
Screen reproduction of "the cutest person"

author:Bright Net

Author: Gong Weifeng

"Marshal Peng Dehuai", "Breaking the Game 1950", "Mao Anying", "Three Eight Lines", "For Peace", "Heroes and Children"...

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' war to resist us aggression and aid Korea, the recent television screens have broadcast a large number of television dramas, documentaries, and special programs related to this period of history, bringing the audience back to that magnificent era, remembering the martyrs, and paying tribute to the "loveliest people."

A. TV series

"Mao Anying"

Mao Anying, the eldest son of Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui, was a Russian translator and secretary of the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, died in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was buried in the Chinese Volunteer Army Martyrs' Cemetery in North Korea. The TV series "Mao Anying" was broadcast on CCTV General Channel in 2010, starring Xiaoguang, Han Zhong, Song Yi, Wang Hui, Wei Daxun and others. The plot takes Mao Anying's life experience as the main line, shaping the image of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation. The drama won the first prize of the 28th China Tv Drama Feitian Awards.

In order to reproduce The life of Mao Anying as realistically as possible, the crew of "Mao Anying" went to 8 provinces and cities in China in succession, to the Jinhe Farm in Heilongjiang at minus 40 degrees Celsius, and to North Korea, Russia and other places to shoot. Initially, the first choice of "Mao Anying" in the director's mind was Liu Ye, and Chen Jianbin also took the initiative to ask for help, but the age was not suitable, and finally finalized Yu Xiaoguang to star. And Yu Xiaoguang worked hard to play a good role, learning Russian, learning to sing Russian songs, learning to skate... Wei Daxun plays Mao Anying's younger brother Mao Anqing in the play, and Song Yi plays Mao Anying's wife Liu Siqi.

Marshal Peng Dehuai

Written by Ma Jihong and Gao Jun and directed by Song Yeming, director of Bayi Film Studio, the TV series "Marshal Peng Dehuai" presents Peng Dehuai's great achievements and revolutionary career in a documentary biographical style. In the play, Dong Yong plays Peng Dehuai, and many "special actors" are invited to join: Tang Guoqiang as Mao Zedong, Liu Jin as Zhou Enlai, Wang Wufu as Zhu De... The actors participating in the performance include Yang Tongshu, Liu Jian, Bai Bing, Xu Guangyu, Liu Yijun, etc., and there are more than 300 historical figures with names and surnames.

The filming of the work lasted through three seasons of winter, spring and summer, from the ice and snow of minus 25 degrees Celsius to the scorching heat of 35 degrees Celsius, and successively transferred to Hebei, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Shandong and other places, with a shooting period of more than 5 months, creating a grand war scene, with nearly 30,000 participants before and after.

Breaking the Game 1950

As the opening year drama of CCTV this year, "Breaking the Game 1950" has produced a great response after it was broadcast. "Breaking the Game 1950", starring He Minghan and Miao Yuan, tells the story of public security officers Liu Yu'e, Han Lidong and others in 1950 who fought a deadly battle with secret agents in order to protect the Shen'an Railway, the only railway "artery" leading to the Korean front. Screenwriter Su Ting, who took three years to write the script, said: "This history is worth writing, the heroes have built a steel transportation line that cannot be broken and exploded with blood and life, and we should pay tribute to these heroes." ”

"38 Lines"

Starring Zhang Guoqiang, Wang Ting, and Cao Xiwen, "38 Lines" tells the story of how in 1950, after the fishing village on the Yalu River was bombed by US fighter jets, the young people in the village joined the volunteer army and rushed to North Korea to defend their homeland. Producer Wang Pei said that he used the spirit of documentary to create the play: "The crew referred to a large number of historical documents and tried to truly restore the war scenes, and more than 80% of the stories in the whole drama originated from real war stories, and they were never joked or interpreted." In order to create a realistic "battlefield", the crew spent a lot of money to customize two American M4A3 "Sherman" self-propelled tank 1:1 prop models.

"38 Lines" won the 31st TV Series "Feitian Award" Outstanding TV Series Award for Major Revolutionary Historical Themes. Zhang Guoqiang once said that "Three Eight Lines" is the most wonderful war drama he has starred in after "My Regiment Leader My Regiment".

