
Literature and History Hook Sinking: Turning into a Bandit Disaster - The Beginning and End of King Xu's Rebellion


*This article is excerpted from the first series of "Literary and Historical Materials" (March 1987), oral accounts of Wang Yingxin, Ding Defu, Wang Mingxian, Wang Hongzhang, etc. (Original note: Wang Mingxian and Wang Hongzhang were once Wang Weiqi's protectors, and are now farmers. ), compiled by Sun Guiwen, the original title "The Beginning and End of King Xu's Rebellion"

Literature and History Hook Sinking: Turning into a Bandit Disaster - The Beginning and End of King Xu's Rebellion

In 1935, the gatehouse of the county government of the Republic of China


In June of the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929 AD), Ma Danting and others were ordered by the Kuomintang Shandong Provincial Organizing Committee to reorganize the Kuomintang Zhanhua County Executive Supervision Committee, renamed the Sorting Committee (commonly known as the Kuomintang County Party Department), and appointed Ma Danting as a standing member. Farmers' associations, women's associations and chambers of commerce were set up one after another. Soon, a series of reform measures such as the city system of weights and measures, the solar calendar, the demolition of temples and smashing gods, the release of women's feet, and the cutting of men's braids (men keep braids for the Qing Dynasty) were simply and rudely implemented, which infringed on the interests of feudal landlords and squires, impacted feudal forces and outdated habits, and aroused the dissatisfaction of some people. In particular, the third and eighth day of each month in the ancient calendar of Zhanhua County was rigidly changed to the third and eighth day of the Gregorian calendar, and the provisions of the city system of weights and measures were implemented, which led to the chaos of the market period, the depression of the market, and the cold business...... aroused resentment among the population. On April 13, 19 years, Ding Jinliang, Ding Guangwen, and others, the leading figures of Dou, Scale, and Yaxing, took advantage of the old market day to collude and gather more than 3,000 people to storm the county party headquarters (stationed in the original temple of the original language), smashed the office, burned the documents, and beat the party members. Although the Kuomintang Zhanhua County Government sent Wu Desheng, the captain of the garrison (the chief leader of the bandits from all walks of life in Zhanhua and the big backer of the local ruffians and hooligans), and Cheng Zuosen, the director of the county public security bureau, to lead the police to disperse the gang, Wu Desheng did not strictly investigate the responsibility of the leaders because Wu Desheng had dealings with the local ruffians and gentry. The county party department was dissatisfied with this and planned to seek revenge. As a result, the already divided party, government, and military of the Kuomintang in Zhanhua County added a new crack.

The county party headquarters realized that in order to wash away this shame and contend with the military and government, it was necessary to master a part of the armed forces, so they set their sights on the local armed forces spontaneously initiated by the people in Xiahe Village, Zhanhua County, the People's Guard Corps, then known as the People's Guards.

Literature and History Hook Sinking: Turning into a Bandit Disaster - The Beginning and End of King Xu's Rebellion

This militia group was pulled by Wang Weiliang (a native of Xiahe Village) in the 10th year of the Republic of China. His family was poor and earned his living as a shipwright. At that time, bandits and robbers in Zhanhua, Lijin and other places were rampant, robbing men and women, donating and kidnapping tickets, and ...... as long as there was a bowl of porridge to drink, they were all in danger. Every family is scared, every household is frightened, the people are not happy, and there is a miasma. Once his aunt and cousins Da Wei and the two (the subordinates of the bandit Pei Fengwu, who often haunt the area of Liguo) came to Xiahe Village to rob, and he was dissuaded and beaten by two bandit cousins. He was angry, and said to the villagers afterwards: "These bandits and thieves are doing nothing with a gun in their hands, why should we wait for the thieves to rob us if we have a money?" Take it out and make it up, let's buy our own guns and set up a guard group to guard the family and the hospital, who dares to harass and beat those Wang Bayang. If you rich people don't want to buy it, don't blame me for being unkind. As a result, the wealthy families of Xiahe, Hanjia, Shaojia, Xiaowang, Xiliu and other villages bought guns and ammunition and handed them to him, and set up an armed militia of more than 60 people. He also instructed the wealthy families in each village to bear the food and expenses of the militia groups. From then on, the thieves were suppressed and the bandits no longer dared to go to the villages east of Phu Quoc Town to rob in a rash manner.

