
58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

The legendary life of the herd set sail in Tianjin, which is known as the hometown of quyi. As the youngest son in the family, he was often taken by his father to the teahouse to listen to cross talk since he was a child, and thus developed a strong interest in the art of cross talk.

After graduating from high school, Niu Herd, like many of his peers, went to the countryside to join the queue there, where he was fortunate to meet an old artist who performed allegro and studied with him, planting the seeds for his future artistic career.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

At the age of 21, the fate of the herd changed, and he signed up for the army and became a communications soldier. In a theatrical performance, he won the attention of the army leaders with an allegro performance.

The leader said: "This young man is very flexible and very suitable for cross talk" So, Niu Qun was transferred to the Art Troupe of the Beijing Military Region and began his cross talk road.

The herd of cattle who have just entered the cross talk world are hungry to learn. Under the recommendation of his first cross talk teacher, Liu Xuezhi, he was fortunate to worship under the famous Chang Baohua. Under the careful teaching of this master, the level of cross talk of the herd has improved by leaps and bounds, and he soon became one of Chang Baohua's protégés.

In 1985, Niu Qun met Feng Gong in the filming of the TV series "Those Five", and the two formed a deep friendship due to their similar interests and became the audience's favorite cross talk partner. They began to study cross talk together all day long, and their relationship was deep.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

In just one year, Niu Qun and Feng Gong created 8 classic cross talk works such as "Thief Company", and since then, the two have appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala more than a dozen times in a row, becoming the most popular cross talk group at that time.

Standing at the peak of his career, his eyes shone with confidence. He sighed in the interview: "In my life, except for my parents, I only kowtow to Feng Gong. This sentence not only reflects their deep friendship, but also hints at the herd's gratitude to Feng Gong.

However, who would have thought that this glorious time was the highest point of his life, and the rest of the days were the restless heart of the herd all the way downhill, which finally led him to a road full of thorns.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

After becoming famous, the herd is not satisfied with the status quo, and there seems to be an unquenchable flame in his heart, driving him to keep trying new things. This kind of "love toss" character made him begin to look for new breakthroughs outside of cross talk.

First of all, Niu Qun formed a star football team, and worked with well-known artists such as Zhao Benshan and Feng Gong to be active on the green field and sweat to their heart's content. This move not only satisfied his love for sports, but also shortened his distance with other artists.

Immediately afterwards, because of his love for photography, he opened a solo exhibition of his works, through the lens, the herd captures the beautiful moments in life, showing a different side of the artist.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

However, these attempts were only the beginning of the excitement of the herd, and his heart was still looking for a bigger stage. What is shocking is that he twice abandoned Feng Gong, who had been with him for many years, and tried to run a business and a magazine alone.

The herd is full of confidence in the business sea, fantasizing about achieving brilliant achievements in another field.

Unfortunately, shopping malls are battlefields, and the herd clearly underestimates the danger. These ventures not only did not bring the expected profits, but they lost a lot. After each failure, he had to return to Feng Gong again.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

Although Feng Gong was troubled by the behavior of the herd, he still accepted him again and again out of years of friendship.

However, this capricious behavior undoubtedly had an impact on the tacit understanding between the two. After a long separation, they began to work together strangely, and they were no longer able to create works that the audience loved as before.

used to be a tacit partner, but now their performance on stage is always unsatisfactory.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

Looking at the restless light flickering in the eyes of the herd, Feng Gong shook his head helplessly and sighed. The herd's eternal tirelessness, always looking for the next career that will make his blood boil, pushes him to an unexpected turning point.

This kind of "love to toss" character makes him more determined on the road of fighting for his career.

At the age of 51, the herd stumbled upon a completely new path that changed the course of his life forever, but it also cost him dearly. Faced at a crossroads in life, the herd made a decision that even they did not anticipate the consequences.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

At the age of 51, the cow herd became the image spokesperson of the beef jerky advertisement in Mengcheng County, Anhui Province by chance. His star effect has caused product sales to soar, and partners are also smiling.

At a celebration banquet, the partner half-jokingly said: "If you can come and be the county magistrate of Mengcheng County, then our economy will definitely take off!" This joke that I don't care about, but it seems to plant a small seed in the heart of the herd.

After careful consideration, Niu Qun finally decided to accept the post of honorary deputy county magistrate of Mengcheng County. When he told Feng Gong about this decision, Feng Gong was shocked.

repeatedly dissuaded the herd: "Brother Niu, what do you think, isn't it quite fun for us to cooperate in cross talk, how can you become an official?" However, the stubborn herd did not heed Feng Gong's good advice and continued to embark on his own path into politics.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

The first time I stepped into the city, the cattle were full of ideals and enthusiasm. He did not regard the position of deputy county magistrate as a false title, but truly devoted himself wholeheartedly to the development of nature.

Thanks to his reputation and network resources, Niu Qun has done many tangible things for Mengcheng: building road sections, assisting local enterprises to create Mengcheng people's own beef brand, attracting 200 million yuan of investment for Mengcheng through his connections and building Niu Qun Trade City, with his unremitting efforts, Mengcheng's economy has indeed achieved significant development.

However, the reality is always cruel, and when the herd pursues policies with enthusiasm, there is no doubt that the interests of some people are violated. Soon, several anonymous letters of accusation pushed him to the forefront.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

Accusations of "embezzling state assets", "being an official for personal gains", and "fraudulently purchasing state land" followed, and what was once a good deed was distorted into "personal profit", and even the local people questioned him.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, a trace of bitterness flashed in the eyes of the herd. In order to prove his innocence, he did not hesitate to donate all his property, and even wrote a statement that he would donate all his property after his death.

