
scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

In 2003, the Hong Kong entertainment industry set off a bloody storm. Xu Qiuyi, the once radiant "Golden Boy and Jade Girl", is preparing to join hands with Wang Shuqi, the "third-level film saint", to enter the marriage hall.

However, fate played a joke at this time. At a drunken entertainment party, Xu Qiuyi's predecessor Zhang Zhilin unintentionally confided a few words, which were like a bombshell, pushing the prospective newcomers to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

In the face of the media's fierce pursuit, Xu Qiuyi was furious and severely criticized Zhang Zhilin's remarks. In this storm, Wang Shuqi chose to stand firmly by his fiancée's side.

Can this pair of lovers who are about to tie the knot protect their love in the overwhelming doubts? What ups and downs has Xu Qiuyi's life experienced? Let's unravel the mystery of this saga.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

In 1968, a famous Cantonese opera family in Hong Kong ushered in a new life. Xu Qiuyi, a girl destined to be extraordinary, opened her eyes.

Her father, Hui Qiang, was a leader in the Cantonese opera industry, and he frequently appeared in TVB TV series in the 80s, which was very popular with audiences.

In such a strong artistic atmosphere, Xu Qiuyi's childhood was different. While the other children were still playing, she had already begun her arduous Cantonese opera training at a young age.

Under her father's strict guidance, basic exercises such as going to the hall, arching bridges, and one-word horses became part of her daily life. Xu Qiuyi's childhood was full of sweat and tears, but it was also in the process that her artistic talent was gradually revealed.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

After years of hard work, Xu Qiuyi has transformed into an excellent artist with a slim and graceful singing voice. Her efforts were not in vain, and the seeds of art took root in her heart, laying a solid foundation for her future acting career.

In 1991, 23-year-old Xu Qiuyi officially stepped into the showbiz with a dream. She signed with Fa Angli Music and debuted as a singer. However, when she first entered the music scene, she encountered unexpected challenges.

In the Hong Kong music scene at that time, diva-level singers such as Anita Mui, Ye Qianwen, and Lin Yilian were in their heyday, and their charming and sexy images dominated the public's aesthetics.

In contrast, Xu Qiuyi's immature baby face looks out of place, which has aroused a lot of doubts.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

In the face of these challenges, Xu Qiuyi was not discouraged. She knew that she had unlimited potential, and she just needed to wait for the right moment. She firmly believes that as long as she is given a chance, she can stand out in the highly competitive music scene.

Just as Xu Qiuyi was looking for a breakthrough, fate gave her an unexpected surprise. The appearance of a young male singer not only brought a turnaround to her career, but also opened a new chapter in her life.

This energetic young man is Zhang Zhilin, who will be as famous as her in the future.

Hui Qiuyi's story shows her resilience and talent, from the rigorous training of a Cantonese opera family, to her determination to bravely step into the music industry, to her perseverance in the face of doubt.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

This experience paved the way for her future glory in the entertainment industry, and also prepared her for the upcoming era of "Golden Boy and Jade Girl".

In 1991, an enviable "modern love story" in Hong Kong was quietly unfolding. On an ordinary working day, Xu Qiuyi focused on her work in the recording studio as usual.

Suddenly, the boss of the company happily broke in, followed by a young man. This young man who looks a little shy is Zhang Zhilin, who will be as famous as Xu Qiuyi in the future.

The boss said expectantly, "Maple, come and see what surprises I have for you!" Xu Qiuyi looked up at this energetic young man, and the eyes of the two met, as if something had quietly changed at that moment.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

The boss continued: "This lad is not only handsome, but also talented.

In this way, Xu Qiuyi and Zhang Zhilin began their cooperation. In November 1991, the album "Modern Love Story" was released. As soon as this album was released, it was like a fresh spring of water, breaking the monopoly of the king and queen of Hong Kong music.

The title song of the same name was sung on the streets and alleys, and the KTV on-demand rate soared and swept the major music charts, and finally achieved an amazing sales of double platinum.

The combination of Xu Qiuyi and Zhang Zhilin has been praised by the media as the "golden boy and girl" of the Hong Kong music scene. Their youthful faces and clear voices have won the love of countless fans.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

While their careers are thriving, the relationship between the two is also quietly growing in getting along day and night.

When Xu Qiuyi later recalled this time, her eyes were full of tenderness: "At that time, we were almost inseparable, and every time we met, we were full of joy. Feelings sprouted naturally.

Zhang Zhilin is my first love, and the relationship between us is pure and beautiful.

However, as the lyrics sing, "The good things in the world are not strong, and the colored clouds are easy to disperse and the glass is brittle", this seemingly perfect love story did not last long. In 1992, Zhang Zhilin took over the filming of the TV series "The Prodigal Son of the Border City" and met Yuan Yuyi on the set.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

Although Anita Yuan is known for her "short temper" in the circle, Zhang Zhilin fell in love with her at first sight. As the filming progresses, the two quickly fall in love.

Xu Qiuyi's "modern love story" came to an abrupt end. The pain of falling out of love has brought her to a low point.

At a concert, Xu Qiuyi sang this song with tears in her eyes, which moved countless fans. For a while, many fans even called to accuse Yuan Yuyi of being a "fox spirit".

This experience left a deep imprint on Xu Qiuyi, and she began to doubt love, while also focusing more on her career development.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

Despite being hurt inside, Xu Qiuyi did not give up her yearning for love. She believes that happiness will come to her. And fate seems to be waiting to surprise her, and a sincere love that can heal her pain is quietly approaching.

