
The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang, this name may not be conspicuous in the long river of history, but his story is full of twists and turns and helplessness. He is a veteran, a soldier who has paid sweat and blood for the country and the people in the war-torn years. However, when the smoke of war dissipated and the dawn of peace appeared, he fell into a difficult dilemma - his identity could not be proven.

In that turbulent era, many veterans like Hou Lixiang lost or destroyed their identification documents after the end of the war for various reasons, which made them face various difficulties and challenges after returning to society. Hou Lixiang was no exception, his military certificate was unfortunately lost during a flight, which made his identity obscure, and he became a man with no past.

Misunderstandings in society ensued. In that era of information blockage, people were always wary and suspicious of unidentified people. Hou Lixiang's silence and low profile did not win him understanding and sympathy, but instead caused him to suffer a lot of rolling eyes and cynicism. His once heroic and sacrificed, without proof, became worthless.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang's predicament is not only a lack of identity, but also a lack of social identity. He felt abandoned by the times and forgotten by society. His heart is full of confusion and helplessness, he doesn't know where his future lies, and he doesn't know how he can prove his worth.

In this case, Hou Lixiang did not give up. He began to run around looking for clues that would prove his identity. He visited his former comrades-in-arms, visited the battlefields, and even did whatever it took to retrieve the documents that could prove his identity. His persistence and hard work, although it did not pay off at the beginning, never gave up hope.

The story of Hou Lixiang is a microcosm of many veterans of that era. They gave everything for their country, but in peacetime they encountered the dilemma of identity and social misunderstanding. Their stories deserve our attention and consideration. In today's era of advanced information, we may be able to better understand and help these former heroes, so that their contributions are duly respected and recognized.

Hou Lixiang's predicament also shows us the importance of society to individual identity. A person's identity is not only his personal matter, but also the recognition and acceptance of him by society. When a person's identity cannot be proven, he is left alone and his rights and dignity are threatened.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Therefore, we should pay more attention to and protect everyone's identity information, and avoid letting heroes like Hou Lixiang fall into trouble because of some force majeure factors. At the same time, I would like to say that we should also improve the inclusiveness and understanding of society, and give more care and help to those who are unable to prove their identity for various reasons, so that they can feel the warmth and support of society.

In this context, Hou Lixiang stumbled upon a familiar name in the newspaper - Yang Dezhi. The name was like a bolt of lightning that illuminated the darkness in his heart. Yang Dezhi, the old superior who fought side by side with him on the battlefield, is now a high-powered general. Hou Lixiang's heart swelled with hope, and he decided to find this old superior, hoping to prove his identity through him.

Hou Lixiang's decision is undoubtedly an important turning point in his life. He began to plan his own itinerary and prepared to embark on a journey to find Yang Dezhi. He knew the road wouldn't be easy, but he also knew that it was his only chance to prove who he was. He began to gather information about Yang Dezhi, his place of work and possible itinerary. He even began to practice how to express his plight to Yang and how to convince him to help him.

In the process, Hou Lixiang also encountered some difficulties. He didn't have enough money to support his long journey, nor did he have enough information to make sure he could find Yang. But he didn't give up because of this, and he began to raise money through various means, such as doing odd jobs, selling old things, and even asking relatives and friends for help. At the same time, I would like to say that he also gathers information through various channels, such as asking other veterans, consulting archives, and even getting the latest news about Yang Dezhi through newspapers and radio.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang's persistence and hard work made him go further and further on the road to find Yang Dezhi. His story also shows us a person's perseverance and firm belief in the face of adversity. His story is a microcosm of many veterans of that era. They gave everything for their country, but in peacetime they encountered the dilemma of identity and social misunderstanding. Their stories deserve our attention and consideration. In today's era of advanced information, we may be able to better understand and help these former heroes, so that their contributions are duly respected and recognized.

Against this background, Hou Lixiang made a difficult decision - to escape from the forest farm and make a long journey to the gate of the military region. This decision was both an adventure and a redemption for him. He knew that only through the gates of the military district would he be able to find an opportunity to prove his identity.

