
For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

The article was first published by Toutiao

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and have been summarized at the end of the article

China and Russia drove bombers to the door of United States? H-6K flew to United States for the first time with a mysterious missile", approaching Alaska! What's going on? Let's unravel the mystery.

A few days ago, the radar of the North American Air Defense Command picked up an unusual signal and found that two uninvited guests were approaching Alaska, the "back garden" of the United States.

Is it the H-6K of the Chinese Air Force and the Tu-95 of Russia? Dare to engage in "free cruise" together! The U.S. military immediately dispatched fighter planes to drive them away, but the bomber combination was not afraid at all and still went its own way.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

Although they did not really cross the line, this is enough to make the Pentagon angry, knowing that this is the first show in the history of Chinese bombers!

As the top combat power of the Chinese Air Force, the H-6K is by no means in vain, born from the Soviet Union's Tu-16, after several improvements, it is no longer what it used to be.

It has been replaced with a more powerful turbofan engine, which greatly improves the range and bomb load.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska
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What makes the US military even more fearful is that it is likely to carry the DF-21D missile, which is known as the "aircraft carrier killer". With a range of more than 1,500 kilometers, the "new darling of the battlefield" is capable of destroying all of Alaska with a nuclear warhead.

Just imagine, if one day, a conflict breaks out between China and the United States, Alaska will become the "fat meat" of the H-6K, and it will be slaughtered and slaughtered, making the Pentagon even more uneasy, and it is still to come.

Just when the H-6K "knocked" Alaska, its performance at the Zhuhai Air Show detonated the military fan circle.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

The H-6K is mounted with the legendary YJ-21 hypersonic missile! Think back then, when the H-6, the predecessor of the H-6K, made its first flight, who would have thought that it would have the glory it has today?

As the first jet medium bomber designed by China, the H-6 carries the aviation dream of New China. Due to various limitations, the performance of the H-6 was once difficult to meet the needs of modern warfare.

In the face of difficulties, the Chinese Air Force did not give up, but persevered in exploring the road of improvement.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

The hard work paid off, and the H-6K finally came into being. It absorbs the essence of the H-6 series and integrates modern aviation technology, which can be called the culmination.

The H-6K has a completely new aerodynamic layout, which greatly reduces drag and increases speed and maneuverability. It is equipped with advanced avionics systems and weapons, which greatly improves its detection and strike capabilities.

The most important thing is that the H-6K unlocks the ability to refuel in the air, is no longer limited by the amount of fuel, and the combat radius has been extended to more than 3,500 kilometers!

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

With these "sharp weapons", the H-6K dares to "go out" and challenge the "iron law" of the US military. As everyone knows, the US military has always regarded the Pacific Ocean as its "backyard" and has never allowed military planes of other countries to enter.

But the H-6K prefers to "collide" with this threshold to see where the bottom line of the US military is. Sure enough, as soon as the H-6K approached Alaska, it was "warmly welcomed" by US fighters.

The two sides went back and forth,-for-tat, but there was no spark. It is not only a manifestation of the strength of the H-6K, but also an expression of China's will for peace.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

Of course, Alaska alone is not exciting enough, the ambition of the H-6K is far more than that, and it has also appeared in the South China Sea and "rubbed shoulders" with US aircraft carriers.

In the face of the U.S. military's close maritime power, the H-6K is still calm and calm, showing the demeanor of a great power.

What's more, the H-6K also flew to Russia to participate in joint exercises, and Western media exclaimed that "China and Russia join forces, and United States is in danger"! It can be seen that the H-6K has become a business card of the Chinese Air Force to the world stage.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

In fact, this is not an isolated case. Around the world, established bombers are chasing hypersonic missiles in order to give them a new lease on life.

Take the U.S. military B-52H as an example, although it is nearly 70 years old, the U.S. military still spends a lot of money to replace it with new engines and electronic equipment, and it is also equipped with AGM-183A, vowing to let this "hard bone" fight for another 50 years!

