
Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

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On May 25, 1948, in a fierce battle in Longhua County, 19-year-old Dong Cunrui carried an explosive bag in his hand and sacrificed himself to blow up the enemy's bridge-shaped bunker, opening up a way for the troops to advance.

Decades have passed, and Dong Cunrui's name has become a symbol of heroes. Every year on the Qingming Festival, hundreds of people from all over the country come to gather at the Dong Cunrui Martyrs Cemetery at the foot of Moss Mountain to offer flowers to this martyr who sacrificed his life for the country.

On April 3, 2018, a heavy snowfall covered every corner of Longhua County. 77-year-old Dong Cunjin and his family drove to the martyrs' cemetery to welcome his brother Dong Cunrui home.

Falling leaves return to their roots, and now, Dong Cunjin has finally fulfilled his wish to let his brother's soul return to his homeland.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

Heroes of the Children's Regiment

In 1929, Dong Cunrui was born in a poor peasant family, and his family lived a difficult life, but his parents had high hopes for him.

At the age of 11, he joined the Children's Corps, leading a group of children to stand guard, pass on information, and lay mines. Their small figures were particularly tenacious in the flames of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although he was young, he had a calm personality and a flexible mind, and at a young age he already had a very firm revolutionary spirit and a fearless spirit of self-sacrifice, and he was never afraid of the enemy.

In 1945, when Dong Cunrui was 16 years old, he joined the Eighth Route Army and became a glorious soldier.

In the army, he trained hard, had excellent military skills, and fought bravely, and was deeply respected by his comrades-in-arms.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

In 1947, he joined the Communist Party of China and became a member of the Communist Party.

He always takes every task very seriously, and therefore, since he became the Eighth Route Army, he has repeatedly performed miraculous feats, and many people are full of praise for him.

Heroic sacrifice

In May 1948, the War of Liberation entered a critical period.

Dong Cunrui's unit received the task of attacking Longhua County.

The county town of Longhua was an important stronghold of the Kuomintang army and was heavily defended.

At the pre-war mobilization meeting, the company commander said to everyone: "Comrades, this combat task is arduous, but we must overcome all difficulties and complete the task!" ”

The battle began, with artillery fire and gunfire in all directions. Dong Cunrui and other soldiers quickly launched an attack on the enemy's artillery towers and pillboxes under the enemy's heavy fire.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

They blew up four gun towers and five pillboxes in succession, and successfully completed the mission.

However, the enemy's bridge-shaped bunker was under heavy fire, and the troops were trapped in the open area and could not advance.

Dong Cunrui and his comrades-in-arms continued to advance under artillery fire.

Suddenly, Dong Cunrui was shot in his left leg, and blood flowed. He gritted his teeth and insisted on moving on. He saw the bridge-shaped bunker and felt nervous.

"We can't let our comrades-in-arms die in vain!" He said to himself.

Time is pressing, enemy fire is getting heavier, and the troops are likely to suffer even greater losses at any moment.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

At this moment, he finally made up his mind.

Dong Cunrui picked up the explosive bag, and with a loud bang, the bridge-shaped bunker was blown up, and Dong Cunrui also died heroically in the explosion at the age of 19.

The family's waiting

The news of Dong Cunrui's sacrifice was transmitted back to his hometown, and the village chief, who was the first to learn the news, chose to hide the news because he couldn't bear it.

It wasn't until two years later, when Dong's father was invited to Beijing, that he learned of his son's death.

The whole family was plunged into endless grief.

After learning the news of her son's death, the mother was silent for a long time, and tears flowed silently.

The father was even more speechless, and could only silently look at the photo of his son, his heart full of pain and pride.

When his younger brother Dong Cunjin was young, he didn't understand his brother's choice, but as time went by, he gradually understood his brother's greatness and selflessness.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

However, whenever someone mentions Dong Cunrui's name, there is still an irrepressible emotion in his heart, which is missing his brother.

Although the Dong family could receive the highest level of pension because of his brother Dong Cunrui at that time, the Dong family has always lived very frugally, hardworking and simple, and living hard with his brother Dong Cunrui.

In 1977, Dong Cunrui's mother passed away at the age of 80 with her longing for her son.

Since then, Dong Cunjin has relied on his father for his life.

He farmed in his hometown for most of his life, and it was not until 1986 that he received a decent job in the city because of his special status as a martyr's bereaved family.

In 1992, 92-year-old Dong's father also died of illness.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

Loess returns to its roots

In the Dong Cunrui Memorial Hall in Longhua County, Dong Cunrui's relics and photos are displayed in a conspicuous position, and each item tells his heroic deeds.

Dong Xiaoli, the docent of the memorial hall, told the story of Dong Cunrui to the visitors, and her voice was full of respect: "Dong Cunrui, he used his life to open up the way forward for us. ”

Despite the passage of time, Dong Cunrui's family has never forgotten his sacrifice and spirit.

In daily life, Dong Cunjin also leads by example, educating his children to be honest and honest and to be a person who contributes to society.

On April 3, 2018, a heavy snowfall covered the mountains of Longhua County, Hebei Province.

77-year-old Dong Cunjin took his son and son-in-law and drove to the place where his brother Dong Cunrui died.

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

Dong Cunjin trembled his hands and took out the prepared urn from the car. He leaned down, grabbed a handful of loess from Dong Cunrui's sacrifice, and solemnly put it into the urn.

His hands trembled slightly in the cold wind, but his eyes were unusually determined.

"Brother, I can finally take you home." He muttered to himself, the corners of his eyes moistened.

Dong Cunjin held the urn in his arms, as if holding a heavy responsibility and memory.

Back in his hometown in Huailai County, Dong Cunjin carefully placed the urn on the altar at home.

The portraits of his parents and brother are neatly placed together, as if silently watching every corner of this home.

When night fell, Dong Cunjin sat in front of the portraits of his parents and brother, smiled and said to them: "Dad, Mom, my brother is back, and our family is reunited." ”

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?

There were tears in his eyes, but more of a sense of peace and contentment. Dong Cunrui's heroic soul finally returned to his homeland and was with his relatives for a long time.


Dong Cunrui, a 19-year-old hero, used his life to pave a bright road for the establishment of New China. His fearless spirit and heroic deeds not only became a role model for the whole society, but also deeply influenced his family.

Dong Cunrui, the young soldier who held up the explosives bag with his body, will forever be engraved in the memory of the Chinese nation and inspire generation after generation to strive for the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

His family, now under his spiritual guidance, continues to live an ordinary and fulfilling life, showing the world the strength and indomitability of a heroic family.


"Dong Cunrui: The Spiritual Torch That Will Never Be Extinguished" - People's Daily Online

Hero Dong Cunrui: Using his body as an explosives support, he died heroically at the age of 19, how is his family doing now?