
Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

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Not Smart International | wen

Not Smart International | weave

NATO, the military alliance that everyone knows, openly provoked China in their joint statement, and also listed China as an imaginary enemy.

This NATO, but it's a big organization, and they have made the situation a little tense.

Against this background, the United Kingdom army had a series of actions.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

The British army said here that they want to increase the defense budget from the current 2% to 2.5%, why? It is said that it is to cooperate with Trump's request for NATO countries to increase defense spending.

And the chief of the British General Staff, Sir Roland · Walker, also expressed his position, he felt that a large-scale war might break out in the Middle East and the Western Pacific, especially the Western Pacific, and said that he would deploy part of his combat strength to Japan and prepare for war within three years.

As of July this year, the United Kingdom Air Force has not been idle, participating in many major military exercises in the Indo-Pacific region, such as Griffin Strike 2024 and Pitch Black 2024.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

They also deployed their air power to Australia in order to maintain a sustained combat capability there.

And ah, the British army has a so-called vanguard plan, intending to run to Japan for adaptive deployment in 2025.

Their formation will be centered on an aircraft carrier, and the United Kingdom defense secretary has announced that the aircraft carrier formation with the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier as the core will be deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, and will conduct joint exercises with the Japan Self-Defense Forces.

But then again, the British aircraft carriers are now in a state of inadequacy.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

Existing defense spending does not allow for the simultaneous deployment of two aircraft carriers.

Looking at the past, although the British aircraft carrier group in 2021 also visited the Western Pacific, the situation at that time was not as tense as it is now, and the British army did not propose any war plans or significantly increase the defense budget.

At present, United States has intensified military cooperation with Japan, Korea, and the Philippines, emphasizing the need to deal with possible local wars.

So what are the weaknesses of the British aircraft carriers? For example, escort ships have shortcomings, and the number of Type 45 destroyers is not enough.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

Therefore, we must strengthen the study of the weaknesses of the British aircraft carrier formation and include the relevant characteristics in the anti-aircraft carrier strike system.

If the British really participate in the provocation, we must be able to come up with a strike plan quickly.

We must know that NATO is a product of the Cold War and the largest military alliance in the world.

They always exaggerate the "China threat theory" and think of using various methods to contain China's development.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

However, China has always been firmly committed to the path of peaceful development, which is to maintain world peace and stability.

Taking the Ukraine issue as an example, China has always maintained an objective and fair position, actively persuaded and promoted peace talks, and never poured fuel on the fire or took the opportunity to make profits.

China resolutely upholds its sovereignty, security and development interests, and will resolutely respond to any provocations or threats made by anyone.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

Over the years, NATO has been constantly expanding its power across borders, inciting bloc confrontation, and doing all things that are bullying and bullying.

Wherever their black hand reaches, there is turmoil and chaos.

Think about the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, NATO's wanton military intervention, how many civilian casualties and serious humanitarian crises have been caused!

United States and NATO also boasted about their so-called "success" and "strength" ahead of the Washington summit, describing themselves as "peace-keeping organizations."

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

But in reality, their so-called "success" and "strength" are quite dangerous for the world.

NATO likes to peddle in the "peace anxiety" it has fabricated, and now it wants to extend its hand to the Asia-Pacific region and create a kind of "small circle" in the Asia-Pacific region that is bloc confrontation and closed and exclusive.

However, the Asia-Pacific region is the most dynamic growth zone of the global economy, because it has always maintained a peaceful and stable environment.

As for China, it has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

China will firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, and use its development and foreign cooperation to inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and stability.

NATO should correct its erroneous perception of China, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, stop clamoring for any "Chinese threat", and stop inciting confrontation and conflict.

Let's talk about these actions of the United Kingdom army.

They want to increase the defense budget, and they also plan to deploy combat power to Japan and participate in various military exercises.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

But do they really have the ability to stir up trouble in the Asia-Pacific region?

Let's not say that China's military strength should not be underestimated, let's just say that United Kingdom itself, aircraft carriers are in a state of green and yellow, and escort ships still have shortcomings.

Moreover, most countries in the Asia-Pacific region hope for peace and stability, and do not welcome NATO to extend its tentacles, nor do they accept bringing bloc confrontation to the Asia-Pacific region.

China has always been developing itself in a peaceful way and engaging in friendly cooperation with other countries.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

China's status and influence in the international community are earned through its own efforts and contributions, not by threats and provocations against others.

And some of the practices of NATO and United Kingdom are obviously not in line with the trend of the times and are also unpopular.

China will continue to follow its own path of peaceful development and will not be swayed by the provocations and threats of others.

At the same time, China has sufficient capability and determination to safeguard its national interests and regional peace and stability.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

Those who want to provoke the Chinese side, let's think about it!

Friends, let's move on to this.

United Kingdom's series of actions actually reflect some of their internal contradictions and dilemmas.

On the one hand, they want to demonstrate their military presence on the international stage, but on the other hand, they are faced with the limitations of their own strength and insufficient resources.

The increase in military spending in the United Kingdom is not without controversy.

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

After all, an increase in the defense budget means that funding for other areas may be cut, such as social welfare, education, health care, and other aspects of people's livelihood.

This has led to concerns and questions among the public, who wonder whether it is more important to pursue the so-called "strong" military affairs or to ensure the basic needs of the people.

And, even if the British did deploy as planned, would they be able to achieve the results they expected?

Chief of the General Staff of the British Army: Prepare for war within three years, and the vanguard will arrive in Japan next year to adapt

In today's complex and volatile international situation, the economic and cultural ties between countries in the region are getting closer and closer, and everyone is eager for peace and cooperation to achieve common development.

United Kingdom's provocative military actions are likely to arouse resentment and resistance from other countries.

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