
"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

author:Zhao Muzi

In the past two years, a cross-talk wind has blown up in China, and all this has also been driven by Guo Degang and Deyun Society. Many people believe that it is the appearance of Guo Degang, which makes the soon-to-disappear cross-talk popular again, and even Mr. Ma Ji's evaluation of Guo Degang is quite appreciative.

"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

Nowadays, Guo Degang has taken a back seat and is working hard to cultivate the next generation, not only the artists of Deyun Society, but also launched a program "Crosstalk with Newcomers" with Teacher Zhang Guoguo in the past two years, so that more cross-talk newcomers can show their abilities, and through this stage, they have also driven the development of many local communities. However, for some of the promotion personnel, it has caused a lot of controversy, especially the female player Ji Tianyu from Baodao.

"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

Ji Tianyu studied with the famous cross-talk artist Liu Zengkai in his early years, and he won good places in the cross-talk competition many times, which can also prove that her cross-talk skills are indeed very good. It's just that Ji Tianyu is the only female player to advance, which makes other female cross-talk actors seriously dissatisfied. When we started the show, we learned that there were at least five or six female cross-talk actors on the stage, but she was the only one who could broadcast on TV.

"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

Wang Xiaosheng, a female cross-talk actor who participated in the show together, posted content on social platforms, saying that she was not in good health at that time, so she received an invitation from the program group, but after broadcasting, she found that she did not appear at all. When she angrily contacted the director's team, the answer given by the other party was that the broadcast of your program would have a certain impact on the female contestants who advanced.

"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

Receiving this reply, Wang Xiaoyun was even more angry, and immediately posted: I don't know which actresses in this program arrangement are clearing for which related actresses? The person targeted is also obvious, because only Ji Tianyu herself has been promoted, and the so-called relationship household is nothing more than her social relationship with Deyun, and her partner Liu Zhe is herself an actor of Deyun Society, and she has a good relationship with Guo Degang in private, and has also participated in the movie "Ancestors nineteen generations".

"Crosstalk has a new person" caused controversy, and female cross-talk actors did not appear, which is suspected of paving the way for Ji Tianyu

This move immediately caused another group of female cross-talk actors Wu Peiling to like, who posted articles expressing their dissatisfaction with the program group. As for whether there is a shady scene here, it is not convenient for us to speculate more, but these too obvious moves are indeed somewhat inappropriate. Each actor was invited by the director group to gather here, came to the program that had been recorded for such a long time, but in the end it was empty of bamboo baskets, and the editor could only say that this kind of behavior was really unkind!

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