
In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

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On February 25, 2020, at the age of 96, Yazov died of illness, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, and his death is undoubtedly a great loss for the Russia people.

He dedicated his life to his beloved motherland, and for this he won the respect of the people.

In 2014, at his 90th birthday celebration, Russia President Vladimir Putin personally awarded him the Order of Alexander · Nevsky.

This venerable marshal once left a message before his death, "We should learn from China." ”

The veteran general was a figure who witnessed and participated in key moments in the history of the USSR and Russia. His words were full of deep meaning, as if he was explaining a heavy responsibility, and it also made Putin's heart rise with a warm current and a heavy sense of responsibility.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

A teenager in the war

On November 8, 1924, on a cold winter day, Dmitry · Yazov was born.

His childhood was spent in poverty, and his parents were hard-working farmers, but he did not get depressed, but studied harder, hoping to one day change the fate of his family.

In June 1941, Germany tore up the non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and began a full-scale attack on the Soviet Union.

The 17-year-old Yazov froze in place, his heart burning with rage. He knew he had to do something.

"I want to join the army and defend the motherland!" Yazov said to his parents, in a firm tone.

His attitude was very firm, and even in order to successfully enter the army, he secretly changed his age, and finally became a soldier as he wished.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

On the battlefield, the young Yazov showed extraordinary courage and perseverance, and in the face of complex international and domestic situations, he gradually accumulated experience and gradually grew into a full-fledged officer.

By 1984, he was appointed commander of the Far Eastern Military District and made a significant contribution to the defense of the Soviet Union.

The collapse of the Soviet Union

In 1985, Gorbachev came to power and began a series of reforms. Yazov was promoted to Minister of Defense and officially entered the core of Soviet power.

Gorbachev's reforms were intended to resolve the economic and political crisis in the Soviet Union, but these measures provoked more confusion and discontent.

In the process, Yazov gradually realized the crisis behind Gorbachev's series of decisions, but was powerless to prevent it.

Seeing that the people's living standards were declining step by step, and the economy was gradually collapsing, he began to feel more and more disappointed.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

In the summer of 1991, Gorbachev decided to sign the "New Union Treaty", which further loosened control over the union republics and gave them more autonomy.

This meant that there was a high probability that the Soviet Union would fall as a result, a decision that sparked strong opposition at the top of the Soviet leadership.

On August 19, Yazov and other conservative leaders staged the August 19 coup d'état in an attempt to prevent the treaty from being signed.

"We can't let the Soviet Union collapse," Yazov said at an emergency meeting, "and we must act to save our country." ”

However, the coup did not go as planned.

Yeltsin gave an exciting speech on tanks on the streets of Moscow, winning the support of the population, who took to the streets one after another to protest against the actions of the Emergency Committee.

In the face of increasingly fierce protests, Yazov's heart was full of contradictions. He was reluctant to use force against an unarmed populace, but feared that the situation would get out of control.

Eventually, he chose to retreat.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

"We should not aim our guns at our own compatriots," Mr. Yazov said to the officers around him, his voice filled with helplessness.

A little later, the participants in the coup d'état were arrested, and Yazov was also charged with treason and put in prison.

On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union finally collapsed.

Yazov, who learned the news, was devastated that the country he had fought for and defended all his life had disintegrated like this, how could he not be saddened.

Perception of China

In prison, Yazov spent three years. In his tiny cell, he often reminisced about his life and pondered the future of his country.

It wasn't until 1994 that he finally regained his freedom thanks to an amnesty.

After his release from prison, he was appointed chief military adviser to Russia and continued to contribute to the country.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

In 2000, Putin became the third president of Russia.

Since he came to power, he has been committed to restoring the country's status as a great power, strengthening its domestic economy and military construction, and elevating its position in the international community.

In this young man, Yazov saw hope and a future, which was also the most gratifying thing in his later years.

As a matter of fact, Yazov has always had a very unique vision, and as early as when he was defense minister, he was already aware of the earth-shaking changes in China in the future, so he has always been committed to maintaining friendly relations with China.

As early as 1991, he was invited to visit China, where he witnessed the tremendous changes since China's reform and opening up, and deeply felt that China's development model has extremely important reference significance.

Therefore, when Putin assumed the presidency of Russia, he repeatedly expressed to the other side the importance of learning from China.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

In 2004, Russia President Vladimir Putin awarded him the Order of Marshal as a sign of recognition and respect for his exploits.

On February 25, 2020, Yazov closed his eyes forever. When he was dying, he was most relieved about the motherland and the people to whom he had dedicated his life.

News of Yazov's death soon spread throughout Russia, and the whole country expressed deep condolences for the loyal old general.

On the day of the funeral, Putin personally attended to pay his last respects to Yazov's coffin.

In the crowd, many people had tears in their eyes, silently remembering the great marshal. They know that Yazov's spirit will forever remain in the history of Russia and become an immortal monument that inspires future generations.

As the funeral ended, Yazov's figure faded away, but he still inspired generations of Russia to strive for the prosperity of their homeland.

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China


Yazov's life witnessed the rise and disintegration of the Soviet Union, as well as the transformation and transformation of Russia. As a loyal soldier and patriot, he was always concerned about the future and destiny of his country. His final entrustment embodies his deep thinking and endless expectations for the development of the country.

On the road of future development, Russia needs to learn from the successful experience of others and find a reform path suitable for its own national conditions. Yazov's last words are not only an affirmation of China's experience, but also a hope and promise for Russia's future. The spirit and wisdom of Marshal Yazov will forever inspire the Russia people and become an inexhaustible driving force for the country's progress.


1. CNKI: "Towards the Accelerator of the Disintegration of the Union - A Study on the "August 19 Incident" of the Soviet Union

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

2. CNKI: "The Last Marshal of the Soviet Union Was Awarded the Medal by Putin"

In 2020, the last marshal of the Soviet Union, Yazov, died, and he repeatedly advised Putin before his death: learn from China

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