
Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

The first rays of dawn had just broken through the edge of night, and a hazy mist was slowly rising in the jungle on the border. In this mysterious land, a group of Vietnam veterans are quietly marching, their figures looming in the mist, as if the ghosts of history are telling the glory and suffering of the past.

These veterans, their faces are carved with the marks of time, and every wrinkle seems to tell a story of war and peace. Their steps were firm and steady, and despite their age, the fortitude and indomitability of the soldiers were still clearly visible. They wore faded military uniforms and carried heavy backpacks on their shoulders, which contained not only the necessities of survival, but also their respect and nostalgia for that period of history.

The trees in the jungle are tall and dense, and the dew drops on the leaves shimmer in the morning light. The veterans weave through this green labyrinth, their eyes alert and focused, their ears listening to what is happening around them. They know that there have been countless battles in this land, and that danger may be hidden around every corner.

During the march, the veterans would occasionally stop and stare at a certain piece of land or a certain tree. Their eyes showed deep emotion, as if they were talking to the land, to the comrades who were buried here. They may be reminiscing about the battles they once had, the days when they fought side by side, the moments of life and death together.

The fog gradually lifted, the sun began to shine on the land, and the figures of the veterans became clearer. They kept going, firm and powerful with every step. They know that although the war is gone, the road to peace is still long and difficult. With their actions, they interpret the desire for peace, respect for history, and hope for the future.

In this frontier jungle, the march of the veterans is not only a physical trek, but also a spiritual baptism. In their own way, they commemorate the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people, and at the same time remind the world of the preciousness and hard-won nature of peace. Their figures, like an inextinguishable flame, illuminate the road ahead in this land and warm the hearts of every traveler who passes by.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In this frontier jungle at dawn, Vietnam veterans are burdened with heavy loads as they search for a secret warehouse where vast quantities of supplies can be stored. The task was both a challenge and a tribute to their past experiences. They know that this secret warehouse may be hiding important supplies, and for them, it is not just a simple search, but also a trace of history and preparation for the future.

The backpacks on the veterans' shoulders were heavy and filled with all the essentials: dry food, water, first aid kits, maps, compasses, and the weapons they needed to survive. These items are not only the guarantee of their survival, but also the key to their mission. They know that the jungle is full of unknowns and dangers, and only by being well prepared can they ensure the successful completion of the mission.

Their steps are firm and powerful, leaving deep footprints on the wet earth with every step. These footprints are like markers in their life's journey, recording their tenacity and perseverance. Their eyes are firm, their gaze is like a torch, and even in the dense fog and dense forest, they never lose their way. Their goal is clear, and that is to find that secret warehouse, no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead.

In the search process, the veterans showed their wealth of experience and excellent teamwork skills. They have a clear division of labor, some are responsible for scouting the road ahead, some are responsible for maintaining order in the team, and some are responsible for being ready to respond to possible emergencies. Their tacit cooperation is like a well-trained army, and every movement seems so coordinated and efficient.

The environment in the jungle is complex and varied, sometimes the sun casts dappled light through the gaps in the leaves, and sometimes it is dark and damp. The veterans remained alert and calm in such an environment, their senses trained to be so sharp that even the slightest sound could not escape their ears.

They know that this secret warehouse may be hidden in the deepest part of the jungle, or it may be cleverly camouflaged and not easily detected. However, they did not flinch in the slightest, because they knew that this was not only a search mission, but also a review of past experiences and preparation for the future.

In this frontier jungle, the march of the veterans is not only a physical trek, but also a spiritual baptism. They carry heavy loads, have a firm purpose, and are full of strength and determination at every step. Their figures, like an inextinguishable flame, illuminate the road ahead in this land and warm the hearts of every traveler who passes by.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

Deep in the heart of Viet Nam, the PLA operation is underway. This is not only a military operation, but also a severe test of tactical flexibility and material supply capabilities. In this strange land, our fighters faced unprecedented challenges, but they were determined and determined to overcome all odds.

