
"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

🎮 Welcome to the mysterious realm of "nuclear power operation"!

As a novice runner

Curious about the field of operation?

Are you eager to uncover

The mystery of this challenging field?

Are you already eager to try?

Starting your running adventure?

Hold your horses!

I started from a novice who "ran from scratch".

Gradually grow into a "running master" who can inspect independently

How do I break out of the Running Starter Village?


Teach it to you by hand

Some "beginner's tutorials" that are unique to the operator

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

As soon as you step into the mysterious "labyrinth" of the nuclear power plant, you may be shocked by the sight in front of you, looking around, there are many factories and roads, as if every step hides unknown challenges, but be careful, don't run around like a headless fly at this time, there will be a guide - your chief to guide you.

My "guide" - the chief Zhang Yingqiang, took me, a "novice Xiaobai", to the 20-meter platform, during which I closely followed my duty chief Zhang Yingqiang, for fear of "making a mistake".

First of all, we arrived at our star unit, the steam turbine plant of Lingao No. 1 machine, which has been running safely for more than 6,000 days: the steam turbine plant is intricate, not only with big guy steam turbine generator sets, but also with a "hidden room" oil chamber to provide qualified lubricating oil for the normal operation of the unit.

28m-20m-16m-7m, gradually, I walked through more and more platforms, I was a little dazzled, but Brother Qiang still introduced me to the equipment on the platform and what "character characteristics" these equipment have.

Brother Qiang took me to shuttle between the factories, and every time he arrived at a factory, he would stop, point to the sign in front of the factory and say, "Look, this is your 'map', it tells you the risk points here, and helps you avoid the 'trap'." ”

My eyes widened, scrutinizing every sign, lest I miss any detail. These signs act as in-game hints to help you get acquainted with this strange world.

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!
"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!


After following a full-level account like Brother Qiang, I seemed to have been opened up to the second pulse of Rendu when I first entered the novice village, but I absorbed the full-level martial arts cheats of the full-level tuba, and I couldn't help but learn a little hastily, so at this time I calmed down, laid a good foundation first, and learned to see the six roads.

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

Once you're in the running department, you're ready to start the main quest.

When I entered the second operation department, I ushered in my master, a legendary "level keeper" - Qiu Hui. Master Qiu Hui is half a head taller than me, and the subtle muscle lines under his clothes can tell that he has maintained a habit of exercising all year round, and most importantly, he has extraordinary ear power, which can capture sounds that are difficult for ordinary people to perceive in the noisy nuclear island environment.

One night shift, I followed Brother Hui to inspect the No. 1 engine steam engine factory, and when I walked to the ARE valve platform, he suddenly signaled to me, "Come, listen to the vibration frequency here, it seems that something is wrong", but with my skills at the time, I didn't hear anything. Brother Hui pointed out to me that the filter seemed to be leaking, and then I also learned Brother Hui to try to verify whether it was leaking, but I didn't hear it, and I couldn't touch it.

Brother Hui quickly walked back to the middle control room to get the detector, and said to me as he walked, "The nuclear power work should be 'absolutely safe and foolproof', so let's check and confirm." After multiple verifications, he immediately reported to the specialized department, and after analysis and processing by the specialized department, the filter returned to normal.

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

▲Brother Hui used a detector to measure

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!


The huge labyrinth in the steam engine factory, in the noisy environment, excellent hearing can help you get out of the novice village quickly. I admired Master Qiu Hui's ear power and experience, and I deeply realized the "rigorous and meticulous" work of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant. However, I am well aware that this is only a small part of the nuclear power journey, and there are many more challenges ahead.

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

After a year of cultivation in the Novice Village, I have become familiar with the inspection process. Unexpectedly, I was faced with a new challenge - the Rotary Strainer Trial.

One morning shift, I stepped into the outer area and saw my colleague Li Zhaoming staring intently at the rotating filter.

"Brother Zhao Ming, what are you staring at? Is there any hidden level? I asked curiously, half-jokingly. He didn't look back, and said calmly: "I noticed a breach, but I need further confirmation." ”

The rotating filter is a "giant", the diameter of the horizontal axis of the fan blades alone is 7 meters, various bearings are staggered, it takes 23 minutes to rotate in a circle in the seawater, and the room is also full of the smell of sanitizing chemical reagents, his eyes are like torches, as if to see through this "giant".

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, under the sharp gaze of Brother Zhao Ming, the hidden "weakness" finally appeared, and after confirming that it was correct, Brother Zhao Ming quickly reported to the professional department and successfully completed the task.

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!


Patience is the key to success for operators. This trial of the rotating filter made me deeply understand the rigor and difficulty of nuclear power operation, and I realized that patience is the magic weapon of the operator, and it is also an indispensable quality in the work.

This is the end of this tutorial, after a year of trials, I have successfully walked out of the novice village, but this is only the beginning, the next level of the novice village, I will meet more unknown challenges

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

▲Check the dashboard of the APP pump during independent inspection

During this period of time, the operation of the second department and one value has given me the most valuable wealth - the persistence and responsibility for the normal operation of the unit, and I wish you success as soon as possible through the experience to become the coveted "operation master"

"Nuclear Power Operation White" Beginner Strategy Speedcode!

Contributed by丨Operation Department 2 Wen Shouying Xuanwei

Editor丨Xuan Wei

Second instance | Ji Sijia

Third Instance | Yang Weizhi

The copyright belongs to the original author, please indicate the source for reprinting!

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