
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

author:Little Seven Seven Entertainment Society

【Text| Lemon Residue】

In today's cross-talk industry, the Deyun Society should occupy half of the country.

Of course, this cross-talk group can have such achievements as today, which is inseparable from Guo Degang.

As we all know, Guo Degang has experienced various ups and downs since he founded the Deyun Society.

He said, "Someone is going to put him to death," and he wasn't joking.

May not be in this environment will not understand.

However, his road has only just begun, and the future is still very long.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

Before 2003, deyun society was also called "Beijing Cross-talk Conference", with only a dozen members.

But at that time, it was still very difficult for Guo Degang.

Before the official name change, many of Xiangsheng's predecessors were among them, and Li Jing was one of them.

After the name was renamed, the main members became: Zhang Wenshun, Yu Qian, Li Jing, Li Wenshan, Liu Yuntian, Zhang Yunlei and so on.

They began performing at the Tianqiao Le Tea Garden.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

Although the basic structure is built, with the loneliness of crosstalk, the Deyun Society has also encountered great difficulties, which can be regarded as insufficient.

In order to keep the Deyun Society alive, Guo Degang had to find other ways out everywhere.

From participating in the show to being a host, to put it bluntly, as long as you can make money, you can do anything.

The days when I was a host on Anhui Satellite TV were very difficult.

In order to make a program, the TV station let Guo Degang watch like a monkey in a street window.

Fortunately, later he still successfully entered Anhui Satellite TV, but the remuneration given was getting less and less, and Guo Degang simply did not go.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

But fortunately, after that, the Deyun Society slowly got on the right track.

More and more members are joining.

But as fame climbed, so did the thing.

As we all know, during that time, the entire cross-talk industry was in a downturn, and the Deyun Society led by Guo Degang suddenly became the leader of the entire industry.

Originally, there was nothing to do, but the peers were not used to it, so they turned The Deyun Society and their group into two worlds.

The world he lives in is called mainstream crosstalk, while Guo Degang's world is called vulgar crosstalk.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

Remember that at that time, Guo Degang was under Hou Yaowen's door, almost everyone stood up to block it, no one would allow Guo Degang to exist in this industry, if it appeared, it would be a threat to himself.

Many years ago, Guo Degang and his predecessor Yang Zhigang had a conflict.

Yang Zhigang said that he was still Guo Degang's master, and the master and apprentice later got into trouble at this point, which was really lamentable.

Lao Guo wrote an article on the Internet called "My name is Guo Degang".

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

It is written that a famous cross-talk actor in Tianjin has done some unseemly things.

When he sat in the dock, he also foreshadowed the fate that followed.

Or rather, this is what he calls "reincarnation of the Heavenly Path."

After falling out with Yang Zhigang, many colleagues accused Guo Degang of being an ungrateful person.

However, it is really biased to say that he is ungrateful.

After the death of Guo Degang's master Hou Yaowen, he was once involved in a inheritance dispute.

Hou Yaowen's legacy is the Rose Garden Villa, which was bought with a loan at the time and will be auctioned off if the daughter cannot continue to repay the loan.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

In such a situation, Guo Degang bought the villa out of his own pocket.

Solves such a puzzle.

Of course, there were more people who scolded him, some people said that he coveted profits, and some people said that he was disrespectful to Hou Yaowen.

But his real intentions may not be known.

Of course, the benefactor who dared to fight for him went, no one would protect Guo Degang thoroughly, and the future wind and rain would have to be experienced by himself.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

Of course, there is a good saying: often walk by the river, how can you not get wet shoes?

When the Deyun Society was gradually developing and growing, accidents often occurred.

In 2008, Xu Deliang, a member of the Deyun Society, spoke out that he would withdraw from the Beijing Deyun Society with Wang Wenlin, which was the first time such a thing had happened in the Deyun Society.

Don't underestimate this matter, it is the last straw that crushed the camel.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

After Xu Deliang withdrew, many of the division brothers began to rethink their position in the Deyun Society.

On August 5, 2010, He Yunwei and Li Jing announced their withdrawal from deyun society.

With their withdrawal, the military has long been distracted.

At this time, I just happened to encounter Cao Yunjin and Deyun She, who were talking about contract renewal, because Cao Yunjin was dissatisfied with the remuneration and had been talking about it.

So the contract was not signed either.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

Cao Yunjin already had the idea of leaving the Deyun Society.

As a result, at Guo Degang's birthday party, the long-suppressed contradiction finally broke out.

