
The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

author:Flower Seed Movie Time
The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Text | Flower Seeds · Image | Internet

"My own child was born in someone else's belly, and I used to think it was nothing, but now I think that I should have done it myself, letting others do it for me, but I enjoyed it myself, and I was too selfish." Every time I see Zhang Fang, I can think of Li Yan, I always feel that Zhang Fang is your and Li Yan's child, I don't know how to erase this memory, I really don't know, what our future life will be like. ”

This is a passage that the heroine Fang Yun said to the male protagonist Zhang Xuan near the end of the movie "Mother Tongue".

A surrogacy caused a tragedy for three people!

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

The film "Mother Tongue" is a commercial film about "surrogacy" written by Wang Haiping and directed by Yu Zhong, starring Qin Lan, Fang Zhongxin and Wang Pei.

Wang Haiping, Qin Lan and Ao Zhijun won the Best Original Screenwriter, Most Promising Actress and Best Cinematography awards at the 3rd 2011 Vientiane International Chinese Film Festival respectively for this film.

The film is set in 2007-2008, and the film involves the snow disaster at the end of 2007 and the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.

Screenwriter Wang Haiping saw the great maternal love of Chinese women for "Wenchuan orphans" during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, coupled with the understanding and understanding of the phenomenon of surrogacy, he fused the two together to create the novel "Mother Tongue".

At that time, Wang Haiping was working in Huairou District, in order to complete this work, he did interviews in Dalian and other places for about half a year according to the experience of the people around him, collected a large amount of information, and found the prototype for the plot and details of the film.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

The scene of the whole film is in a luxurious villa, the beginning is the scientist male protagonist Zhen (played by Fang Zhongxin) returning home from abroad, the husband and wife are reunited for a long time, and they are making love at night, but the female protagonist Fang Yun (played by Wang Pei) is a dangerous period, indicating that the male protagonist wants to use Durex.

But Zhang Xuan said that she wants children, and Fang Yun is a person with a strong sense of enterprise, she is a TV reporter, busy at work, she feels that the value of life lies in the pursuit of career success, she does not have time to get pregnant and have children, plus she has flowed twice before, and does not want to let her body be hurt again.

Zhang Xuan had to choose to respect his wife's intentions and took out Durex on the bedside table.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

During the day, Zhang Xuan's friend took the child to his family's big villa to play, and when the friend learned that Zhang Xuan wanted to have a child and Fang Yun did not want to have children, he suggested that Zhang Xuan find someone to surrogate.

Zhang Xuan said that he had considered surrogacy, but his heart was very resistant, and his friend casually said, "Then find another divorce!" ”

Zhang Yan and Fang Yun have been in love for many years, have deep feelings, divorce is definitely impossible, Zhang decided to find someone to surrogate, and at night to find Fang Yun to discuss surrogacy, Fang Yun agreed.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Zhang Xuan asked Fang Yun, can she accept everything that surrogacy brings? Fang Yun asked what to do, Zhang Xuan said that she didn't know it yet, Fang Yun felt that as long as it was the child of the two of them, she was fine.

This is the cause of finding surrogacy, Zhang's friend is the catalyst for this matter, and later the candidate for surrogacy is also brought by Zhang's friend.

When Zhang Xuan and Fang Yun screened many girls who were not satisfied, Zhang's friend brought a person - Li Yan (played by Qin Lan), who has academic qualifications and character, but in order to pay off his father's debts and use money in a hurry, he came to apply for a surrogate mother.

Zhang asked Li Yan if she knew what she was doing? Surrogate Li Yan said with certainty that she knew.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Zhang, Fang and Li went to the United States to return to their villa after surgery, Fang Yun wanted to go out to work, and Zhang told Li Yan to eat folic acid, listen to music, and prenatal education is very important.

When it was found that the pregnancy was successful, the three people were very happy, Zhang Xuan took Li Yan to the hospital for review, and told her to say that her name was Fang Yun when she was examined, in order to facilitate the future when the child was born to fill in the mother's name.