First of all, tactical flexibility is the key to this operation. Viet Nam's terrain is complex and varied, with dense jungles and rivers, which places high demands on our tactical deployment. Our commanders must adapt their tactics to the changing battlefield environment in a flexible manner according to the actual situation. This requires them to have keen insight and a wealth of practical experience to be able to make the right decisions in critical moments.

In this land, our warriors had to learn how to march covertly in the jungle, how to quickly cross rivers in rivers, how to deploy effectively in the mountains. They need to master the combat skills of various terrains to ensure that they can react quickly and perform their missions effectively in any situation.

Secondly, the test of material supply capacity is equally important. Going deep behind enemy lines, far from the rear bases, it became extremely difficult to replenish supplies. Our logistics forces must overcome many obstacles to ensure that soldiers on the front lines have access to adequate ammunition, food and medical supplies. This requires them to have excellent organizational and coordination skills and efficient logistics management skills.

During this operation, our logistics support units demonstrated extraordinary capabilities. They ensured the timely supply of materials through airdrops, land transportation and other means. They have also established an effective material distribution and management system to ensure that every material can be used rationally and maximize its effectiveness.

In addition, it would be said that our fighters have also shown a high level of adaptability and survivability. With limited supplies, they learned how to find food and water in the jungle and how to use local resources to survive. They also learned how to maintain good health in a harsh environment and how to prevent and treat various diseases.

In this operation deep into the heart of Viet Nam, our fighters had to face not only the threat of the enemy, but also the challenges of the natural environment. They must be tactically flexible and efficient and reliable in their supplies to ensure the success of the operation.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

Our warriors are writing legendary stories with their wisdom and courage. They have left their footprints on this land, proving that the PLA's tactical flexibility and material supply capabilities can stand the test. Their actions are not only a powerful blow to the enemy, but also a comprehensive test of our own capabilities.

In this battlefield full of unknowns, our fighters are facing a difficult task. They carried only enough food to last three days, which meant that their survival and combat ability would be heavily dependent on supply shipments from the rear. This is not only a test of the soldiers' own endurance and combat skills, but also a severe challenge to the entire logistics support system.

The fighters knew that the food they carried was the bottom line of their survival. Every grain of rice, every slice of bread, must be carefully calculated to ensure that in the next three days, they will have enough energy to carry out their tasks and deal with possible battles. They understand that once they run out of food, they will have to rely on supplies from the rear, which is a risky task in a hostile environment.

Before setting out, the fighters underwent rigorous training to learn how to survive and fight with limited resources. They learned how to find food and water in the wild, and how to use local plants and animals for energy. They also learned how to make the most of the resources at hand without supplies, such as how to distribute food wisely and how to use ammunition sparingly.

However, despite the fighters' full preparations, the supply transportation in the rear remained the key to their survival. The logistical support forces must overcome many difficulties to ensure the safety and smooth flow of supply lines. They need to deliver food, ammunition, medical supplies, etc. to the front line in a timely manner under the surveillance and attack of the enemy. This requires excellent tactical planning skills, as well as the ability to perform tasks in complex environments.

On this battlefield, the tacit cooperation between the soldiers and the logistics support force is crucial. Fighters must accurately report their needs and locations, while logistics units must respond quickly to ensure that supplies arrive in a timely manner. This kind of efficient communication and collaboration is key to ensuring that soldiers can continue to fight on the front lines.

The fighters were well aware that every movement of theirs involved supply lines in the rear. They had to keep the mission done while trying to minimize their dependence on supplies. This required them to be more cautious and efficient in battle, to be precisely calculated for every sortie and to be swift and orderly for every retreat.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In this challenging land, the warriors are writing legendary stories with their wisdom and courage. Although the food they carry is limited, their will and determination are unlimited. They are confident that as long as supplies from the rear arrive in time, they will be able to overcome all odds, complete the task and defend our country and people.

On the battlefield, the importance of logistical supply lines is self-evident. It is like a lifeline, providing a steady stream of supplies and support to the soldiers on the front line. However, in the land of Viet Nam, this lifeline is under great threat. With its unique guerrilla tactics, the Viet Nam army constantly tried to disrupt our supply lines, posing a huge challenge to our logistical support.