This brilliant time of "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" not only brought Xu Qiuyi the peak of her career, but also made her experience the sweetness and bitterness of love. These experiences became an important part of shaping her mature personality and preparing her for a turning point in her life.

When Xu Qiuyi's career was thriving, fate arranged an unexpected encounter for her. One day, she temporarily replaced her sister Zhao Xue, who was absent due to injury, to participate in an event.

It was on this seemingly ordinary day that she met a man who would change her life - Wang Shuqi.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

When Xu Qiuyi finished singing and was about to leave the stage, a handsome and dashing man walked towards her. He smiled and said, "Miss Xu, your singing voice is really intoxicating.

Would you have the pleasure of exchanging contact information with you? Xu Qiuyi was surprised to find that this personable gentleman was none other than Wang Shuqi, a well-known man in the entertainment industry.

Wang Shuqi, born in 1967, is one year older than Xu Qiuyi. His acting career is legendary. At the age of 8, Wang Shuqi was selected to participate in "Little Sun" because of his cute image, and thus stepped into the showbiz.

Two years later, he played the role of "He Jiaqi" in the TV series "When I Was a Child" and quickly became a well-known child star.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

However, as he grew older, Wang Shuqi's development in TVB encountered a bottleneck. Although his strength is good, in the era when the "Five Tigers" were in power, he could often only play a supporting role.

Faced with the pressure of the top management and the dilemma of long-term marginalization, Wang Shuqi resolutely left TVB in 1994 and switched to the tertiary film market.

In the field of tertiary films, Wang Shuqi showed a unique charm. He is good at choosing scripts, preferring those that are rich in plot and not only for the senses. With his unique "handsome" style, he has won the love of many fans, and is even honored as the "third-level film saint".

Xu Qiuyi was attracted by Wang Shuqi's frankness and humor. The two began to contact frequently, and whether it was work or life, they gradually became inseparable from each other. Whenever Xu Qiuyi receives a performance notice, she will always invite Wang Shuqi to be on the stage as soon as possible.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

Their relationship became increasingly close, and their common interests and tacit understanding made their relationship quickly warm up.

After getting along for a long time, Xu Qiuyi firmly believes that Wang Shuqi is her lifelong partner. She sighed: "In this life, there is only one man who can become my true son, and that is Wang Shuqi."

However, just as the two were about to enter the marriage hall hand in hand, fate played a joke on them again. In 2003, at a party in the entertainment industry, the drunk Zhang Zhilin unintentionally said some ambiguous words, which triggered speculation in the media.

These words soon reached the ears of Xu Qiuyi and Wang Shuqi, and the originally festive wedding preparations were instantly overshadowed.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

In the face of the media's pursuit and interception, Xu Qiuyi angrily accused Zhang Zhilin: "You are simply talking nonsense, ridiculous!" This incident put Xu Qiuyi in an unprecedented predicament.

However, at this critical moment, Wang Shuqi showed his responsibility and affection. He said firmly: "I don't care about Qiu Yi's past, I only care about our future."

His support gave Xu Qiuyi great courage, and the two finally worked together to get through this difficult time and held the wedding as scheduled.

This sincere love with the "third-level film saint" not only healed Xu Qiuyi's past pain, but also opened a new chapter in her life.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

After marriage, Xu Qiuyi broke out of her cocoon like a butterfly and started a new chapter in her life. She gradually faded out of the public eye and shifted the focus of her life to her family.

This former singer is now more keen to play the role of wife and mother.

After becoming a mother, Xu Qiuyi showed infinite maternal love. Despite her busy schedule, she always tries her best to balance career and family. Even if it was late, she would rush home, just so that she could personally say "good morning" to the child the next morning.

This delicate maternal love warms the whole family.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

In an in-depth interview, Xu Qiuyi revealed satisfaction and gratitude for the status quo. She sincerely said: "At the moment, I don't have too many luxuries, and I feel very happy and satisfied to have my loving parents, cherished husband, and lovely children."

Those pasts that once plagued her have now been relieved by her and turned into nutrients for life.

In 2011, an unexpected opportunity put Xu Qiuyi in the spotlight again. Zhang Zhilin invited her to sing the classic song "Modern Love Story" at his concert.

In the face of this special invitation, Xu Qiuyi showed tolerance and open-mindedness. When the two shared the stage again, Xu Qiuyi said gently: "It's been 19 years, you look a little thinner, but you're still so handsome."

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

This scene not only won the warm applause of the audience, but also allowed people to see her growth and mind.

This reunion seems like a perfect end to the past. Xu Qiuyi proved with her own actions that she not only achieved success in her career, but also achieved transformation on the road of life.

From a singer to a happy housewife, Xu Qiuyi has found her own value in life, and has also shown the wisdom and charm of a mature woman.

Today, although Xu Qiuyi occasionally participates in some commercial performances, more often she chooses to immerse herself in family life. She often shares her daily life through social media, showing the true face of a happy woman.

scolded Zhang Zhilin and married a third-level film actor, Xu Qiuyi has lived enough in this half of her life

The singer who used to shine on the stage now enjoys the bits and pieces of ordinary life even more.

Looking back on Xu Qiuyi's life trajectory, just like the role of "Red Child" she once played, she has experienced brilliance, setbacks and sweetness. From the daughter of a Cantonese opera family, to a rookie in the music industry, to a happy wife and mother, her life has been full of ups and downs but full of wonderful.

Xu Qiuyi's story tells us that there is no fixed script in life. No matter what ups and downs you go through, as long as you remain sincere and courageous, you will eventually find your own happiness.

Now she can still smile and embrace life after experiencing wind and rain, which may be the most beautiful portrayal of life.

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