
Zeng Yuxuan was invited to perform at the "Wuwang Grand Gathering" and personally donated to the public welfare link

author:Sunshine Sannong
Zeng Yuxuan was invited to perform at the "Wuwang Grand Gathering" and personally donated to the public welfare link
Zeng Yuxuan was invited to perform at the "Wuwang Grand Gathering" and personally donated to the public welfare link
Zeng Yuxuan was invited to perform at the "Wuwang Grand Gathering" and personally donated to the public welfare link

On the evening of January 15, 2016, the "Wuwang Grand Event - World Fighting Series" was grandly opened at the Beilun Sports Center, and the boxing champions from China, Russia, Thailand, Iran and Japan competed and competed, and the first stop was held in Ningbo Beilun. Singapore's powerful love singer Zeng Yuxuan was invited to perform at the event, and added a beautiful singing voice, which haunted the arena and alleviated the tense atmosphere of many scenes.

Ningbo Beilun is a city full of love, the charity of "Charity Beilun" and the connotation of the first season of the Wuwang Grand World Fighting Championship "Fighting for Love" is very suitable, Zeng Yuxuan has always been enthusiastic about public welfare, in recent years, spend a lot of time in the field of charity, busy Zeng Yuxuan often pays attention to public welfare activities, and her public welfare footsteps have been almost all over the country.

In addition, Zeng Yuxuan sang her classic song "Flower of the Wind" for the audience, and the scene was once shouted wildly, which was highly praised and recognized by the organizers. Zeng Yuxuan carried out a charity sale of the album on the spot, and all the proceeds were donated to the Ningbo Beilun District Charity Federation, and Zeng Yuxuan also donated all the cash in his wallet of 3,098 yuan at the same time, so that the Charity Federation could hand over the donation object "sanitation work group" on behalf of the charity federation. Beilun Charity Federation also presented Zeng Yuxuan with the Charity Ambassador Award!

At the end of the performance, Beilun TV conducted an exclusive interview with Zeng Yuxuan, zeng Yuxuan frankly said: "Thank you to the organizers for this opportunity, thank you to the charity for giving this honor, for charity, she did her best to send love and warmth to others, and she is willing to continue to practice charity, and she will also harvest more happiness from it." Zeng Yuxuan uses his own strength to send his enthusiasm and blessings to people in need of help, and it is the positive spirit of this beautiful singer from Singapore who warms every Xuan fan and guides the whole society to pass on love.

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