After Li Yan lived in the villa, the three people got along, and the screen was full of embarrassment! The acting skills of the three actors are indeed very good, every embarrassing expression, every subtle emotion is expressed just right, naturally, there is no trace of performance at all.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

When Li Yan's stomach was a little pregnant, Zhang Yan's parents came over, and Zhang's mother looked at Li Yan, who was pregnant with Liujia, and said to Zhang Father: "Now young people really want to open, they don't want to give birth, please come to life, not their own birth, how can it be called biological birth?" At this time, Li Yan's expression was embarrassed!

Fang came back from work, and after greeting Zhang's parents, asked Li to wash vegetables, Zhang's mother said that pregnant women can not wash, said that Fang did not give birth and did not understand many taboos for pregnant women, the result is that Fang washed vegetables to cook.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

In this paragraph, Fang has embarrassment and loss, the impact of surrogacy on their lives is becoming more and more obvious, li Yan and Fang Yun are uncomfortable with more and more points, one is a woman who has a stomach but the fetus is not her own, and the other is a woman whose fetus is her own but does not grow up in her own belly.

In this wonderful relationship, the most comfortable is the male bravado, no matter what, the child is his, he does not have too much embarrassment, but there is one more person who cares about him to take care of him, Li Yan in their family to give birth, he seems to have a caring nanny, cooking, keeping the home clean, putting him bath water.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

When the child was slightly older in the month and began to have hearing from a scientific point of view, Fang Yun came to Li Yan and said that she wanted to tell stories to the child in her belly and let the child become familiar with her mother's voice. In the picture, two women sit on the sofa, Li Yan has a big belly and a face full of embarrassment, and Fang Yun holds the storybook and tells it affectionately. Will the fetus in the abdomen be messy? Who is the voice of this storyteller, and who is the voice that accompanies him all the time?

Li Yan's belly is getting bigger and bigger, one day when she was cleaning the sofa, the child's tire moved badly, Fang and Zhang quickly asked Li Yan to sit down, and the two people lay on Li Yan's stomach happily listening to the child's fetal movements, and said that we are your parents and fathers. Li Yan is embarrassed and uncomfortable, and the atmosphere in this picture is really strange.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Spring came, bought baby products and cribs, when installing the cribs, Li Yan happily said to Zhang Yan that sometimes when telling stories to children, it felt as if the children were their own. Seeing that Zhang's expression was not right, Li Yan immediately embarrassed not to speak, and Zhang was very gentlemanly and said that from a biological point of view, she was the mother of the child.

The child was born, Fang Yun held the child home, Zhang Yan's parents said that the child looked like Zhang Zhen and Fang Yun, named Zhang Fang, the family coaxed the child happily in the living room, Li Yan lay quietly in the house alone, and the lonely expression expressed her inner loss.

Newborns often cry, children cry, grandma hugged over to find Li to feed, casually said "looking for mother to breastfeed", Fang Yun is a little uncomfortable.

At night, Fang Yun wanted to let the child sleep with them as a couple, and when the child wanted to eat, she would send it to Li Yan, whose expression was lost, worried, and uncomfortable.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

The child cried hard at night, how Fang Yun coaxed was useless, the old two came to hug and coax, Fang Yun was unwilling, Li Yan came to hold the child, Fang was unwilling, under the repeated persuasion of everyone, Fang Yun finally let Li Yan hold the child over, and after a while the child did not cry. Grandma said that the child was used to the taste of Lee, and Fang's face was full of pain.

Later, in order to make the child willing to be close to herself, Fang Yun took a bath hard to wash her own smell, and then wore Li Yan's clothes and held the child, thinking that she could have the smell of Li and maybe the child would be willing to sleep with her.

And asked Li Yan to squeeze out the milk so that she could feed the child at night, and at night, the child kept crying, Fang Yun couldn't stop, the old man and Zhang both asked Fang Yun to hold the child to Li Yan, Fang Yun was unwilling, she drove everyone out of the bedroom, holding the crying child alone, she also cried helplessly and painfully.