B. Documentary

"For Peace" is a hit on more than ten channels

In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteers' going abroad to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Propaganda Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, and the Editor-in-Chief Office of the Central Radio and Television General Station recently broadcast on multiple platforms. The film consists of 6 episodes, namely "Responsibility for Justice", "Contest of Death", "Bloody Burst", "Heroic Hymn", "Unity of One Heart", and "Great Victory", each episode is about 50 minutes, adopting the method of combining historical theory and story expression, reviewing and presenting the glorious course and valuable experience of the CPC's leadership of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and comprehensively reflecting the just nature and great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The documentary aired in CCTV1 primetime for three consecutive nights from October 18 to 20, and began with a high rating of 1.253%, and the ratings continued to remain high, reaching a maximum of 1.846%. As of October 28, the documentary has been replayed on CCTV7, Beijing Satellite TV, Jilin Satellite TV, Oriental Satellite TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, Guangdong Satellite TV, Xinjiang Satellite TV and other more than ten channels, the popularity continues, of which CCTV7 replay alone has attracted 2.1% of new viewers, and the ratings of replays on Oriental Satellite TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV and other channels have also exceeded 1.5%.

At present, the film's Douban score is as high as 8.9 points. Some viewers sighed: "The most touching thing is the veterans of the volunteer army who were interviewed in the film - the military merit badges hanging on their chests are what you deserve, and you have cast the soul of the Chinese army with your lives." ”

In addition to "For Peace", there are many documentaries reflecting this history to meet the audience.

"Heroes and Children" consists of 6 episodes, each episode is 52 minutes long, and 101 veterans of the volunteer army are interviewed in a rescue-style interview, revealing precious historical audio and video materials. Another "Hero" takes the process of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as the timeline, takes the characters as the starting point, combines historical materials, and uses the lens to spread this history.

"ResistING US Aggression and Aiding Korea and Defending the Homeland" comprehensively reviewed the course of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, declassified some precious archives, telegrams, and videos for the first time, photographed more than 100 precious cultural relics of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and also interviewed authoritative experts at home and abroad to conduct authoritative interpretation and in-depth analysis of the international background, campaign history, and historical details of the war against the United States and Aid Korea. "Ode to the Immortal Hero" chooses a different path, telling the story of the 20th Army of the Chinese Volunteer Army, which is mainly composed of Shanghai soldiers, participating in the Battle of Chosin Lake, depicting the process of the Volunteer Army defeating the US First Marine Division with inferior equipment.

With the theme of "The Power of Memory", "The Power of Memory" organically combines the two forms of artistic expression of film and television drama and documentary, takes the key events in the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as clues, selects classic film and television drama clips related to it, intersperses guest interviews, still life shooting and other auxiliary means to show the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

C. Special programs

Shining Names retraces heroic moments

On October 24, Oriental Satellite TV's cultural documentary search program "Shining Names" launched a special program to commemorate those "shining names" that have survived in the war with a special narrative that spans time and space. In the program, the host Chen Chen invited the Soldiers of the Chinese Volunteer Army and their relatives and friends who personally experienced the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea to the scene, and led the audience all the way back to the shining moments of the Chinese Volunteer Army in the process of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the mode of interviews and film and television interpretation.

In the Battle of Chosin Lake, Hu Qianxiu led more than 400 soldiers to hold on to Huangcaoling, becoming the first senior general of the Chinese Volunteer Army to die on the Korean battlefield. At the time of his death, the eldest son was only four years old, and 20 days after his sacrifice, the youngest son was born and the family named Hu Yichao. Speaking of this past, Hu Qianxiu's eldest son, Hu Xiaoping, said that although he could not leave a family photo with his father, he still remembers his father's wish - to live a peaceful life in a peaceful environment and have time to sleep well.

Nearly 200,000 Chinese Volunteer Army soldiers died on the Korean battlefield, most of them under the age of 30. Ren Hongju, a war correspondent at that time, said: "Medals will never rust, they were scrubbed by martyrs with hot blood." ”

Wang Qingzhen, a nurse who was only 17 years old at the time, was the prototype character who used a mouth suction catheter to urinate for the wounded in the movie "Shangganling". Grandma Wang recalled in the show that she had taken care of nearly 30 wounded people alone and had seen all kinds of injuries; without anesthesia, she sang for the wounded; she also worked with nurses to sort out the remains of the martyr Huang Jiguang...

Source: Yangcheng Evening News