The Viet Nam army's guerrilla tactics were flexible, and they were adept at taking advantage of the terrain and environment to move covertly and quickly. They may set up ambushes in the jungle or launch surprise attacks at night with the aim of cutting off our supply lines and weakening our fighting power. This tactic keeps our logistics forces on high alert at all times, and must be ready to respond to a possible attack.

In order to protect this vital supply line, our logistics forces have taken a series of measures. First of all, they have stepped up patrols and alerts on supply lines to ensure that any abnormal situations can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner. They also increased the concealment of supply lines, making it difficult for the enemy to predict and intercept by changing the routes and timing of transports.

In addition, I would like to say that our logistics troops have also strengthened communication and coordination with front-line troops to ensure that supplies can be delivered in a timely and accurate manner. Using radio and other means of communication, they have established an efficient information transmission network, so that the needs of the front line can be quickly communicated to the logistics troops, and the supply of the logistics troops can be quickly responded.

In this battle to defend the supply line, our logistics troops showed extraordinary perseverance and wisdom. They had to deal not only with direct enemy attacks, but also with harsh natural environments and complex terrain. They have to take into account the efficiency and cost of replenishment while ensuring the safety of supply lines, which is a very complex and difficult task.

However, despite the difficulties, our logistics units remained at their posts and ensured the smooth flow of supply lines. Their efforts and sacrifices have provided a solid backing for the soldiers on the front line, allowing our troops to continue to fight on the battlefield and effectively fight the enemy.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

Although the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Nam army were cunning, our logistics units were not vegetarian either. Through continuous learning and adaptation, they gradually mastered the methods of dealing with guerrilla tactics. They know that as long as the supply lines are safe, our army will be able to maintain a strong fighting force and ultimately win this war.

In this challenging land, our logistics troops are guarding this lifeline with their wisdom and courage. Their stories, although not as vigorous as those of the front-line fighters, are equally full of hardships and glory. Their perseverance and hard work are an important guarantee for our victory.

When troops go behind enemy lines, the risks they face are no joke. Imagine you're walking down a narrow path surrounded by dense jungle and your view is so tightly blocked that you don't even know what's going to happen in the next second. This is the reality that our troops face behind enemy lines.

First of all, the terrain behind enemy lines is complex and densely forested, which makes the march of troops extremely difficult. Warriors must always be vigilant, as the enemy may be hiding in a corner, ready to attack. Moreover, this environment also brings great challenges to the delivery of materials. Roads are impassable, vehicles are difficult to enter, and many times, the transportation of materials can only rely on manpower, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty and risk of transportation.

Disruptions to the delivery of materials have occurred from time to time. Sometimes, because of enemy sabotage, they may set traps on the road or attack the transport team directly. Sometimes, it is because of the harsh natural environment, such as sudden rainstorms, which may wash away the roads and prevent the delivery of materials in time. In either case, it will have a great impact on the operation of the troops.

In this case, the survival and combat capability of the troops largely depends on the timely supply of supplies. If the delivery of supplies is blocked, the fighters may face problems such as food shortages and ammunition shortages, which will not only affect their combat effectiveness, but may also endanger their lives.

In order to deal with these risks, the troops have taken a number of measures. First of all, they have strengthened the protection of transport routes, increased the frequency of patrols to prevent sabotage by the enemy. Secondly, they improved the concealment of material transportation, and reduced the possibility of being detected by the enemy by changing the transportation time and route. In addition, I would like to say that the troops have also strengthened communication with the rear to ensure that they can receive timely support when the delivery of materials is blocked.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

However, even with these measures, the troops still face great risks when they penetrate deep behind enemy lines. Blockages in the delivery of supplies still occur from time to time, which is a severe test for the troops' operational plans and the survival of the soldiers.

In such an environment, the unity and cooperation of the troops are particularly important. The fighters must support each other and face difficulties together. They need to remain calm and determined, and even in the face of a shortage of supplies, maintain combat effectiveness as much as possible and complete combat missions.

The risks faced by the troops when they penetrate deep behind enemy lines and the obstruction of the delivery of materials are a double test of their will and ability. They must show extraordinary courage and wisdom in order to survive in this land full of unknowns and dangers and continue their mission.

