
Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

The article was first published by Toutiao

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and have been summarized at the end of the article

On March 18, 2020, the Government of Mongolia decided to fully resume the use of the traditional Uighur Mongolian script from 2025. The Uighur Mongolian script has been passed down in this vast desert steppe for more than 700 years.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan's edict created this script, however, the sky was unpredictable. At the beginning of the 20th century, Tsarist Russia sat on the throne and extended its claws to this rich land.

In 1912, Outer Mongolia declared its independence under its instigation. Although the government of the Republic of China at that time condemned it, it was powerless.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

So far, Mongolia, which originally had the same roots, was divided into two parts, Inner Mongolia, which is still the family of the Chinese nation, and Outer Mongolia, which has become a puppet of Russia.

The fate of Outer Mongolia after independence can be called a history of humiliation, and Tsarist Russia wantonly trampled on the dignity of this weak and small nation in order to consolidate its position. The army marched into the heart of Mongolia, seized power, and acted arbitrarily.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Soviet Union took over this role and intensified it.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?
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In 1931, under coercion and inducement, Outer Mongolia was forced to abandon the original script and use the "Cyrillic Mongolian script" of the Slavic cultural sphere. Cyrillic Mongwen seems to have the name "Mongolian", but it is actually a Slavic culture.

Russian and Ukraine have evolved from it. For a nation with a long tradition of civilization, this is tantamount to a catastrophe.

Classics that have been passed down from generation to generation have lost the medium of reading, and it is difficult to find a home. How can the inner hesitation and helplessness be soothed by one or two generations?

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

The spark of culture cannot be crushed, and regardless of the wind and rain, the attachment of Mongolian people to traditional writing has never been extinguished. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they were reborn and quickly shook off the yoke of imperialism.

Recovering the lost treasure and regaining the dignity of the nation has become the urgent wish of this nation that has experienced many vicissitudes. It is not easy to restart the road of traditional writing.

After all, once the habit of language is formed, it is deeply ingrained.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

To shake the pattern that has been formed, we need a firm will and a belief in victory. Fortunately, since the 90s of the last century, there has been a call for "return" in Mongolia.

In 1992, scholars publicly called for the reinstatement of the Uighur Mongolian script. In 2008, the government introduced a policy to promote traditional scripts.

In 2020, this cultural revolution has entered a critical moment. On March 18, the Great Hural of the Mongolia State adopted the National Outline for Mongolia Script, announcing that the Uighur Mongolia script would be fully implemented from January 1, 2025.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

By 2024, all news outlets must be bilingual, and civil servants at all levels must be systematically trained in the traditional script. Beginning in 2025, Cyrillic and Uighur Mongolian will be used in parallel in public affairs.

It is foreseeable that after a few years of transition, the Uighur Mongolian script will regain as the dominant language in the country. In fact, compared with Mongolia, Inner Mongolia has always been at the forefront of the inheritance and application of traditional scripts.

Whether it is the Uighur Mongolian typesetting technology or the modern input system, Inner Mongolia has reached a very high level.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

This reunion of the Mongolia people of the two places across time and space will surely compose a moving movement on the road to the rejuvenation of national culture. Some people may ask, how can a mere change of words be called "yang conspiracy"?

As everyone knows, language has never been only a tool for communication, but also a carrier of a national spirit. This is a nation that has endured hardships, and under the new historical conditions, it is an urgent need to find its roots and ask its ancestors and gather identity.

Cultural identity is the cornerstone of national identity. A nation that has lost its cultural roots can hardly form a strong cohesive force.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

On the contrary, the admiration of the spoken and written language of the people will greatly enhance the centripetal force of the people towards the country.

Comrade Mao Zedong once said: "Without a correct political viewpoint, it is equivalent to having no soul." For a nation, cultural identity is the "soul" of this one.

After the end of the Cold War, Mongolia realized that the only way to gain a foothold in the complex international landscape was to pursue an all-round strategy of opening up.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Among the many foreign exchanges, the development of relations with China is undoubtedly the top priority. The unity of language and the convergence of ideas will greatly enhance the potential of cooperation between the two countries in the fields of culture and economy.

In fact, for the internal Mongolia, this change also has special significance, blood is connected, geographical proximity, and the exchange between the two Mongolia people should have been a matter of course.

For some time, the language barrier has undoubtedly become an invisible barrier.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Now, with the return of a common language, the foundation for deeper cultural understanding and identity between the two sides will be strengthened, and China is Mongolia's most important economic partner.

According to statistics, the trade volume between China and Mongolia reached 8.9 billion US dollars in 2019, accounting for 64.4% of Mongolia's total foreign trade. China has provided Mongolia with a large amount of financial and technical support, which has given wings to the landlocked country's economic take-off.

Nowadays, with the deepening of the "Belt and Road" construction, the prospects for cooperation between China and Mongolia in the fields of energy and transportation are broader.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Looking at the whole world, no nation that aspires to rejuvenation can be left alone. Now, in the face of great changes unseen in a century, this hard-working and brave nation once again stands at the crossroads of history.

From Tsarist Russia to the Soviet Union, Mongolia has suffered the bitter fruits of dependence on other countries, and the independence of Outer Mongolia not only did not exchange for real freedom, but lost its valuable cultural roots.

This history of humiliation will forever be engraved in the memory of this nation.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Now, with China's peaceful rise, Mongolia sees a new option. China has always pursued a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up and strived to achieve its own development and common prosperity in the world.

This is undoubtedly an attractive partner for Mongolia, which is eager to revitalize. The return of writing marks the beginning of a nation's rejuvenation.

Mongolia's move is a wise choice that conforms to the general trend of the times.

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

Sources of information:

Mongolia will fully resume the use of Uighur Mongolia from 202520-03-18 23:59:09 Source: Xinhuanet

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

News from the Observer Network - Mongolia will fully resume the use of Uighur Mongolian from 202520-03-20 14:04:59

Mongolia's "Yang Scheme": Fully restore the integration of Mongolian and Inner Mongolia! What does it mean for China?

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