Hou Lixiang's escape was full of hardships. He first needs to escape from the surveillance of the forest farm, which requires him to skillfully avoid the sight of the forest farm staff, take advantage of the cover of night and terrain, and leave quietly. He walked through the dense woods and over the rugged mountain paths, taking every step carefully, for fear of alarming the guards of the forest farm.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

After escaping the forest farm, Hou Lixiang faced an even more difficult long journey. He did not have enough funds and no means of transportation, so he could only rely on his own feet and walk step by step to the military region. Along the way, he encountered all kinds of difficulties, sometimes in bad weather, sometimes in difficult terrain, and sometimes even in hunger and exhaustion. But he never gave up, and he firmly believed that as long as he could reach the military region, he would be able to find an opportunity to prove his identity.

Hou Lixiang's perseverance and determination allowed him to overcome one difficulty after another. On the way, he met kind-hearted villagers who provided him with food and water, and even had someone to show him the way. These small helpers gave him great encouragement and made him even more determined to go on.

After countless days and nights of trekking, Hou Lixiang finally saw the gate of the military region. For him, the door was not just a physical obstacle, but a symbol of hope. He stood in front of the gate, looking at the closed door, his heart full of mixed emotions. He knew that as long as he could enter this door, he would be able to find Yang Dezhi, it would be possible to prove his identity, and it would be possible to regain the recognition and respect of society.

Hou Lixiang stood in front of the gate of the military region, his heart full of mixed emotions. He knew that behind this door, it might be his only chance to prove his identity. He also knew that this door would not be opened for him easily. But he didn't choose to give up, because he knew that only by persevering and working hard could it be possible to meet Commander Yang Dezhi.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

The guards at the gate of the military region were curious about Hou Lixiang's appearance, but they were more vigilant. They asked him who he was, what his purpose was, and why he wanted to see the commander. Hou Lixiang tried to remain as calm as possible, he explained his situation, explained his identity and intentions. His voice trembled a little, but his eyes were firm and his attitude was sincere.

The guards were skeptical of Hou's explanation, and they needed to verify his identity. Hou Lixiang knew that this was a test he had to go through. He waited patiently, and at the same time silently prayed in his heart, hoping that Commander Yang Dezhi would remember him and give him a chance.

As time passed, Hou Lixiang's mood became more and more anxious. He didn't know if Commander Yang Dezhi still remembered him and whether he was willing to see him. He also didn't know what he would do if Commander Yang Dezhi rejected him. But he didn't give up, he still insisted on standing in front of the gate, waiting for the opportunity that might change his fate.

Finally, after a long wait, Hou Lixiang got a message: Commander Yang Dezhi agreed to agree with him. This news is undoubtedly a huge surprise for Hou Lixiang. His emotions were so excited that he almost jumped out, and his eyes glistened with tears. He knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, and he had to take advantage of it.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Before meeting Commander Yang Dezhi, Hou Lixiang made the final preparations. He tidied up his clothes and tried to look as neat as possible. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his excitement. He told himself that no matter what the outcome, he had to stay calm and make his demands as clear as possible.

When Hou Lixiang finally stood in front of Commander Yang Dezhi, his mood was complicated. He saw the general who had commanded Ruoding on the battlefield, the superior who had given him trust and support. He saw the traces of time on Commander Yang Dezhi's face, and also saw the firmness and wisdom in his eyes.

Hou Lixiang gave Commander Yang Dezhi a standard military salute, and then began to tell his story. He recounted his bravery in the war, his identity dilemma in peacetime, why he escaped from the woods, why he had to travel so far to get here. His words are full of sincerity and sincerity, and his eyes reveal nostalgia for the past and longing for the future.

Commander Yang Dezhi listened to Hou Lixiang's narration quietly, his face did not have much expression, but his eyes revealed a trace of understanding and sympathy. He knew that a veteran like Hou Lixiang would face many difficulties and challenges after the end of the war. He also knows that Hou Lixiang's persistence and efforts are worthy of respect and recognition.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

When Hou Lixiang stood in front of Commander Yang Dezhi, his heart was beating fast. The veteran, with a tired body and a restless heart, finally waited for this moment. He knew that this might be his only chance to prove who he was and what he had done for his country.

Commander Yang Dezhi's eyes were sharp, and he looked at the man in front of him who claimed to be his old subordinate. Hou Lixiang nervously handed over all the evidence he could: some broken letters, a few photographs, and bits and pieces he could recall. These are the precious memories that he tried his best to preserve during his escape and wanderings.

The letter was yellowed and the handwriting was a little blurry, but Commander Yang Dezhi still read it carefully. He saw the battles mentioned in the letter, the sacrificed comrades, the code words and code names that only those of them who had experienced the baptism of war could understand. In the photo, the young Hou Lixiang and his comrades-in-arms are side by side, with a smile of victory on their faces. The evidence, although rudimentary, is full of reality.

