
Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

In December 2004, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was in an uproar. Billionaire Luo Qiren suddenly held a press conference and publicly announced that his marriage to his wife Li Saifeng had ended.

This kung fu actress, who was once known as the "most beautiful police flower", became the focus of public opinion overnight. But bigger storms are yet to come.

On an ordinary day in July 2006, Luo Qiren accidentally broke a shocking secret: his wife Li Saifeng had an ambiguous relationship with his "godson" Zong Tianyi.

This explosive news is like a bombshell, shattering Li Saifeng's once brilliant acting career and seemingly happy marriage.

The glamorous kung fu actress in the past has now become a "cheating actress" in the mouth of everyone. What was the reason why Li Saifeng fell from the peak of his career to the bottom and finally fell into disrepute? Let's retrace the trajectory of her life and uncover this legendary story of ups and downs.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Li Saifeng was born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong in 1965. However, fate seemed to be particularly harsh on her from the start. When he was only 7 years old, his parents' marriage came to an end, and the young Li Saifeng was forced to move to Taiwan with his father.

In an unfamiliar environment, she had to take on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings prematurely and try to adjust to her new life. However, this effort did not pay for a warm family, and in the end she was left behind and had to return to Hong Kong alone to reunite with her mother.

After returning to Hong Kong, her mother's love was like a ray of sunshine, illuminating Li Saifeng's life. With the support of her mother, she began to learn dance, planting the seeds for her future acting career.

The turning point of fate quietly came in 1980, when 15-year-old Li Saifeng attracted the attention of the famous director Xiao Xianhui with his beautiful dancing and innocent face.

In this way, she embarked on the road of acting and starred in her first TV series "The Kindness of the Earth".

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Li Saifeng, who has just entered the entertainment industry, quickly won many roles with his outstanding appearance. However, she was not satisfied with just making a vase. With his love and pursuit of acting, Li Saifeng made a key decision: apprentice to Xu Xiaoming and devote himself to learning martial arts.

She hopes to break through herself and become a real kung fu actress.

Li Saifeng's hard work quickly paid off. After signing with Asia Television, she starred in the action films "Drunken Fist" and "Dragon Detective". With her superb martial arts and beautiful appearance, 19-year-old Li Saifeng quickly became a hot female martial arts star and became a popular actress on Asia TV.

Li Saifeng, who rose from the predicament, used his hard work and talent to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. Her story proves that even in the face of life's setbacks, as long as you persevere with your dreams, you will eventually usher in your own light.

However, she didn't know that greater challenges and tests were still waiting for her, and a road full of thorns in acting was slowly unfolding under her feet.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Li Saifeng, who has entered the age of 20, has a prosperous career. However, as a martial arts star, she knows that behind her success is countless sweat and danger. Li Saifeng is known for his professionalism, insisting on completing all kinds of difficult and dangerous actions in person, refusing to use stand-ins.

This persistence won the love of the audience, but it also made her injured on the set many times, and even brushed shoulders with death several times.

In 1989, when filming the movie "Demon Hunters", Li Saifeng encountered the biggest disaster in his acting career. In pursuit of perfect visual effects, the crew decided not to use a stand-in in the blasting shots.

However, fate caused the staff to make mistakes in the amount of gunpowder, which caused Li Saifeng to face the explosion and suffer serious burns on his face. This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire entertainment industry.

Many people are worried that this accident will completely ruin Li Saifeng's acting career.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

In the face of this blow, Li Saifeng showed extraordinary strength. During her time in the hospital, she remained optimistic and actively cooperated with the treatment. The Kung Fu Queen's willpower came into play again, and after careful care, her face miraculously recovered, leaving no visible scars.

Li Saifeng was deeply touched by this experience, and she sighed: "Every banknote I earn is actually exchanged for my own life. This sentence not only shows her dedication to her acting career, but also reflects her cherishing of life.

In 1992, Li Saifeng, who was reborn from the ashes, starred in the movie "Overlord Flower" with Wu Junru, and won the reputation of "the most beautiful female police flower" with her outstanding performance.

This title is not only an affirmation of her appearance, but also a tribute to her perseverance. Li Saifeng proved with his own actions that even if he suffers a heavy blow, as long as he does not give up, he can still return to the top.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

However, just as his career was reaching a peak again, Li Saifeng's love life began to fall into chaos. It was as if fate was playing a huge joke on her, pushing her to a doomed and bumpy emotional path.

This kung fu actress, who has won many times in her career, is about to face the biggest challenge in her life - the test of love.

In Li Saifeng's brilliant acting career, the emotional world has always been a complex and sensitive topic. In 1985, when she was only 20 years old, she met a well-known director who was 16 years older than her at the celebration banquet of "Dragon Detective".

The director fell in love with Li Saifeng at first sight and launched a passionate pursuit. Flowers, luxury restaurant dates, and handwritten scripts were all romantic offensives that soon melted Li Saifeng's young heart.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Faced with such a fiery love, Li Saifeng, who had never experienced sincere feelings, quickly fell into it. She threw herself into the relationship, working harder at work, hoping to play an important role in her lover's film.

However, as time goes by, the age gap between the two and the difference in life philosophy gradually emerges. Some people speculate that the end of this relationship is because Li Saifeng dislikes the other party for being too old; Some people also believe that it is difficult for young Li Saifeng to accept the reality of taking care of each other's children.

In any case, this seemingly vigorous "year-old love" finally ended in a breakup, leaving a deep emotional wound on the young Li Saifeng.