But instead of salvaging his reputation, it became the last straw that crushed the marriage, and his wife could not bear it anymore and decided to divorce the herd.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

After five years, the herd left with deep exhaustion and pain. Facing the people who saw him off, he choked up and said: "I have never failed to live up to the trust placed in me by the people and the organization, and I will never regret coming to Mengcheng."

However, this experience paid a terrible price for him: not only did he lose the love of the audience, but he also lost his happy family.

Standing on the land of Mengcheng County, Anhui Province, a pair of burly cows with a sad face, their eyes full of complex emotions, looking into the distance, expressing a unique feeling for the place that changed his life.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

His ideals did not fully fit with reality, but in the fierce collision, he left scars all over his body, and the price of a broken heart's "toss" far exceeded his expectations.

After leaving Montene, the 58-year-old cow herd encountered the darkest moment of his life. His wife was extremely disappointed in him and chose to divorce him, and the years of relationship came to an end. The breakdown of his family took a heavy toll on the herd, and he began to drink to kill his sorrows.

The once high-spirited "mad cow" is now only a down-and-out figure.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

In their careers, the herd has experienced many failures. Although the results of the investigation conclusively proved that he had not committed any crimes, this belated justice did not restore his image.

People's hearts are as fickle as flowing water, and even if the herd proves its innocence, his image cannot return to its former state.

Fortunately, his old partner Feng Gong still does not leave him. In order to bring the herd back to the audience's field of vision, Feng Gong specially choreographed the cross talk "Cheer for You" with him.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

The cow herd put a lot of effort into this, and finally created a work that satisfied him, however, fate played a joke on him again, and just as the Spring Festival Gala was approaching, their work was notified that it did not pass the review and was not allowed to perform.

Looking at the performance of his former partner Feng Gong and others on the stage, a trace of loneliness flashed in the eyes of the cows. He said with emotion: "I know I was wrong, but I still don't know what I was wrong.

This sentence expressed the confusion and helplessness in his heart.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

In order to return to the top of his career, the 64-year-old Niu Qun decided to participate in the reality show "Chinese Star Jumping". He stood on the 5-meter-high diving platform with full fighting spirit, and said confidently: "Even if you can't be a diving champion, you can still be a diving prince in the music industry."

However, when he jumped off the high platform, the huge impact caused the herd of cattle that had passed the age of sixtieth to faint instantly, and he struggled to hold on to the arm of the lifeguard, and it took him a few minutes to be rescued back to shore, and his courage and determination made people talk about it.

This accident not only failed to turn the herd over, but made him completely fade out of public view. The spirit of the herd, who refused to admit defeat and wanted to prove themselves again, seemed so weak at this moment.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

was once a master of cross talk, but now he can only leave the scene. The eyes of the cows are full of loneliness and helplessness, as if telling the story of the ruthlessness of the years. From the divorce at the age of 58 to the diving accident at the age of 64, in just a few years, the herd has experienced a double blow of career and life, and has completely fallen into the trough of life.

The "mad cow" who used to dominate the cross talk world is now only covered with scars and a tired heart.

The 73-year-old herd, which has experienced the ups and downs of life, has finally learned to be quiet. The "mad cow" who used to toss and turn now seems to have found inner peace. Recently, he was photographed playing the violin with Jiang Kun and other old friends, and the cows in the photo are ruddy, very tough, and in good spirits.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

The photo is reminiscent of the herd's glory days. He used to be a bright star on the cross talk stage, a controversial county-level official, and lived in seclusion in his later years. His life is like a drama of ups and downs, and every choice reflects his restless "mad cow" character, which also brings him a corresponding price.

Looking back on his life journey, a complicated look flashed in the eyes of the cows. In an interview, he lamented: "I know I was wrong, but I don't know what is wrong until now. He wondered and reflected on his past decisions.

He once partnered with Feng Gong, and giving up this combination cost him a huge price, and later he rashly accepted the position of deputy county magistrate of Mengcheng, which was also a wrong decision, and in his later years, he still refused to accept his old age, participated in a reality show, and made mistakes again, he paid the price in all three decisions, and regretted it.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

However, despite all the setbacks, the herd has maintained its love of life. His story tells us that the meaning of life is to keep striving and trying. As he said when he left Montene: "I will never regret coming to Monteon.

"This spirit of courage in the face of challenges, although sometimes costly, deserves respect in itself.

Today's cattle may have understood the truth of "contentment and happiness". In his calm eyes, he seems to be relieved of the past and looking forward to the future. The cross talk master who used to shine on the stage now finds his own happiness in ordinary life.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

This peace is perhaps the most precious gift of his life.

Niu Qun's life experience is like a thought-provoking autobiography, from the take-off of his cross talk career, to the ups and downs of entering the officialdom, until the tranquility of his later years, his every step is deeply imprinted in our hearts, and his story makes us understand that there are not only peaks and valleys in life, not only cheers, but also questions.

The character of "love tossing" has made the cattle taste all kinds of life and pay a huge price. However, it is this spirit of continuous experimentation that shows his love and courage for life.

58-year-old divorced from his wife, 64-year-old jumped and fainted in the show, after leaving Feng Gong, why are the cattle so miserable

From the divorce at the age of 58, to the accident on the show at the age of 64, to the peaceful life at the age of 73, the experience of the cow herd has undoubtedly taught us a vivid life lesson, giving us a deeper understanding of success, failure, choice and consequences.

In the face of life's ups and downs, we need not only courage, but also wisdom. The story of the herd tells us that while pursuing our dreams, we must also learn to judge the situation and cherish the happiness in front of us.

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