Cao Yunjin was originally the last to come, but he drank too much, and he began to talk without looking, and pointed out when he saw people.

Suddenly, in front of Guo Degang, Cao Yunjin said loudly that he would not do it, and swore in front of the statue of Guan Gong:

"I Cao Yun Jin left the Deyun Society, if I come back again, it will be XX"

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

That time, it was the first time guo Degang shed tears in front of his apprentice.

Since then, the Deyun Society has suffered a great impact, and there are fewer and fewer backbones who can stand on the stage.

Is this scene of the master-disciple breakup a bit like the scene of Guo Degang and Yang Zhigang confronting the court?

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04</h1>

However, Cao Yunjin's departure was only one of the many storms of the Deyun Society.

After that, Guo Degang probably realized the problem, so he spent a long time to praise his apprentices.

Yue Yunpeng and Zhang Yunlei all became pillars to support the Deyun Society.

The result is really in response to the phrase "tree big stroke".

Someone flipped out a video of Zhang Yunlei on the Internet, Zhang Yunlei said inappropriately in the works he performed, and more than once, which caused everyone to question.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

As the incident continued to ferment, the official media also began to speak out.

In this way, Zhang Yunlei's negative evaluation is more.

In fact, cross-talk actors like Zhang Yunlei still have a certain weight in the Deyun Society.

If he is affected, will he revert to the situation where Cao Yunjin left and have an impact on the Deyun Society?

How much will there be.

However, this is what Guo Degang should bear.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

In the face of such a large team management, it is inevitable that there will be a little problem.

The accident of the Deyun Society is not over.

As we all know, Yue Yunpeng has walked out of the Deyun Society, gone to the Spring Festival Gala, received film and television performances by himself, and so on, and has become popular with many people.

But the other Members of the Tokuun Society are a little worse off.

Especially affected by the epidemic.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

They all began to change their style a little and began to walk a new fashion wave of live streaming with goods.

For example, Sun Yue, Yu Qian, Yue Yunpeng and others have all turned on the mode of advertising.

As a result, at the same time as everyone was paying attention, Luan Yunping of the Deyun Society forwarded a dynamic, and also accompanied the text:

"Hello everyone, I'm Luan Yunping, please don't report me"

What's going on here?

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">05</h1>

It turned out that a few days ago, Sun Yue and many other people in Deyun Society were reported!

Sun Yue just sent a live poster out, and later it was reported on his personal account.

There is also Yue Yunpeng, just promoted the Henan braised noodles, it was reported.

There is also Yu Qian, just to promote his own network talk show, and even was reported.

Such a scene is really rare.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

In addition to the Deyun Society, even the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text.

And posted:

"Not to be afraid, but to avoid unnecessary trouble, not to understand what is wrong with the text? ......"

It seems that the impact of this matter is still quite large.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

Speaking of Ji Tianyu, it should also be mentioned that although this beautiful woman is not from the Deyun Society, she has to be taken care of by Guo Degang, and the two should be the relationship between the master and the uncle from the generation point of view.

Moreover, he has partnered with Zhang Yunlei many times, and the two have always been regarded as "very close".

Of course, why this time will be affected, this question is really difficult to answer for a while.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion
Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

Because the most basic other question is also waiting for us to uncover, that is, behind their report, who is doing it?

Some people speculate that they are peers, and some people guess that they are those who have a grudge with Guo Degang.

In fact, it can be guessed and analyzed, and it is not impossible to do so.

Everyone knows that after the account is reported, although it may not be punished, the release of this dynamic will be frozen, then the publicity effect itself will not be.

This still has a little impact on the ads and live broadcasts they receive.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

Of course, some people speculate that Cao Yunjin is first-class, which is a bit far-fetched.

It should be known that after Cao Yunjin left the Deyun Society, he had already blossomed in full bloom, and he appeared on variety shows and acted on television.

So he didn't have to do that.

So who is behind this?

Maybe it's just a fan of DeyunSha's deep responsibility.

Of course, all this is just speculation, and the answer is still left to time.

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

It is not easy for Deyunshe to get to the present, but I still hope to see them go further in the future.

After all, the road is long, and it is really difficult for a group of people to come!

Many people in the Deyun Society were reported, and the cross-talk beauty Ji Tianyu was forced to delete the text, who is doing the work? 0102030405 conclusion


Author: Lemon dregs

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated.

The picture comes from the network, if there is infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you!

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