
The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

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The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price
The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Text: Rhubarb Entertainment

Edited by Rhubarb Entertainment

Do you remember Mao Amin, who sang and cried countless people with his singing voice? She conquered the entire Chinese music scene with a song "Desire" and became an idol in the hearts of countless people. However, who would have thought that this former singer diva would experience such ups and downs in life?

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

From glory to trough, to marrying into a wealthy family, and finally becoming a widow of tens of billions, Mao Amin's life story is even more exciting than the TV series!

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

The singing dream of an ordinary girl

On March 1, 1963, Mao Amin was born in an ordinary working family in Yangpu District, Shanghai. Since she was a child, she has shown amazing musical talent, and she especially likes Li Guyi's songs. However, in those days, being a singer was not a decent career choice. Her parents firmly opposed her taking the path of art, hoping that she could find a stable job like everyone else.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

After failing the college entrance examination, Mao Amin obeyed his father's arrangement and entered the Shanghai No. 7 Dyeing and Chemical Factory as a temporary worker. However, her love for music made her unable to rest on her laurels. In her spare time, she actively participated in various amateur performances and slowly accumulated fame. It was then that fate gave her a chance to change her life.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

In 1985, 22-year-old Mao Amin was discovered by the Nanjing Military Region Frontline Song and Dance Troupe and officially started her singing career. This year, she released her debut album "Hot Coffee" and officially stepped into the music scene. Who would have thought that this ordinary girl from the factory would start her music path like this?

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

became a blockbuster and became a new star in the music world

In 1986, Mao Amin participated in the National Young Singer TV Grand Prix and won the third place in the professional group of popular singing. This achievement made her the focus of attention in the industry all of a sudden.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

What's even more surprising is that she also became the protégé of the famous musician Gu Jianfen. Under Gu Jianfen's careful cultivation, Mao Amin's singing skills improved by leaps and bounds, and soon became a leader in the new generation of singers.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

1988 was a turning point for Mao Amin. At this year's Spring Festival Gala, she sang the song "Missing", and after singing it, the audience across the country went crazy. Since then, Mao Amin's name has resounded all over the country and has become a well-known star in the music world.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Before the joy of fame has passed, the nightmare has come. In 1989, Mao Amin fell into a huge predicament because of a tax problem. Where has this simple girl ever seen such a battle?

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

washed his face with tears all day long, and even had the idea of suicide for a while. Thankfully, with the help of her friends, she survived the event. However, the blow had a great impact on her, making her realize her inadequacy in handling affairs.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

"Desire" reached its peak, and then encountered a tax crisis

Just when people thought that Mao Amin's career would stop there, she proved her indomitable with her strength. In 1991, the TV series "Desire" was on the air, and the theme song of the same name sung by Mao Amin became an instant hit, once again pushing her to the peak of her career. This song not only made her famous in the mainland, but also helped her successfully break into the Hong Kong music scene.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Behind success is often a crisis. Just when Mao Amin's career was in full swing, a bigger turmoil quietly came. Around 2000, she was again in trouble with tax issues. This time, the blow came harder. The former diva became the target of public criticism overnight. In the face of overwhelming doubts and abuse, Mao Amin chose to temporarily withdraw from the music scene and go overseas to avoid the limelight.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

During that time, Mao Amin had a bad time. She washed her face with tears all day long, and even bought more than 100 sleeping pills at one point, wanting to end her life. Fortunately, the friends around me found out in time to avoid the tragedy. This blow made Mao Amin completely realize his shortcomings. She began to learn how to manage her career and how to deal with all kinds of complex relationships.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Return to the stage and meet true love

After a period of precipitation, Mao Amin decided to start again. In 2000, at the age of 37, she made her debut again. Although her status is not as good as before, she still relies on her own strength and frequently appears in major galas and programs. Especially with the help of his sister Na Ying, Mao Amin gradually regained his foothold.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Just when his career was gradually picking up, love also quietly came. In April 2002, while attending a business event in Beijing, Mao Amin met a successful businessman, Xie Zhikun. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Xie Zhikun's maturity and stability just make up for Mao Amin's lack of life experience.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

In 2003, 40-year-old Mao Amin married Zhikun in a low-key manner. After getting married, she gradually faded out of the music scene and concentrated on running her family. In February 2004, 41-year-old Mao Amin gave birth to her daughter Xie Fengming.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Three years later, she gave birth to another son. From a singer to a stay-at-home mother, Mao Amin's role has changed very well. She insisted on taking care of the child herself, and even breastfed for more than a year.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

The strength of tens of billions of widows

Just when Mao Amin was enjoying a happy life, bad news suddenly came. In 2021, her husband Xie Zhikun died of illness, leaving behind an inheritance of up to 10 billion. For a time, "tens of billions of widows" became a hot topic in the media.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

To everyone's surprise, Mao Amin did not inherit her husband's huge inheritance. She said that the property should be inherited by her husband's children, and she only needs to take care of the children. This decision made many people look at her with admiration.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

The loss of her husband was devastating, but Mao Amin was not crushed by grief. She continues to live strongly, take care of her children, and occasionally participate in some charity activities. Although she rarely appears on stage, she still maintains her love for music.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Life is like a song, and time is like a poem

Looking back on Mao Amin's life, it can be said that it is full of ups and downs and is full of legends. From an ordinary factory worker, to a singer, to a billionaire widow, she has experienced too many ups and downs in her life. However, whether it is at the peak of his career or at the trough of his life, Mao Amin has always maintained his love for life and dedication to music.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Today's Mao Amin, although she is far from the spotlight, she is still interpreting life in her own way. Her story is not only a legend of a star, but also a true portrayal of how an ordinary person grows up in the ebb and flow of life.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Perhaps, that's why her singing voice can touch so many people. Because in her singing, we hear not only a beautiful melody, but also a real and strong soul singing.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

Mao Amin's life, like the songs she sang, has highs and lows, laughter and tears. But no matter what, she used her own way to compose a moving song of life.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

From a diva in the music world to a widow of tens of billions, Mao Amin's life experience tells us: no matter what life gives us, we must face it bravely and never give up. Because only in this way can we sing our own wonderful chapters on the stage of life.

The "invincible" Mao Amin finally paid a painful price

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