February 22, this date may be marked a special red on the calendar of the troops, because on this day, our fighters entered the third day of no pay. This is no joke, three days without food is a huge test for anyone, let alone on the battlefield, where a high level of alertness and physical strength is required.

Imagine that you've not eaten anything for three days in a row, your stomach growls with hunger, but you still have to carry heavy gear and traverse rough mountain roads, always ready for the possible enemy. This is the reality that our fighters are facing. Their stamina was exhausted, and every step seemed extremely difficult, but their eyes were still steadfast, and their faith remained unyielding.

In such a situation, the warriors' bodies and wills were greatly tested. Their muscles were sore from lack of energy, and their gait was heavy from hunger. However, they did not give up, did not back down. They know that their mission is not only for themselves, but also for the security of the country and the people.

On the third day of no pay, the commanders of the troops were faced with a difficult choice. They need to find a balance between keeping their troops fighting and ensuring the survival of their fighters. They may reduce the distance they march to reduce the physical exertion of the warriors; They may adjust the battle plan to reduce direct conflicts. However, no matter what decision they make, the fighters will obey unconditionally, knowing that it is for the survival and victory of the entire army.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In such a predicament, solidarity and mutual assistance among the fighters are particularly important. They may share the last piece of dry food and may take turns carrying the heaviest gear to lighten each other's loads. Their team spirit is most fully manifested in this moment, and their brotherhood is even stronger in this moment.

Despite physical exhaustion, despite starvation, the warriors continued to march and fight. They know that as long as they can stand and hold their weapons, they can't give up. Their persistence is not only to complete the mission, but also to show the enemy their indomitable spirit.

In this land, our warriors are writing legendary stories with their actions. Their perseverance and courage are an inspiration to all of us. Their stories, although not flowery rhetoric, are full of power and emotion. Their persistence makes us believe that no matter what kind of difficulties we face, as long as we have firm conviction and an indomitable spirit, we will definitely be able to overcome them.

That afternoon, the sun shone dappled through the sparse clouds and dappled the jungle floor. The troops were marching along a winding path, and the faces of the warriors were full of exhaustion, but there was still a sparkle of determination in their eyes. They know that every inch of the land can hide danger, and every march can be a test of life and death.

At this moment, a dense burst of gunfire suddenly broke the silence of the jungle. The Vietnamese ambush came without warning, and bullets rained down from all directions. The troops immediately fell into disarray, but soon the shouts of the commander penetrated the gunfire, and the fighters quickly found cover and began to organize a counterattack.

The battle was particularly difficult in the face of an extreme shortage of supplies. The fighters had limited ammunition and food and water were scarce, but they had no choice but to rely on what few resources they had left to fight back. They take advantage of the terrain and skillfully evade enemy fire while looking for opportunities to return fire.

During the battle, the fighters showed amazing courage and intelligence. With limited ammunition, they accurately hit the enemy's firing points and effectively suppressed the Vietnamese offensive. Despite hunger and exhaustion, their will was as hard as steel, sustaining them to keep fighting.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In this sudden ambush, the unity and coordination of the troops played a crucial role. The fighters support each other and face the enemy's attacks together. Some of them were responsible for covering, some for counterattacking, and still others for treating the wounded. Everyone is doing their part to make sure the troops can hold out.

As the battle continued, the troops gradually stabilized their position. They began to methodically organize counterattacks, weakening the enemy's firepower step by step. Despite the scarcity of supplies, their will to fight was unusually strong. They know that only by fighting can they protect their comrades, complete their missions, and return to their homeland.

This battle was not only a test of the combat effectiveness of the troops, but also a test of the will and spirit of the soldiers. In the face of an extreme shortage of supplies, they were able to persist in fighting back, which was a victory in itself. Their actions prove that even under the most difficult conditions, as long as there is firm conviction and an indomitable spirit, it is possible to overcome all difficulties.

The battle continues, and the sound of gunfire, explosions, and shouts mingles together to form the most tragic movement in this land. Our fighters are using their actions to interpret what courage is, what sacrifice is, and what responsibility is. Their stories will forever be remembered on this land and inspire those who come after them.