In the area of Xiahe, there are many fishermen, and there are often pirates and robberies at sea, and fishermen suffer great disasters. Wang Weiliang sent his cousin Wang Weiqi to lead more than 20 people, bought boats, and went to the sea to eliminate thieves and protect fishing. In the following years, the people in the Xiahe area greatly reduced the suffering of banditry. However, Wang Weiliang and Wang Weiqi's actions hindered the bandits from expanding their power, competing for territory, seizing money and grain, and robbing men and women, and became a thorn in the side of the local bandits.

At the beginning of April of the 19th year of the Republic of China, Wu Desheng and Xu San (Xu Zhi'an or Xu Jinkui, nicknamed Xu Yanwang, from Fengwang Village, Zhanhua County) agreed to attack Wang Weiliang together, and asked Fu Ruiwu (Fu Laoqi, from Fujia Village, Zhanhua County) to lead the bandits to enter Wang Weiliang's Shaojia Village stronghold at night, Shao ×× (squad leader) stationed in the stronghold saw that he was outnumbered, and immediately surrendered, and led Xu San, Wu Desheng, Fu Yanwen and others to Xiahe Village that night, saw that the wall was towering, the four gates were closed, and it was difficult to break, So he dug a deep hole under the wall in the southwest corner of the village and went into the village. Wang Weiliang in the village was caught off guard and scattered, Wang was about to flee under the protection of his eldest son, Shao ×× arrived, Wang did not know that Shao had surrendered to Xu and Wu, and asked him to flee together, but before Wang's father and son could find out the truth, they were both killed by Shao ×× under the wall. At that time, the people in the vicinity had a sense of regret for the murder of Wang's father and son.

After Wu, Xu and others captured Xiahe, the people of Xiahe Village were tragically robbed for eight days in a row. Up to the beams and purlins doors and windows, down to the tables, chairs and benches, the trees and firewood outside the house, the indoor pots and pans, the clothes and bedding on the kang, the rice and flour bran in the jar ......, looted and transported to the hometown of the bandits. Their fox friends and dog friends also took advantage of the fire to rob and wipe the oil and stain it. For a while, Xiahe Village was full of broken walls and ruins, and every family was full of desolation.

On 20 April, Wang Weiqi led the Maritime Guard (which already had more than 130 guns) to return to Guanzao in the neighboring village of Xiahe, and saw that there were many Xu and Wu people, and it was inconvenient to fight to the death, so he had to collect the remnants of Wang Weiliang and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback, and the snow ransacked his hometown to avenge the hatred of killing his brother and nephew. On 22 April, Xu and Wu learned that Wang Weiqi was living in Guanzao and agreed to attack at night. On April 23, when fleeing to Leling County, he passed through Zhanhua County and was intercepted by more than 20 cavalry led by Wu Desheng's subordinate Ren Dianlin.

At this time, the whole territory of Zhanhua became a world of bandits, who ran rampant everywhere, did evil, and did whatever they wanted. The military, government, and police in the county are arrogant and unstoppable; The party headquarters was humiliated and unable to carry out activities, and they were like ice and coal with the military, political and police, and the people were even more miserable.

Literature and History Hook Sinking: Turning into a Bandit Disaster - The Beginning and End of King Xu's Rebellion

In early June, Wang Weiqi led his troops back to Zhanhua and stationed in Xinghang Village. was about to regroup and attack Wu Desheng to avenge the blood hatred, the county party department learned that Wang was back, so he sent Li Songwu, Wu Jingquan, Lu Hongsan and others to contact Wang to discuss a plan to jointly eliminate Wu Desheng. However, considering the lack of strength, Li Songwu and others contacted all the militia groups east of Dongzhangwang Village, and they were all under the command of Wang Weiqi, secretly forming a relatively powerful armed force. Wang Weiqi also sent his military advisor Lu Jiantang and correspondent Du Lianyun to wander in the city, divide and disintegrate Wu's subordinates, and buy Wu Deli's henchman and righteous son Wang Tongyin to assassinate Wu Desheng; persuaded Wang Wenfeng to defect and do internal response. After the arrangements were ready, on the tenth day of the first month of June, on the stormy night, Wang Weiqi's troops came to the city and prepared to cooperate with the outside world. When the Assassin Wang Tongyin slipped into Wu's bedroom, Wu noticed movement and got up and stood on the bed against the corner of the wall, where Wang Tongyin shot Wu twice in the direction of the head where he usually slept. As a result, Wu Desheng did not die, the bullet only hit his foot, and after the gunshot, Wang Wenfeng and Du Lianyun opened the east gate of the city and let Wang Bu enter the city. Zhou Fangting, a squad leader of Wu, heard the gunshot, hurried to Wu's bedroom, saw that Wu was injured, picked up his back and ran towards the southwest corner of the city, and fled to Wang ××Jiannan's house in Wang Jiannan Village to avoid recuperation.