Hou Lixiang stood aside, nervously observing Commander Yang Dezhi's expression. He saw that the commander's brows were sometimes tightened, sometimes stretched, and his mood rose and fell. He knew that it was unknown whether the evidence would impress the commander and convince him of his identity.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Time seemed to freeze, and the only thing left in the room was the rustle of Commander Yang Dezhi flipping through the letters. Hou Lixiang felt his throat dry and tight, and his palms were sweating from nervousness. He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the commander would recognize him, that the evidence would prove his identity.

Finally, Commander Yang Dezhi put down the letter in his hand, and his gaze fell on Hou Lixiang again. There was a hint of recognition in his eyes, a glimmer of memory. He nodded slowly and said to Hou Lixiang, "I remember you, Hou Lixiang." You are a good soldier under my command. ”

For Hou Lixiang, this sentence is like a long drought and a rainstorm, and a warm current swells in his heart. His eyes glistened with tears, his voice choked and he could barely speak. He finally waited for this moment, his identity was confirmed, and his past was recognized.

Commander Yang Dezhi stood up, walked in front of Hou Lixiang, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "You have suffered, Hou Lixiang. We will not forget everything you have done for your country. ”

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang held the commander's hand tightly, and his heart was full of gratitude. He knew that from this moment on, he was no longer an unidentified person, he had rediscovered his identity and his dignity.

This story shows us the power of perseverance and hard work. Hou Lixiang did not give up, he proved his identity with his actions and won respect and recognition. His story is also a microcosm of many veterans of that era. They gave everything for their country, but in peacetime they encountered the dilemma of identity and social misunderstanding. Their stories deserve our attention and consideration.

When Hou Lixiang's identity was confirmed by Commander Yang Dezhi, he was extremely excited, but at the same time a little confused. He knew that while his identity was recognized, there was still a long way to go before he could fully regain the treatment and respect he deserved. Commander Yang Dezhi saw his concern and began to help him restore his status and treatment.

First of all, Commander Yang Dezhi arranged a formal meeting and invited senior officers of the military region and responsible persons of relevant departments. During this meeting, the commander gave a detailed account of Hou Lixiang's background and experience, as well as his heroic performance in the war. He emphasized Hou Lixiang's contributions and sacrifices to the country as a veteran, as well as the predicament he is facing now.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Commander Yang Dezhi's words were sonorous and powerful, and his attitude was firm and sincere. He asked everyone present to take Hou Lixiang's problem seriously and give him the respect and help he deserved. His words deeply touched everyone present, and they expressed their willingness to provide support to Hou Lixiang.

Next, Commander Yang Dezhi personally instructed Hou Lixiang on how to prepare the materials needed to restore his identity. He told Hou Lixiang that although his military registration certificate was lost, there were other ways to prove his identity, such as the certificate of his comrades-in-arms and the search of historical archives. The commander also specially arranged for a special person to assist Hou Lixiang and help him collect and sort out these materials.

In the process of preparing the materials, Hou Lixiang encountered many difficulties. Some of the archives are difficult to find because they are old, and some comrades-in-arms cannot be contacted for various reasons. But Commander Yang Dezhi did not give up, and he used his resources and connections to help Hou Lixiang overcome these problems one by one.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

With the help of Commander Yang Dezhi, Hou Lixiang finally prepared all the materials needed. The commander personally accompanied him to the relevant departments, handed over these materials and vouched for his reinstatement. At the insistence and efforts of the commander, the relevant departments conducted a comprehensive review of Hou Lixiang's situation.

During the review process, Commander Yang Dezhi constantly fought for Hou Lixiang's rights and interests. He showed the censors Hou Lixiang's heroic deeds and his contributions to the country. He also provided some new evidence, such as a copy of Hou Lixiang's honorary certificate obtained during the war, as well as some old photographs and diaries, which strongly proved Hou Lixiang's identity.

After a period of waiting, Hou Lixiang finally received good news: his identity has been officially restored, and he will regain the treatment and respect he deserves as a veteran. This news made Hou Lixiang burst into tears with excitement, and he knew that all this was inseparable from the help and support of Commander Yang Dezhi.