The smoke of the battle is fading, but the challenges facing the troops are far from over. After a fierce exchange of fire, the troops had to face a serious problem - the handling of the wounded. On the battlefield, the condition of the wounded is always varied, some fighters may have only minor abrasions, while others may be in danger of life. In such cases, timely and effective medical treatment is particularly important.

However, the reality is not rosy. The shortage of medical supplies has become another problem that the troops have to face. In battles deep behind enemy lines, the troops' logistical supply lines may have been cut off or destroyed in battle. This means that already limited medical supplies have become even more strained, and may even have run out.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In this case, the medical staff of the army took on a huge responsibility. They must treat every wounded person as much as possible, with limited resources. This is not only a test of their medical skills, but also a test of their wisdom and determination. They need to carry out emergency treatment and surgery without adequate medicines and equipment, with the resources they have.

The handling of the wounded is complex and cumbersome. First of all, the medics need to classify the wounded and determine which ones need immediate treatment and which can be dealt with later. They then need to evaluate the injury and develop a treatment plan accordingly. In the process, they must make quick and accurate judgments, because time is of the essence.

Due to the shortage of medical supplies, the medical corps had to resort to some unconventional means. They may use local plants to make makeshift medicines or perform surgeries with improvised tools. They may even need to operate without anesthesia, which is a great test for both the wounded and the medics.

In addition, I would like to say that the troops also need to take into account the transfer of the wounded. After the battle, troops may need to be quickly transferred to avoid enemy pursuit. This means that the transfer of the wounded must also be swift and orderly. Troops may need to organize temporary stretcher teams or use vehicles for transfer. Ensuring the safety and comfort of the wounded is crucial in this process.

Faced with the problem of wounded handling and shortage of medical supplies, the troops showed great adaptability and creativity. They work as a team, share resources, and use local resources to provide the best possible care for the wounded. Their efforts and sacrifices have provided a valuable opportunity for the survival and recovery of the wounded.

In this challenging land, the medical soldiers of the army are guarding the lives of every soldier with their professionalism and courage. Their stories, although without the smoke and artillery fire of the battlefield, are equally full of tension and danger. Their perseverance and hard work are an important guarantee for our victory.

In this war-torn land, the wounded are experiencing unspeakable suffering. Many of them are lying in rudimentary makeshift health facilities, enduring the pain of their wounds. The harsh surrounding environment, hot and humid weather, and mosquito infestation undoubtedly exacerbated the suffering of the wounded. Some of them may feel weak due to excessive blood loss, some may have a fever due to an infected wound, and some may have difficulty sleeping because of the pain.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In such an environment, the work of medical staff has become extremely difficult. They are facing not only the physical pain of the wounded, but also the challenges of lack of resources. Medicines, bandages, disinfectants, these seemingly ordinary medical supplies in peacetime have become extremely valuable on the battlefield. Medical staff must make the most rational allocation and use of limited resources to ensure that every wounded person receives the necessary treatment.

Despite the difficult conditions, the medical staff did not give up. They worked day and night, doing their best to alleviate the suffering of the wounded. They may use salt water instead of disinfectant, clean strips of cloth instead of bandages, and may even use local herbs to relieve the pain of the wounded. Every innovation and attempt of theirs is a respect for life and adherence to duty.

In the face of scarce resources, healthcare workers must also use their ingenuity and creativity. They may use discarded items from the battlefield, such as empty cans and old clothes, to make improvised medical tools. They may use a flashlight or torch to perform the night surgery without electricity. They may even use ice or alcohol to relieve the pain of the casualty without an anesthetic.

The dedication of the medical staff is not only physical, but also mental. They need to endure tremendous psychological pressure, facing the pain and death of the wounded, which is a great test for them. But they still stick to their posts, using their expertise and compassion to comfort and treat every wounded.

In this land full of suffering, medical workers are interpreting the spirit of humanitarianism with their actions. Their efforts and sacrifices brought hope and warmth to the wounded. Their stories, although there is no gunpowder smoke and artillery fire on the battlefield, are equally full of courage and perseverance. Their perseverance and hard work are an example to all of us.