With the experience of failure in his first relationship, Li Saifeng devoted all his energy to his career. It wasn't until she was 30 years old that she met someone she thought she could spend her life with.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

In a beautiful vision, Li Saifeng quietly entered the marriage hall. She is full of hope that she will be able to build a happy family.

However, the reality is always cruel. Life after marriage was not as sweet as she imagined. With the birth of a child, the trivial daily routine of firewood, rice, oil and salt began to erode this marriage.

Li Saifeng found that there were more and more conflicts between her and her husband, and quarrels became commonplace.

Such a scene reminded Li Saifeng of his parents' marriage. In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, when her marriage was in trouble, she resolutely chose to divorce.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Although the first marriage ended in failure, Li Saifeng was not defeated. She devoted her energy to the cause of starting a dance school, hoping to find a new direction in life.

However, fate once again arranged a seemingly beautiful but dangerous encounter for her, pushing her to another turning point in her life. Li Saifeng didn't know that the wealthy marriage she was about to enter would completely change the trajectory of her life.

In 1999, at a luxurious cocktail party, 34-year-old Li Saifeng met the wealthy Luo Qiren. Luo Qiren came from a prominent background, and his father Luo Zuyao is a giant in the Hong Kong toy industry, and his family business has nearly 100 companies and is worth more than 10 billion.

Despite Luo Qiren's mediocre appearance, his gentle and thoughtful and illustrious background still touched Li Saifeng's heart.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Especially when Luo Qiren expressed his willingness to accept and take care of the child born to Li Saifeng and her ex-husband, Li Saifeng decided that he was the one who could spend the rest of his life with him. In 2001, the two held a grand wedding, and Li Saifeng seemed to have found the happiness she dreamed of.

After marriage, Li Saifeng soon gave birth to another daughter. Luo Qiren, who has a son and a daughter, moved overseas with his family and began a seemingly perfect life. Li Saifeng has also devoted his energy to the arts, and the couple also purchased a grand theater in Vancouver, Canada, planning to build it into a platform to promote Chinese culture.

Li Saifeng personally served as the producer of the large-scale stage play "Heaven and Earth July Love" in Beijing and won high praise.

However, this seemingly perfect wealthy marriage soon cracked. In 2004, Luo Qiren brought back a "godson" named Zong Tianyi.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Zong Tianyi was young and handsome, graduated from the Beijing Opera and Dance Academy, and had the same artistic interests as Li Saifeng, and the two soon became friends.

But the good times didn't last long. One day in July 2006, Luo Qiren suddenly came home because he was looking for documents, and accidentally broke the improper relationship between his wife and Zong Tianyi.

This discovery was like a bombshell, instantly destroying the peaceful appearance of this wealthy family.

The news quickly spread throughout the entertainment industry, and Li Saifeng suddenly fell into the whirlpool of public opinion. In the face of her husband's public accusations, Li Saifeng issued a thousand-word statement, resolutely denying that she had an extramarital affair, and instead pointed out that Luo Qiren was the one who betrayed the marriage, claiming that he had an affair with his female subordinate Wang Xiaoli.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

This wealthy divorce case quickly turned into a public incident, with both sides blaming each other back and forth. In the end, Li Saifeng even recorded a video in person to try to prove Luo Qiren's so-called "stealing" behavior.

In the end, after the "Siyuan Case", Luo Qiren and Wang Xiaoli's side gained the upper hand. Li Saifeng not only lost her marriage, but also lost the wealth she had accumulated over the years, and only received six months of child support from her husband.

The once beautiful "most beautiful police flower" has now become the object of public discussion.

This marriage brought Li Saifeng not only material losses, but also huge mental trauma. From a wealthy man to a ruined man, Li Saifeng has experienced the ups and downs of life.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Not only did she lose her wealth and status, but she also lost her faith in love. This painful experience made her deeply aware of the fragility and illusory nature of wealthy marriages, and also made her deeply suspicious of love and marriage.

Since then, Li Saifeng has lost confidence in love and no longer believes in sincere feelings. The tragedy of this wealthy marriage has become the biggest turning point in her life and her deepest pain.

After experiencing the turmoil of a wealthy marriage, Li Saifeng chose to withdraw from the dispute and started a new chapter in his life. She devotes all her energy to educating her children and teaching dance, trying to find a new meaning in her career.

Now 57, Li Saifeng has chosen to make his home in Shanghai. The traces of time had crept up on her face, but she didn't seem to care about the glory and criticism of the past. She focused on her beloved dance career, carefully raised her only son to grow up, and spent the rest of her life quietly.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Despite two failed marriages, Li Saifeng has not been defeated by life. She chose to move on her own way, finding value in life through dance and family.

She watched her son marry and have children, and she gradually adapted to the calm rhythm of life.

This former kung fu actress is now more like an ordinary middle-aged woman, focusing on her own small world. She no longer pursues vigorous love, nor does she long for a bright life in the spotlight.

On the streets of Shanghai, she is just one of many pedestrians, ordinary and comfortable.

Li Saifeng: The first marriage was hidden and had children, and the second marriage into a wealthy family made her ruined, and she no longer believed in love

Li Saifeng's story tells us that both career and love are full of unknowns and challenges. We may encounter setbacks and betrayals along the way in life, but it is important to stay strong and find our own way of life.

Perhaps this peaceful life is the happiness that Li Saifeng finally found.

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