constrict capillaries, reduce sensitivity, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. These treatments can be used as adjunct treatments to speed up skin recovery.

3. Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment

1. Internal and external treatment: When treating sensitive skin, the principles of both internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can be combined. Improve physical constitution and skin condition through the internal regulation of traditional Chinese medicine, and at the same time use Western medicine for local treatment and symptom relief.

2. Personalized treatment: Develop a personalized treatment plan according to the patient's specific situation and skin type. For example, for patients with dry skin, you can choose skincare products with moisturizing properties; For those with oily skin, you can choose skincare products that are effective in controlling oil.

The Department of Dermatology of Nanshuncheng Hospital of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine treats skin diseases with a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, such as psoriasis, sores, eczema dermatitis, herpes zoster, urticaria, drug eruption, flat warts, alopecia areata, seborrheic dermatitis, seborrheic alopecia, melasma, vitiligo and other common and frequent diseases. The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has been praised by patients for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, scleroderma, severe drug eruption and other difficult diseases. If necessary, please contact 0870-2136919.

Source: Data collation: Zhang Zhengye, nurse

Audit|Ni Na

Edited by Gao Chao

Intern Editor|Chen Yiwen

Platform contact information|0870-2153979

Health Education 3 Minutes – How to Treat Sensitive Skin

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