In this challenging land, our troops are facing unprecedented difficulties. Shortage of materials, existential crisis, every day is like walking a tightrope, and if you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss. The faces of the warriors were full of exhaustion, but the light in their eyes remained steadfast. They know that only by persevering can they usher in a turnaround.

It was at such a difficult moment that an unexpected piece of intelligence broke the silence. A Viet Nam prisoner, perhaps out of weariness of war or the last vestiges of trust in humanity, revealed an important message to our troops – the location of one of the Vietnamese army's material storage sites. The news was like a ray of light in the darkness, illuminating the hopes of the troops.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

The process of receiving intelligence was intense and cautious. Our intelligence officers, having assured the reliability of the source, quickly escalated this information to the commander. Immediately upon receipt of the information, the commander convened an emergency meeting to discuss the authenticity of the information and the feasibility of the operation. They know that this could be a trap or an opportunity, and no matter what, they have to be treated with caution.

After some heated discussions, the commander made a decision: to send a small detachment to the reconnaissance. This squad is made up of experienced, resourceful and brave fighters who will carry the necessary equipment and infiltrate behind enemy lines to verify the authenticity of the intelligence. If the intelligence is true, they will try to seize supplies in order to alleviate the plight of the troops.

The actions of the squad were secret and swift. They set off under the cover of night, through the jungle, across the river, and cautiously approached the target location. Every step was fraught with danger, but their hearts were filled with unwavering conviction. They know that this is not just for themselves, but for the survival of the entire army.

After some arduous reconnaissance, the squad finally confirmed the accuracy of the intelligence. The Vietnamese army's supply stash was hidden in a hidden cave filled with food, ammunition and other supplies. When the news reached the troops, everyone felt a sense of relief. While the process of seizing supplies may be fraught with danger, at least they see hope.

In the midst of the shortage of materials and the existential crisis, the information received by the troops was undoubtedly a relief in the snow. It not only provides the possibility of survival for the troops, but also stimulates the fighting spirit of the soldiers. They know that as long as they are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. This information has become the driving force for the troops to continue to move forward and the hope for them to overcome difficulties.

The night was inky, the stars were sparse, and a search team moved quietly in the silent darkness. Their goal is the mysterious material storage point, a key point that could change the tide of the war. The soldiers walked lightly but firmly, and they knew that the success of this operation was related to the survival and combat capability of the entire unit.

The squad consists of several experienced scouts who have a keen sense of the terrain and are well aware of enemy movement patterns. They wore camouflage uniforms and camouflage oil paint on their faces, blending in with the night. They carry the necessary equipment: night vision devices, radios, maps and weapons, each of which is designed to deal with any situation that may arise.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

Prior to the start of the operation, the team had carefully analyzed and planned the intelligence. They chose a stealthy route, avoiding enemy patrols and sentinels. Under the cover of night, they made their way through the jungle and across the stream, taking care with every step, avoiding any noise that would alarm the enemy.

As time passed, the squad gradually approached the target area. They use night vision devices to observe their surroundings and look for any possible clues. Suddenly, one of the scouts noticed some unusual signs: some trampled grass, some trailed tracks, which indicated that they were not far from their target.

The tacit cooperation between the team members is particularly important at this moment. They communicate with gestures and whispers, assign tasks, prepare for the final reconnaissance. When they finally found the hidden cave entrance, the tension reached its peak. They knew that it could be hidden with enemy guards, or it could be full of traps.

After some careful scouting and removing obstacles, the team finally entered the cave. When they turned on their flashlights and illuminated the inside of the cave, they could hardly believe their eyes. It was piled up with boxes of supplies: food, ammunition, medical supplies, and even some spare weapons and equipment. The discovery of these materials is undoubtedly a great wealth for the troops who are extremely short of materials.

A long-lost smile appeared on the faces of the fighters, and they knew that these supplies would greatly relieve the pressure on the troops and improve their combat capabilities. They quickly and orderly began to move supplies, preparing to bring them back to the troops. Although they knew that they might encounter more dangers on the way back, at this moment, their hearts were full of hope and strength.