Hou Lixiang's story allows us to see the persistence and courage of a veteran in the face of difficulties, and also allows us to see the care and responsibility of a commander to his subordinates. Commander Yang Dezhi's help is not only a personal salvation for Hou Lixiang, but also a respect and recognition for all the heroes who have paid for the country.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

This story also reminds us that society should give more attention and support to these veterans. They have made great sacrifices for the security of their country and the happiness of their people, and they deserve the respect and treatment they deserve. We should remember their contributions, protect their rights and interests, and let them enjoy the dignity and happiness they deserve in times of peace.

Commander Yang Dezhi knew that although Hou Lixiang's identity had been confirmed by him, more efforts were needed to make this confirmation recognized throughout the military region and even more broadly. He decided to take further action to ensure that Hou Lixiang's status and treatment were completely restored.

The commander's first thought was to write a letter to Zeng Siyu, commander of the Wuhan Military Region. He knew that Commander Zeng Siyu had great prestige in the army, and his support was crucial to Hou Lixiang's identification. Commander Yang Dezhi sat at his desk, and after careful consideration, began to write letters.

In the letter, Commander Yang Dezhi gave a detailed account of Hou's situation, including his military career, his heroic performance in the war, and the predicament he now faces. He emphasized Hou's contributions and sacrifices to the country as a veteran, as well as the injustice he now faces. The commander's words were sincere and forceful, and he asked Commander Zeng Siyu to give Hou Lixiang the necessary support and help.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

After the letter was written, Commander Yang Dezhi personally checked it several times to ensure that every detail was accurate. He knew that this letter was not only for Hou Lixiang alone, but also for all veterans like Hou Lixiang. He hoped that through this letter, more people could pay attention to the plight of these veterans and give them the respect and help they deserve.

Thanks to the efforts of Commander Yang Dezhi, the letter was quickly delivered to Zeng Siyu, commander of the Wuhan Military Region. After reading the letter, Commander Zeng Siyu was deeply moved. He immediately instructed the relevant departments to confirm Hou Lixiang's identity and provide necessary support.

At the same time, I want to say that Hou Lixiang is preparing to return to Wuhan under the arrangement of Commander Yang Dezhi. He was both excited and nervous, and he knew that he would face a fresh start when he went back this time. On the way back, Hou Lixiang kept recalling Commander Yang Dezhi's help and support to him, and his heart was full of gratitude.

After returning to Wuhan, Hou Lixiang's identification work began quickly. Under the instructions of Commander Zeng Siyu, the relevant departments conducted a comprehensive review of Hou Lixiang's identity. They consulted a large number of archives, contacted many of Hou Lixiang's comrades-in-arms, and even conducted some field investigations.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

After a series of reviews and verifications, Hou's identity was finally confirmed. He is officially recognized as a veteran with all the treatment and respect he deserves. This news is undoubtedly a huge victory for Hou Lixiang. He knew that all this was inseparable from the help of Commander Yang Dezhi and Commander Zeng Siyu.

Hou Lixiang's identity confirmation is not only his personal salvation, but also the respect and recognition of all heroes who have paid for the country. This story allows us to see the perseverance and courage of a veteran in the face of difficulties, and also shows us the care and responsibility of a commander to his subordinates.

Hou Lixiang, this name may not be conspicuous in the long river of history, but his life and revolutionary experience is a legend. His story, the epitome of many veterans of that era, is full of tenacity and perseverance.

Hou Lixiang was born in an ordinary farming family, and showed extraordinary bravery and wisdom from an early age. In that turbulent era, he resolutely joined the Red Army and threw himself into the torrent of revolution. His revolutionary career, from the beginning of his participation in the Long March, was destined to be extraordinary.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

The Long March was an arduous journey, in which Hou Lixiang experienced countless hardships and obstacles. Together with his comrades, he climbed over the snow-capped mountains, crossed the vast grassland, and faced the pursuit of the enemy and the test of the natural environment. In the course of the Long March, Hou Lixiang showed extraordinary courage and firm faith, not only bravely killing the enemy in battle, but also inspiring his comrades in difficult moments and helping them overcome one difficulty after another.

In a fierce battle, Hou Lixiang was unfortunately injured, his leg was hit by an enemy bullet, and the pain was unbearable. But he didn't let this deter him, and after a simple bandage of his wounds, he continued to fight until the end of the fight. His perseverance deeply infected everyone around him and earned him a high reputation among his comrades.