On the Russia side, the Tu-22M3M is directly equipped with a "dagger", and hypersonic missiles have become the "life continuation pill" of bombers, and whoever can master it can be proud of the group.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

In comparison, the H-6K can not only hang 6 cruise missiles, with a combat radius of 3,500 kilometers, with the help of the YJ-21, its out-of-zone strike capability is close to the United States and Russia.

In the future, the H-6K will continue to expand its arsenal and grow into an all-round strategic bomber. At that time, it will surely continue to write more brilliance in the blue sky of the Chinese Air Force.

Of course, the rise of the H-6K is by no means achieved overnight, behind it is the great progress of China's industry, and it is the brainchild of countless people.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

From the initial imitation modification to today's independent innovation, the H-6K has gone through a path of self-improvement.

Now, the H-6K has been able to fly freely over the Pacific Ocean and face the US military base, which is a moment that many generations of air force people have dreamed of!

However, the rise of the H-6K does not mean confrontation, and China has repeatedly reiterated that the development of military strength is for self-preservation, and it has no intention of taking the initiative to provoke.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

The cruising of the H-6K is more about showing strength and releasing goodwill, after all, in the new era, no one can be alone.

Only through dialogue and cooperation can we achieve a win-win situation. The arrival of the H-6K may herald a new beginning, a future of benign interaction between China and the United States.

Perhaps in the near future, Chinese and American bombers will meet again over Alaska.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

But this time, it is no longer hostility and confrontation, but friendship and understanding. The H-6K will join hands with the B-52H to protect the peace of the Pacific Ocean.

This is the demeanor that should be performed between major powers, and let us look forward to this day together. Let's applaud the H-6K and kudos for its contribution to peace! It is not only the pride of the Chinese Air Force, but also the gospel of all mankind.

May the H-6K forever soar in the blue sky and protect our common home.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

Today's H-6K is no longer what it used to be. But it doesn't stop there, it's constantly refreshing its limits.

It is understood that the next generation of H-6 is under development, which is expected to adopt a stealth layout, equip more advanced weapons, and break through the existing technical bottleneck.

Once this "black technology" comes out, the H-6 will once again lead the fashion and become a new benchmark for bombers. The growth of the H-6K is also the painstaking efforts of generations of Chinese aviation people.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

From the designer's plan, to the engineer's test, to the pilot's control, every link embodies their wisdom and sweat.

Among these people, there is such a legendary Wang Aiguo, the "father of bombers", the chief designer of the H-6 series. As early as the 60s of the last century, Wang Aiguo devoted himself to the development of the H-6 and worked for most of his life.

He led the team to overcome one difficulty after another, and promoted the H-6 to achieve many "transformations".

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

Today, China's bomber industry is booming, but we can't stop there. In the face of the tide of the new military revolution in the world, we still have many tasks to overcome.

Like, how to develop stealth bombers? How to build an intelligent bomber fleet? How to achieve unmanned and autonomous operations? These are all tests of our wisdom and ability.

Only by solving these problems can we truly become world-class and lead the trend of future air warfare.

For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

Fortunately, we have such a "rising star" as the H-6K. It is not only the crystallization of technological innovation, but also a symbol of self-reliance.

It shows that as long as we dare to pursue our dreams and innovate, there is no problem that cannot be solved, and there is no peak that cannot be climbed.

The take-off of H-6K will surely inspire more aspiring young people to embark on the road of serving the country by aviation, take the "two hundred years" as their own responsibility, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream!

Sources of information:

Airshow China|Bomber + superb missile, new tricks for bomber strikes outside the defense area2022-11-16 10:58Source: The Paper
For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska
Chinese and Russian bombers cruised in the Bering Sea, and the H-6 flew near Alaska for the first time! Military expert interpretation2024-07-26 09:59:35 Source: Global Times
For the first time in history! China's top bombers flew to the mainland of United States and could carry nuclear warheads against Alaska

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