
Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

author:Chattering reading circles
Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng
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Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

On Chinese New Year's Eve 2004, the cadenza of the Spring Festival Gala had just ended, and Yang Lei's heart still reverberated with laughter on the stage. She rushed home eagerly, looking forward to spending warm time with her husband, Dai Zhicheng.

However, the moment she opened the door, what awaited her was a cold divorce agreement.

Yang Lei was stunned and looked at Dai Zhicheng in disbelief. Just when she thought it was a bolt from the blue, an even bigger blow followed. Dai Zhicheng confessed a shocking fact: he was deeply in love with Hou Yaowen's wife, Yuan Yin.

This explosive news instantly shattered Yang Lei's fantasy of happiness and also set off a storm in the cross talk world. A forbidden love that spans generations has been unveiled in mystery.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Hou Yaowen's life is like a wonderful cross talk, with both hilarious joy and embarrassing pathos. When he first appeared on stage at the age of 12, he showed extraordinary talent.

After partnering with Shi Fukuan, he frequently appeared in the Spring Festival Gala and became a famous cross talk actor loved by the audience. However, behind the booming career, Hou Yaowen's love life has been ups and downs.

His first marriage ended in failure, and his union with dancer Liu Yan failed to stand the test of time. The subsequent love affair with singer Wei Wei also ended without a problem for various reasons.

It wasn't until he met Yuan Yin, who was 20 years younger than him, in the crew of "Special Police" that Hou Yaowen seemed to see new hope.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Yuan Yin is young, beautiful, and full of vitality, which makes Hou Yaowen feel the throbbing of love again. In 1993, despite the opposition of her family, Yuan Yin resolutely married Hou Yaowen.

The life after marriage seems to be happy and happy, Hou Yaowen dotes on Yuan Yin, not only takes care of her life, but also gives full support in her career.

They compose music together, such as "Romance of Beijing and Kowloon" is the result of their collaboration. Yuan Yin also made a name for herself in the film and television industry, starring in works such as "Heroes" and "Heavenly Road".

Hou Yaowen always encouraged Yuan Yin to pursue her acting career and never urged her to have children.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

However, cracks in marriages often arise inadvertently. Heavy work and frequent performances make it difficult for Hou Yaowen to take care of his family. In order to make up for this shortcoming, he entrusted his nephew Dai Zhicheng to take care of his wife and daughter.

This seemingly well-thought-out arrangement became the fuse for the breakdown of the marriage.

Hou Yaowen never imagined that his act of kindness would lead to a family tragedy. During his absence, Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin secretly fell in love and developed a relationship that transcended the relationship between his nephew and aunt.

This secret relationship is like a time bomb that could detonate the whole family at any time.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

When the truth was revealed, Hou Yaowen chose to remain silent. He knows that no matter what the truth is, the future of his daughter Niuniu is the most important thing. In order not to affect his daughter's opinion of her mother, he would rather bear this pain alone.

Finally, shortly after the Spring Festival in 2004, Hou Yaowen and Yuan Yin officially went through the divorce procedures, drawing an end to this seemingly perfect but fragile marriage.

The love story between Dai Zhicheng and Yang Lei should have been a good story. In 1988, a performance became the opportunity for them to meet. At that time, Yang Lei had already become famous for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala sketch "In Front of the Delivery Room", and Dai Zhicheng was just an unknown young cross talk actor.

Despite the gap in their careers, the two fell in love.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

After nine years of long-distance love, they finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. After marriage, Yang Lei spared no effort to support her husband's career, even at the expense of her own development opportunities.

She not only has to go all out to develop her acting career, but also needs to do her best to help Dai Zhicheng increase her popularity. With her encouragement and help, Dai Zhicheng gradually gained a firm foothold in the cross talk world.

In 1993, Dai Zhicheng successfully climbed the big tree of Jiang Kun, and his career began to have a breakthrough development. He even praised Jiang Kun unabashedly in public: "Mr. Jiang Kun is not an extraordinary person, but a real god!" It can be seen that Jiang Kun's support and help to Dai Zhicheng can be said to be indispensable.

On the surface, the couple is affectionate and enviable. They chose their new home in Hou Yaowen's community, and the relationship between the two families is also very close. Yang Lei even formed a deep friendship with Yuan Yin.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Therefore, when Hou Yaowen expressed the hope that Dai Zhicheng would take care of the family affairs during his absence, Yang Lei did not have any doubts.

However, the foundation of marriage is not something that can be sustained by giving alone. When rumors began to circulate in the community about Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin, Yang Lei chose to believe her husband.

Even if a friend euphemistically hinted that there might be an improper relationship between the two, Yang Lei firmly believed that Dai Zhicheng, as Hou Yaowen's nephew, and Yuan Yin as his aunt, would never cross the line between the two.

The relationship between Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin is like a time bomb, which may detonate the entire cross talk circle at any time. At first, their contact originated from Hou Yaowen's commission, but over time, the two gradually developed feelings that transcended ethics.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

This secret love affair is like an undercurrent, surging secretly under the surface of a peaceful life.