After recovering from his injuries, Hou Lixiang did not choose to leave the battlefield, but continued to devote himself to the cause of the revolution. His bravery and wisdom allowed him to make many exploits on the battlefield, and he was soon appreciated by his superiors. Soon he was promoted to regimental commander and began to lead his troops on more important tasks.

As the regiment commander, Hou Lixiang not only had to command the battle, but also cared about the lives and thoughts of the soldiers. He often went deep into the fighters to understand their needs and solve their difficulties. His pro-people and pragmatic style allowed him to establish a high prestige among the soldiers.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang's revolutionary experience was a process full of challenges and struggles. His story allows us to see the growth and transformation of a revolutionary, and also allows us to see the firm belief and indomitable spirit of the revolutionaries of that era.

Hou Lixiang's life and revolutionary experience is not only his personal history, but also the common history of all revolutionaries of that era. They have made tremendous sacrifices for the liberation of the country and the people, and their stories deserve to be remembered forever.

Today, when we look back on Hou Lixiang's life and revolutionary experience, we should not only remember his bravery and sacrifice, but also inherit and carry forward his revolutionary spirit. We should learn from his spirit of not flinching in the face of difficulties and not being afraid of challenges, apply this spirit to our lives and work, and strive to achieve a better tomorrow.

Hou Lixiang, this name may not be conspicuous in the long river of history, but his revolutionary contributions and sacrifices are indelible. His story, the epitome of many revolutionaries of that era, is full of steadfastness and unyieldingness.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

Hou Lixiang's revolutionary road is a road full of thorns. He not only participated in the Long March, but also played an important role in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. During the Long March, together with his comrades-in-arms, he faced an extremely harsh environment and the pursuit of the enemy. They climbed snow-capped mountains, crossed meadows, endured hunger and cold. In these difficult years, Hou Lixiang always adhered to the belief of the revolution, and his courage and perseverance inspired every comrade-in-arms.

In the Sino-Japanese War, Hou Lixiang, as a commander, led his troops in countless battles with the enemy. Not only did he excel on the battlefield, but he also cared for the soldiers in life and helped them solve their difficulties. His leadership and affability earned him great prestige among the soldiers.

However, the road to revolution has never been smooth. Hou Lixiang was seriously wounded in a battle and almost lost his life. But he was strong-willed, and after a long period of treatment and recuperation, he got back on his feet and returned to the battlefield. This indomitable spirit of his became an example for all fighters.

In the War of Liberation, Hou Lixiang continued to exert his leadership skills and led the troops to victory after victory. His military talents and revolutionary spirit made a great contribution to the cause of the liberation of the country.

The old peasant said that he was the commander of the Red Army, but no one believed him, and in the end the commander personally proved his identity

However, after the end of the war, Hou Lixiang's identity became obscure for various reasons. The loss of his military status certificate caused him to encounter the dilemma of identity and social misunderstanding in peacetime. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to a veteran who has made great sacrifices for the country.

However, Hou Lixiang did not give up. He firmly believes that as long as he persists, one day his identity will be confirmed. He began to run around looking for clues that would prove his identity. He visited his former comrades-in-arms, visited the battlefields, and even did whatever it took to retrieve the documents that could prove his identity.

In the process, Hou Lixiang met Commander Yang Dezhi. Commander Yang Dezhi decided to help Hou Lixiang after learning about his situation. The commander personally wrote a letter to Zeng Siyu, commander of the Wuhan Military Region, describing in detail Hou Lixiang's revolutionary experience and contributions, and asking Commander Zeng Siyu to give Hou Lixiang the necessary support and help.

With the joint efforts of Commander Yang Dezhi and Commander Zeng Siyu, Hou Lixiang's identity was finally confirmed. His revolutionary contributions and sacrifices were recognized, and he regained the respect and treatment he deserved as a revolutionary veteran.

The story of Hou Lixiang shows us the perseverance and courage of a revolutionary in the face of difficulties, and also shows us the importance of society to individual identity. His story is the epitome of many revolutionaries of that era, who made great sacrifices for the liberation of the country and the people, and their stories deserve to be remembered forever.

Today, when we look back on Hou Lixiang's revolutionary contributions and sacrifices, we must not only remember his bravery and sacrifice, but also inherit and carry forward his revolutionary spirit. We should learn from his spirit of not flinching in the face of difficulties and not being afraid of challenges, apply this spirit to our lives and work, and strive to achieve a better tomorrow.