
Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

What are you waiting for? Wealth and good fortune are hidden in attention! Hurry up and join us for the arrival of luck and fortune!

Recently, an incident about aircraft orders has aroused heated discussions among netizens, Saudi Arabia announced its support for Chinese manufacturing, but turned around and handed over a huge order of 37 billion US dollars to United States Boeing and Raytheon, this wave of operations has made many Chinese people feel confused and unhappy, some people say that Saudi Arabia is "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge", and some people think that this is the normal state of international business competition, so, what are the unknown secrets behind the 37 billion US dollar orders? What is the future of China's aviation manufacturing industry?

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

For a long time, China's aviation manufacturing industry has been committed to catching up with the world's advanced level, and has made remarkable achievements, especially the advent of the domestic large aircraft C919, but also carries the dream of the Chinese people's aviation power, this aircraft has been pinned on high hopes, from the beginning of the project has been compared with Boeing 737, regarded as China's aviation manufacturing industry to challenge the iconic products of international giants, C919 development road is not smooth sailing, in the technology accumulation, market development and other aspects are still facing many challenges

Let's pull the timeline back to the starting point of the incident, at an international aviation expo at the beginning of this year, Saudi Arabia had a high-profile announcement to support Chinese manufacturing, and signed a purchase intention agreement with COMAC C919 passenger aircraft, the total number of orders was as high as 573, once aroused widespread attention of domestic and foreign media, just when everyone expected China's large aircraft to show their strength in the international market, Saudi Arabia suddenly turned around and signed an order for 787 passenger aircraft worth $20.8 billion with Boeing of United States, At the same time, it also purchased weapons and equipment worth $16.2 billion from Raytheon Corporation of United States, with a total amount of $37 billion

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

Some people believe that this may be the political pressure exerted by United States behind the scenes, forcing Saudi Arabia to change its mind, and some people believe that this is purely a consideration of commercial interests, after all, Boeing 787 does have more advantages than C919 in terms of technical maturity and market recognition

In all fairness, Boeing 787 as a mature wide-body passenger aircraft, in terms of range, load capacity, fuel economy, etc., is indeed better than C919, Boeing 787 range can reach more than 15000 kilometers, while C919 range is only 4000-5500 kilometers, which means that Boeing 787 can fly longer international routes, and C919 is more suitable for flying between domestic or neighboring countries, Boeing 787 has a larger passenger capacity, It can carry 242-335 passengers, while the C919 can carry 158-190 passengers

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

As one of the world's largest aerospace manufacturers, Boeing has a history of more than 100 years, and its products and services are all over the world, accumulating a good reputation and reputation, while COMAC as a relatively young enterprise, in terms of brand awareness, market recognition, etc., there is still a certain gap with Boeing

In the face of the competitive pressure of Boeing and other international giants, China's aviation manufacturing industry must be soberly aware of its own shortcomings, constantly strengthen technological innovation, enhance product competitiveness, increase investment in research and development, break through key core technologies, narrow the gap with the international advanced level, strengthen international cooperation, learn from foreign advanced experience, improve their own management level and technical level, but also pay attention to brand building, to create an internationally competitive aviation brand

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

We also want to see the huge potential of China's aviation manufacturing industry, China has a huge aviation market demand, with the continuous growth of the economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for air travel will continue to grow, which provides a broad space for the development of China's aviation manufacturing industry, the Chinese government also attaches great importance to the development of the aviation industry, introduced a series of support policies, for the development of the aviation manufacturing industry to create a good environment

Saudi Arabia order incident to China's aviation manufacturing industry sounded the alarm, but also pointed out the direction of future development, China's aviation manufacturing industry to a more open attitude, more pragmatic style, and constantly improve their core competitiveness, in order to be invincible in the fierce international competition, to achieve the dream of aviation power

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

What are your thoughts on the future of China's aviation manufacturing industry? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

Duplicity? After fully supporting Chinese manufacturing, Saudi Arabia turned around and gave Laos and the United States an order of 37 billion US dollars

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