And Li Yan listened to the child's crying downstairs and cried silently in the room.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Wenchuan earthquake, Fang Yun went to Wenchuan for an interview. When Fang came back from the disaster area and brought back a child, perhaps because Fang Yun was a bit like the mother of that child, so others hugged her and she cried, only Fang Yun hugged her and did not cry, Fang Yun looked at the little girl's eyes and felt particularly close, Fang felt that she was like her own child, planning to adopt, named Zhang Qiang, Zhang Qiang did not object, Zhang Yun still respected his wife.

It can be seen that the continuation of family affection and love does not necessarily depend on blood, and Zhang Fang, who is related to Fang Yun by blood, cannot make Fang Yun feel close, while Zhang Qiang, who is not related to her, makes her feel more intimate. If you choose to adopt a child who is related to yourself from the beginning, you will not have as much pain as surrogacy.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

When Li Yan's contract was about to expire, she also bought a dress for Zhang Yan when she bought something for the family, and when she gave Zhang Bi a look at whether the clothes fit or not, Li Yan couldn't help but cry, Zhang comforted Li, Li Yan said: "For a year, I am reluctant to this family, reluctant child, Brother Zhang, you are a good man and a good father!" ”

Zhang Xuan said, "You are a good mother! ”

Li Yan said, "I'm not a mother, I don't belong here!" ”

Zhang Yan comforted Li to lean on his shoulder, the two embraced, Li Yan cried bitterly, just when Fang Yun came back to see this scene. The expressions of the three people were extremely embarrassed.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Zhang Xuan found Fang Yun sitting in front of the window and told her not to misunderstand the scene just now, and Fang Yun lightly said something about the continuation of human beings and about surrogacy:

From the moment I met Zhang Qiang, I seemed to suddenly understand what a mother was, that kind of concern, that kind of fate, seemed to be more important than blood, what the continuation of human beings depended on, whether it was heredity, whether it was family affection, or love.

My own child was born in the belly of others, I used to think that this was nothing, but now I think, it should be my own thing, let others do it for me, but I sit back and enjoy it, I am too selfish, every time I see Zhang Fang, I can think of Li Yan. I always feel that Zhang Fang is your and Li Yan's child, I don't know how to erase this memory, I really don't know, what our future life will be like.

In the past, I thought that the two of us were very, very much in love with each other, but now it seems that this kind of love has become a kind of affection and a kind of love, and in order not to break this feeling, we are cautious and polite to each other. I don't know, I don't know.........

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Half a year later, Zhang Yan and Fang Yun divorced, Zhang Yan took Zhang Fang to the United States, Li Yan returned to her hometown and heard from her, and Fang Yun lived with Zhang Qiang to this day.

A surrogacy made the family not a family, Zhang Xuan lost his wife, and people were scattered; his own child born from the stomach of others was not close to himself, so that Fang Yun was devastated and suffered, regretting his selfishness, and sighing for his original naïve ideas.

Li Yan was pregnant in October, and she has established a deep relationship with her child who is not her own, but she has to leave, which will have an indelible impact on her future life path, midnight dream back, will she tear up wet pillow towel, thinking about how the child is now?

Surrogacy is a forbidden fruit that must not be stolen, it involves ethics and morality, violates laws and regulations, and it will put women into a commodification situation. If surrogacy is legalized, more women will be mutilated and women's freedoms and rights will be increasingly unprotected.

The surrogacy movie "Mother Tongue": A surrogacy has become a tragedy for three people

Author | Flower seeds

Member of Nanjing Writers Association, Contracted Photographer of Visual China, Member of Nanjing Jiangning District Writers Association, Senior Still Life Photographer of Figureworm

The articles were published in Urumqi Evening News, Changzhou Evening News, Beihai Literature, Labor Times, Bozhou Evening News, Beibei Daily, Yulin, Jiangning News, Tianxiamei Newspaper and C-bit magazines.

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