On Chinese New Year's Eve 2004, when Dai Zhicheng filed for divorce from Yang Lei, all the truth finally surfaced. Yang Lei's world collapsed in an instant, and she couldn't believe what she had heard.

Yang Lei, who was in tears like rain, suddenly remembered the hint that her friend had made, and asked tremblingly, "Are you really having an affair with Yuan Yin?" Dai Zhicheng's silent response was undoubtedly a heavy blow that completely shattered Yang Lei's last hope.

After the news spread, the entire cross talk world was shaken. People have speculated whether Hou Yaowen knows or not, and they have different views on this relationship that spans generations. Some sympathize with Yang Lei, some accuse Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin of disloyalty, and some are worried about Hou Yaowen's situation.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

In the face of the flood of doubts and accusations, Hou Yaowen chose to remain silent. He knows that no matter what the truth is, the future of his daughter Niuniu is the most important thing. In order not to affect his daughter's opinion of her mother, he would rather bear this pain alone.

Whenever someone tried to find out about the scandal between Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng from his mouth, he always remained silent and did not want to mention half a word.

Yang Lei is in deep pain, and she tries to save the marriage. In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, she ran to Li Jindou's house and begged him to help her persuade Dai Zhicheng to turn back.

However, Li Jindou's response completely extinguished her last hope: "Sister, I don't think there is any hope for your marriage anymore.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Half a year later, Hou Yaowen also went through divorce procedures with Yuan Yin. Although this decision is embarrassing, it also draws an end to this emotional entanglement. However, for the parties involved, the real test has only just begun.

Yang Lei fell into endless grief, and she chose to stay out of the public eye for ten years. It wasn't until she finally came out of the shadow of grief that she began to talk openly about that past.

Today, Yang Lei still lives alone, and she has never set foot in the palace of marriage again.

And Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin took Hou Yaowen's daughter Niuniu and started a new life. They lived together in secret and even secretly got married.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Dai Zhicheng treats Niuniu as his own, and does his best to play the role of a father, not only accompanying her to chase stars, but also giving her endless love, which can be called a model stepfather.

This intricate emotional entanglement not only changed the life trajectory of several people, but also left an indelible mark on the cross talk world. It reminds us that love, while beautiful, also needs to be approached with caution, especially when it can hurt others.

The breakdown of the marriage is a huge blow to everyone, but life goes on. Yang Lei chose to leave the stage for a while and spent a full decade healing her inner wounds.

During this time, she lived in seclusion, away from the public eye, until she rediscovered herself, and began to talk openly about the past.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

After experiencing this turmoil, Hou Yaowen did not give up looking for happiness. He fell in love with Chen Yijia, who was born at the Beijing Dance Academy, and wanted to start over. However, this relationship was strongly opposed by the eldest daughter Hou Zhan.

Hou Zhan, who has lacked his father's love for a long time, can't accept the fact that his father remarried. In order not to hurt his daughter again, Hou Yaowen finally chose to live with Chen Yijia, but did not step into the palace of marriage again.

In 2007, fate was impermanent, Hou Yaowen died of a sudden heart attack, and the news shocked the entire cross talk world. His death not only brought endless mourning, but also triggered a series of legacy disputes.

In order to compete for his father's inheritance, Hou Zan joined forces with his half-sister Niuniu and launched a fierce legal battle with his second uncle Hou Yaohua.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

On the other side, Dai Zhicheng and Yuan Yin took Hou Yaowen's daughter Niuniu and started a new life. Dai Zhicheng takes good care of Niuniu and does his best to play the role of a father.

And Yuan Yin was not satisfied, she returned to the film and television industry in 2012 and participated in the TV series "Big Family", realizing her dream of being an actress.

Time flies, 19 years have passed. The turmoil seems to have subsided, but the imprint it left on everyone can never be erased. They are each moving forward on the road of life, perhaps with regrets, but also looking for new possibilities.

Time flies, 19 years have passed. Looking back, we can't help but ask: Why did Yuan Yin betray Hou Yaowen and choose Dai Zhicheng instead? Perhaps, the answer lies in that long-lost heartbeat feeling.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

Hou Yaowen gave her more fatherly and brotherly love, while Dai Zhicheng awakened her deep desire for fiery love.

However, we can't ignore the moral dilemmas in the relationship. In any case, infidelity is an act of perfidy. Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng's happiness is based on the pain of others, which inevitably makes people feel regret and pity.

This story reminds us that love is beautiful, but it also needs to be built on a foundation of respect and responsibility. It tests everyone's moral bottom line, and also reflects the complexity of human nature.

While judging others, we should also reflect on how to be sincere in our relationships, how to keep our commitments in marriage, and how to stick to our principles in the face of temptation.

Looking at Yuan Yin 19 years later, I realized why she betrayed Hou Yaowen and chose to marry Dai Zhicheng

There may not be a standard answer to these questions, but they are worth pondering.

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