
Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

author:Next:Peng Yuyan.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

Warm to home, chasing dreams without boundaries

Family is the most precious harbor in life. In this noisy world, it provides us with a sense of security and belonging, allowing us to breathe and rest. For artists, family is a place where they can let go of their glamorous appearance and show their true selves.

Not long ago, a warm gathering of actors Liu Xiaohui, Xu Qiuyi and Li Guoxiang stimulated the curiosity of many people. They are not only a group of dazzling artists on stage, but also ordinary people with touching family stories. This gathering gave us a glimpse of their real life off the stage and felt the warmth and strength of family.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

The stories of Liu Xiaohui, Xu Qiuyi, and Li Guoxiang are not only the epitome of the entertainment industry, but also an inspiration and inspiration for all families. While pursuing their dreams, they are still able to take care of their families, showing a strong sense of responsibility and love. This makes us realize that the balance between family and career is the key to a happy life.

A heartwarming dinner marked another important milestone in the lives of the three artists. Through this gathering, we not only saw their real side in life, but also felt the power of their families, as well as the artists' cherishing of their dreams and fans. Let's walk into this warm family together and feel the overflowing love and hope.

A dream of dance, a dream of music, a dream of balance

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

"Family is the most important harbor in life, it is not only the source of love, but also the place where dreams set sail." This sentence just shows the life portrayal of Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui.

For Xu Qiuyi, family is undoubtedly her most important support. Despite suffering from sciatica for a long time, she is still looking forward to realizing her dream of dancing. At the upcoming "Cantonese Singing, the More Happy" concert, she plans to showcase her dancing talent, which is not only a realization of her personal dream, but also a challenge for herself.

For this resilient woman, her family has not only supported her, but also become a source of motivation for her to pursue her dreams. At the party, she humorously mentioned that her husband would push her if she needed to be in a wheelchair, and joked that she might be pushed off the lake. Behind these humorous words, she reflects her optimistic attitude towards life and her unremitting pursuit of dreams.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

For Liu Xiaohui, the decision to return to the stage this time also came from a trip to Xishuangbanna and was encouraged by fans. With this concert, she hopes to thank the fans who have supported her over the years and plans to continue touring in the future.

For Liu Xiaohui, this is not only a review of her career, but also a thank you to fans for their support over the years. She said that she hopes to give back to those fans who have always supported her through this concert, so that more audiences can enjoy her musical talent.

For these two artists, their families not only gave them a solid backing, but also became a source of motivation for them to pursue their dreams. In the warmth of family, they are able to discover their inner world, discover their hidden talents, and bravely show them to the world. Such stories not only make us feel the artist's cherishing of family, but also make us realize the importance of family to realize our dreams.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

For Li Guoxiang, this cooperation with Liu Xiaohui and Xu Qiuyi also means a perfect integration of career and family. The trio will hold their "Cantonese Singing the Funr" concert in Guangzhou next month, which is not only an important moment in their careers, but also a reward for the support of fans over the years.

While pursuing their career dreams, the three of them also integrate the warmth of their families into it, using the power of music to transmit positive energy, so that more people can feel the power of family. Such a story has undoubtedly become the best interpretation of artists seeking a balance between career and family.

There is a dream and a home, and it is worthy of the heart

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

As the saying goes, the golden house hides the beauty, but for Xu Qiuyi's son Wang Xuanqi, his family is more like a greenhouse that cultivates his dreams. Since kindergarten, he has had dozens of certificates and awards, and has been admitted to many primary schools, which shows that Wang has been an outstanding child since he was a child.

Behind these achievements, it is not only Wang Xuan's own efforts, but also the careful cultivation and encouragement of his parents. Xu Qiuyi and Wang Shuqi have shown great wisdom in family education. In order to take care of their son's upbringing, they coordinate with each other in terms of performance schedules to ensure that they can find a balance between career and family.

Even though Xu Qiuyi's performance in the mainland earns a lot of money and has a net worth of more than 100 million, she still puts her family first, showing her responsibility and responsibility as a mother and wife. And the realization of her dance dream this time also comes from the full expectation of her family.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

At the party, Xu Qiuyi showed infinite pride and expectation when talking about her son. She shared that Wang is talented in singing and dancing, but she used to not allow her son to participate in too many acting activities due to his heavy academic workload. Now, as her son grows up and shows off his talents, Hui reveals that she is willing to give him more freedom in the future, allowing him to explore freely on the path of art and pursue his dreams.

This kind of selfless support and encouragement for children has undoubtedly become the most solid backing for Wang Xuanqi's growth. At the age of 20, he is not only tall and handsome, but also shows a rare calmness and calmness in front of the camera, this temperament not only comes from appearance, but also from the accumulation of family education and his own cultivation.

Such a family story has undoubtedly become a response for all parents

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

Continuing from the previous article, let's explore this heartwarming family story further.

For a child like Wang Xuanqi, his growth trajectory is undoubtedly enviable. But what we should pay more attention to is the careful cultivation and encouragement of his parents behind him. Xu Qiuyi and Wang Shuqi use love and wisdom to create a supportive growth environment for their children.

At the peak of her career, Xu Qiuyi still put her family first. She gave up more acting opportunities to ensure that she could balance her career and family. This sense of responsibility and responsibility has undoubtedly become the most solid support for Wang Xuan's growth.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

As Xu Qiuyi said, she once did not allow her son to participate too much in performance, so that he could concentrate on his studies and grow up healthily. Now seeing her son's outstanding talent, she is pleased to say that she will be given more freedom to explore freely on the path of art and pursue his dreams. This heartfelt pride and expectation makes us feel the beauty of this family.

For Liu Xiaohui, this return to the stage also expresses deep gratitude to fans. She has not held a solo concert for 27 years, which is undoubtedly an important turning point in her life. During her trip to Xishuangbanna, she felt the support and encouragement of her fans, so she made up her mind to take the stage again and give back to all those who supported her.

This cherishing of fans has undoubtedly become the most solid driving force for Liu Xiaohui's career. She said that she hopes that through this concert, more audiences can appreciate her musical talent and let her career take off again. Such a story has undoubtedly become the best interpretation of the deep friendship between artists and fans.

Xu Qiuyi and Liu Xiaohui's two families have a dinner! The 20-year-old son is tall and handsome, and Su Zhiwei's daughter is really eye-catching

And for the concert that the three are about to work together, it is a rare opportunity. They will perform the new song "Hum This Song" together, which not only expresses their love for music, but also becomes a memorial of this collaboration. On stage, they will give back to their fans in their own way, so that more people can feel the warmth of family and the power of dreams.

Overall, this gathering and the upcoming concert are not only a stage for artists to showcase their talents, but also a sincere reward for their families and fans. Through these heartwarming scenes and touching stories, we see the real side of the artists in life, and feel the power of family and the value of love.

I hope that such stories can convey more positive energy, so that more people can realize the importance of family, cherish the relatives around them, and pursue a better life and dreams together. Let's witness the wonderful transformation of these artists in their careers and families, and applaud their future.

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