The success of this search operation not only brought much-needed supplies to the troops, but also greatly boosted the morale of the fighters. They know that nothing is impossible as long as they stick together and face difficulties bravely. This night will become the brightest page in their memory.

When the search team found the supplies in the cave, they were pleasantly surprised to find that they contained aid from China. These supplies are not just objects, they carry deep meaning, they are a symbol of international friendship and a powerful support in difficult times.

Veteran's personal experience: without food and medicine, wounded soldiers died on stretchers, and soldiers in the Vietnamese army warehouse were found crying in unison

In those boxes, there were medical kits labeled in Chinese with much-needed medicines and medical equipment; There are food boxes labeled in Chinese, which contain dry food and canned food that can quickly replenish energy; There are also ammunition boxes marked in Chinese, which contain sophisticated weapons and ammunition. The appearance of these materials, for the troops, is like a charcoal fire sent in the cold winter night, warm and timely.

The significance of these Chinese aid materials to the troops is multifaceted. First of all, they greatly alleviate the problem of material shortages in the troops. In the face of continuous combat and the cutting off of supply lines, these supplies of aid are undoubtedly a relief in the snow, providing the troops with a material basis to continue fighting.

Secondly, the arrival of these materials also plays a non-negligible role in improving the morale of the troops. Soldiers may feel tired and frustrated in a tough battle, but when they see these aids from afar, a warm current wells up in their hearts. They know that they are not alone and that they have strong support and care behind them.

In addition, these materials aided by China are also an improvement in the combat effectiveness of the troops. Sophisticated weapons and ammunition allow soldiers to be more confident and more effective in their missions on the battlefield. Sufficient medical supplies can ensure that the wounded receive timely treatment, reduce combat attrition, and maintain the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Finally, I would like to say that the existence of these materials is also an encouragement to the spirit of the troops. They reinforce the soldiers' conviction that a just cause will always be supported and that there is always hope if they persevere, no matter how difficult the challenges they face. This belief is an important force that supports the soldiers to move forward bravely on the battlefield.

In this challenging land, China's aid has become a strong backing for the troops. They are not just some objects, but also a kind of spiritual support, a kind of faith encouragement. The presence of these supplies has strengthened the belief of the soldiers of the army that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as they are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. These materials have become the driving force for them to continue to advance in the battle.

When the warriors found those supplies in that hidden cave, their emotions were mixed. On the one hand, they felt an indescribable sense of excitement and relief. Imagine you've been struggling with hunger and exhaustion for days on end, and suddenly, you find a treasure trove full of things that can save you and your comrades' lives. The feeling of seeing hope in despair is like finding a haven in a storm.

But on the other hand, when they saw the Chinese aid contained in those supplies, their emotions became mixed again. These supplies were originally sent to Viet Nam as goodwill aid out of humanitarian and fraternal affection. However, these supplies are now being used by the Viet Nam army against the countries that once helped them. This betrayal made the fighters angry and disappointed.

The anger of the fighters was palpable. Their eyes flickered with fire, and their fists clenched, as if to turn this betrayal into strength. They feel deceived and feel that their kindness is being taken advantage of. This anger is not only because of the theft of goods, but also because of the betrayal of trust and friendship.

Driven by this emotion, the determination of the fighters was strengthened. They know that the discovery of these supplies is not just a simple matter of supplies, but a question of justice and betrayal. They decided to take these supplies back, not only for the survival of themselves and their comrades, but also to maintain the betrayed trust and friendship.

The fighters began to move these supplies quickly and in an orderly manner. They know that time is of the essence and that the enemy may find out about their actions at any time. They carefully carried their supplies out of the cave, avoiding any noise that might alarm the enemy. They move quickly and efficiently, and everyone is clear about their tasks and responsibilities.

In the process, the mood of the fighters gradually calmed down, but their anger did not go away. Instead, the anger turned into a force, a force that pushed them on. They know that only by fighting can those who betray pay the price and justice be served.

The discovery of these materials is not only a simple supply for the soldiers, but also a spiritual awakening. They realized that there was not only a hail of bullets on the battlefield, but also trust and betrayal, friendship and hostility. These complex emotions have become the motivation for them to fight, and they have also become the reason for them to persevere.