
"From Earth" of "The Host": Earthlings PK alien creatures, see how humans can resolve the crisis

author:Jiangsu Satellite TV
"From Earth" of "The Host": Earthlings PK alien creatures, see how humans can resolve the crisis

When humans go out of the earth and explore the vast universe, they may have some questions: Does an alien civilization exist? If so, will aliens pose a threat to Earthlings? Why have earthlings not found any trace of it so far? At 21:10 this Friday night, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "From the Earth" of "The Hoster" told a story related to aliens.

Accidentally taking a host in a capsule How can they keep their lives safe?

Zhang Yifei, played by Zhang Li, is the captain of the Explorer 12 space fleet. On this day, she is leading the team members Deng Bo (played by Pu Bajia), Su Yun (played by Yu Yue) and Luo Qingshan (played by Qu Shaoshi) back to Earth. Suddenly, they receive a distress message from the planet Alpha 4. The distresser is the old acquaintance Ren Fei (played by Lu Yi).

Locating the source of the distress signal, they came to the unusually dilapidated Explorer 10, and found Ren Fei in the corner of the corridor, and worked together to take him back to the Explorer 12 space ship. However, Ren Fei, who was successfully rescued, eventually died.

At this time, when Su Yun examined Ren Fei's body, he accidentally found that the blood was blue. After searching and comparing, Ren Fei is likely to be infected by an alien creature called a host, and the biggest feature of the host is that it will infect and kill the host, and inherit the host's memory life. During the handling of Ren Fei, everyone had individual contact with him. This also means that everyone present is likely to be the new host of the host.

The four sat around the conference table, discussing how to find a new boarder. Zhang Yifei proposed the method of blood testing, but luo Qingshan objected: the specific way of infection of the host is not known, and the risk of doing so is too great. So, who are the boarders? And how to ensure the safety of the lives of all the people on the ship?

"From Earth" of "The Host": Earthlings PK alien creatures, see how humans can resolve the crisis

Zhang Li, Pu Bajia, Qu Shaoshi, Yu Yue, Lu Yi This issue of "The Hoster" "Star-studded"

It is worth mentioning that this science fiction drama can be described as a star-studded gathering. Zhang Li is an excellent actress who has won many awards with her superb acting skills, and has created many classic roles such as Xiao Aqiao, Su Jin, and Xuan Muyunsang. At the previous "From the Earth" press conference, Zhang Li also attended as a representative of science fiction actors, and said: "After acting for so many years and going to so many places, but never leaving the earth, I want to go and see." ”

Because he looks like Wang Lihong, Pu Bajia is also called "Tibetan version of Wang Lihong" by many people. He starred in "The Boarder" this time, but also let the audience is very much looking forward to; from the big brother of the Green Gang in "The Great Undertaking of Building the Army", to the second captain Zhou Hao in "The Dark one", and then to the space ship technician in "The Boarder", the role played by Qu Shaoshi has been bringing freshness to people; plus Yu Yue, who debuted as a child star, and Lu Yi, the "tough guy", all make this science fiction drama "star-studded".

In addition, this issue of the science class also ushered in two new members: one is Liu Mengmeng, who played "Nuolan" in "Love Apartment", and the other is Wu Jiao, what kind of popular science puzzles will the two encounter in the science popularization class? This Friday night at 21:10, Jiangsu Satellite TV "From the Earth", stay tuned!

"From Earth" of "The Host": Earthlings PK alien creatures, see how humans can resolve the crisis