After Wang Weiqi entered the city, Ran Duo, the magistrate of Zhanhua County of the Kuomintang, ran between Wang and Wu, willing to make peace for the two families, avoid fighting, and offered to compensate the people of Xiahe for their losses and send Wang Weiqi back to Xiahe Yuanfang. Ran Duo also had to personally hold the bottle and let Wang Weiqi form an alliance with Wu Desheng (county captain), Ren Dianlin (Wu's cavalry captain), and Cheng Zuosen (public security director). Wang Weiqi was noncommittal about this, Wu Desheng agreed, and pretended to make a gesture, and the people in Xiahe paid a rice pot to each family, wanting to take advantage of this as a strategy to delay the army, and behind his back he quickly sent people to Gaoqing County to ask Xu San for rescue (at this time, Xu San's gang was a detachment that was abandoned after being absorbed by the Kuomintang, and Xu claimed to be the commander). After Xu San received the letter, he thought about Wu Jiuyi; When he heard that Zhao Zhiyun, a former member of the Binxian County Party Department of the Kuomintang who had issued a wanted warrant to arrest him, was now serving as a member of the Zhanhua County Party Department, it was a good opportunity for revenge, and he killed two birds with one stone, so he gladly led his men and horses to Zhanhua and stationed in the suburbs of the county seat. His subordinate Fu Ruiwu (after capturing Xiahe, he returned to Shun Xu San) regimental headquarters was located in Xisun Village Primary School; Wang Gongchen (Hei Lao Wu) is stationed in Baijia Village; Pei Fengwu is stationed in Zhangwang Village. The remnants of Wu Desheng are also in full swing, stepping up rectification and preparation. It heralded an even greater calamity that was about to befall the people.

On 14 June, bandits surrounded the county seat. The guns and cannons continued day and night, and for more than 20 days, the people in the city hid in the east and west, abandoned their homes and businesses, abandoned their fields, and closed their shops. On July 7, Fu Rui's fifth division captured the city's secret agent Ding ××, who confessed that the city was heavily defended at night, and only when the day was about to dawn, the officers and soldiers were exhausted and their defenses were lax, and they took the opportunity to attack the city and hope to take it in one fell swoop. Xu Wu obtained this information and launched a general attack at dawn on July 8. Fu Rui's five divisions first climbed the ladder to the southwest corner of the city wall into the city, Wang Weiqi was shocked, and hurriedly attacked the northeast corner of the city to break through, and happened to encounter Pei Feng's gang to intercept it, and many people were killed and injured in a scuffle. After Wang Weiqi led the remnants to break through the siege, Xu San, Wu Desheng and others pursued them until Lijin County suffered many casualties, so that the army could not be defeated. Jia Buyun, a member of the county party department, died in battle with the army. The 29-day plague came to an end.

After Xu San entered the city, he used bandits and thieves to create an unprecedented catastrophe and massacre. First of all, the county party office was destroyed, and Ma Danting, a member of the Standing Committee of the party department, survived the disaster; Party members Zhao Zhiyun (committee member), Li Songwu and others were arrested and shot, and after Zhang Maoguan, the 60-year-old peasant president, was arrested, the bandits took off his beard and kowtowed to the top of his head with a box gun and scolded: "Do you still let your granddaughter let her feet go?" Later, he pushed him down from the city, and when he saw that he had not fallen to his death, he shot him again, and the tragic situation was unbearable! The People's Hospital has always provided medical treatment and medicine to the people without taking a penny, and all expenses are donated by people from all walks of life. The bandits did not let go, and the medicines, equipment, etc. were looted and forced to stop. All books, newspapers, periodicals, and entertainment articles of the Social Education and Popular Lecture Center have been completely lost, and the center will no longer exist. The Normal Training Institute, which was used for the training of teachers and staff throughout the county, was also closed because of this. The bandits on the four streets rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, robbed the people's daughters, killed pigs and sheep, and slaughtered ......, making a lot of noise, and the chickens and dogs were restless, and whoever wanted to stop them was killed on the spot. Although the people hate it to the core, but the printing handles and guns are in the hands of their gang, so there is reason to comment on it!

At this point, bandits and bandits in Zhanhua County have risen, bandits and police can be seen everywhere, and the people are panicked. In addition, drought has been going on for many years, locusts are everywhere, and plagues are constantly ...... The people lived a life without food and clothing, and struggled in dire straits for many years.


Zhanhua Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 1 (March 1988)