
Famous Aides: The Anniversary Of Frostman's Unfortunate Drowning Festival once helped Shandong reach the finals


Since the CBA began to introduce foreign aid in 1996, in the past 20 years, there have been countless foreign aid in the CBA, their role is becoming more and more obvious, foreign aid determines the team's performance and even affects the entire CBA pattern, they have also become an important part of CBA history. CBA off-season NetEase CBA specially launched the "CBA Famous Aid Record" to take stock of the CBA's famous foreign aides, recall their stunt legends and even off-site anecdotes. This issue (Issue 39) marks the first anniversary of the tragic death of a former CBA foreign aid, and let us mourn him again in our memories: Jackson Fromman.

Famous Aides: The Anniversary Of Frostman's Unfortunate Drowning Festival once helped Shandong reach the finals

The tragic drowning in his home last year today caused his teammates to mourn

On June 30, 2015, Beijing time, Froman, a CBA foreign aid who had played for Dongguan, Shandong and Jiangsu, died unexpectedly at home in the United States, which was shocking. At the age of 34, Froman was in his mansion when he accidentally tripped over a step and hit his head and fell into the swimming pool, and when he was found, he had drowned.

After Shandong Guoshou Ran learned the news, he was the first to mourn Fromman on Weibo: "I hope you are all right in heaven... R.I.P", and attached a photo of Fromman's life, pinning deep mourning. Shandong foreign aid Jeter also lamented in Twitter: "Rest in peace, Jackson, deeply in love with you, good brother." At the same time, he also posted a former photo with Fromman. Froman's Jiangsu teammate Hu Xuefeng lamented: "Good people, how suddenly gone, until now I have not returned to God." ”

Today, a full year after Froman's departure, let us once again look back on his career on this special day, and remember the outstanding performance of this interior tough player in the CBA.

The "Star II" NBA frustration was once naturalized by the Lebanese team

Froman, born on June 6, 1981 in the United States, is 2.08 meters tall and weighs 100 kilograms, and can play in both the forward and center positions. Froman is a "star second generation", his father Brett Fromman once played for the Jazz in the NBA for 12 seasons, which is a generation of Salt Lake City stars.

Froman's development in the NBA is not satisfactory, far inferior to his father. In 2004, Froman was sent to the Suns after being drafted by the Bulls in the second round of the draft and then traded to the Hornets, where he played just 87 games in the NBA, averaging 12.8 minutes per game and 3.3 points and 3 rebounds. At the end of the 2005–06 season, he left the NBA and moved to Spain, Iran and other national leagues.

In 2009, Froman, who has Lebanese ancestry, obtained Lebanese citizenship, naturalized to join the Lebanese national team, and participated in the 2009 Men's Basketball Asian Championship. In the rematch with China, for a full 40 minutes, Froman did not rest for 1 second, scoring a game-high 25 points, 12 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals and 1 block, and when he faced China again in the semifinals, he scored a game-high 27 points and 10 rebounds. In 2010, Froman played for Lebanon at the World Championships, averaging 14.8 points, 6.4 boards and 2 blocks per game.

Played in the CBA and worked hard to help Shandong reach the finals

His outstanding performance in the Lebanese national team attracted the attention of the CBA team to Fromman. In 2010, Froman joined Dongguan to start his CBA journey. In that season in Dongguan, he quickly played a price, playing 27 games in the season, scoring 22.5 points, 10.6 rebounds, 4.9 assists, 2.8 steals and 1.5 blocks, making him one of the most comprehensive interior lines of the season. The Dongguan team with Froman started the season with 10 consecutive wins and locked up a playoff spot in eight rounds in advance, which can be called the dark horse of the season. On February 27, 2011, Froman injured his right hand during a match between Dongguan and Beijing, and since then, due to the slow recovery from the injury, dongguan has had no choice but to cut him.

In the 2011-12 season, Froman switched to Jiangsu, and the season average increased to 25.8 points, 11.9 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 2.4 steals, and the highest score in a single game was 45 points, conquering the Jiangsu fans at that time. Froman has a high IQ in basketball, is very dedicated on the court, usually trains very seriously, likes to express his views on the team's tactical training, and he is also known as "Fu Guide".

In the 2012-13 season, Froman joined Shandong and ushered in the most brilliant season of his CBA career. Although limited by the playing time, the season average of only 10.4 points, 9.1 rebounds, 3.2 assists and 2.0 steals, his inner double tower with Abbas is the guarantee for Shandong team to reach the finals. Especially in the semi-final sweep of Beijing's series, his efficiency under the basket and excellent defense are crucial to winning. In the third game, Froman scored 25 points, 13 rebounds, 4 steals, 3 blocks and 2 assists on 11 of 17 shooting, helping Shandong to a 101-82 victory over Beijing. Froman is not the kind of player who pursues personal data, he is better at team combat, good at studying technical and tactical cooperation with teammates, he once said: "I never care about data." I've played for so many years and I just remember how the team ended up. You see after the game, I never care about how much the score is, I care more about whether the team wins or not. As long as the team wins, I don't care what I do. ”

Famous Aides: The Anniversary Of Frostman's Unfortunate Drowning Festival once helped Shandong reach the finals

In the 2013-14 season, Froman returned to Jiangsu, averaging 14.4 points, 10.4 rebounds, 4.2 assists, 2.8 steals and 2.2 blocks per game, and this season also became his best song in the CBA.

Froman played in the CBA for 4 seasons, and his overall performance was very dedicated and desperate, which can be said to be loved by everyone. In life, The rich family of Froman is very generous, once paid for his teammates to buy Christmas gifts, humble and atmospheric, so that Froman and his teammates get along very well. The unfortunate and early death of Froman is indeed regrettable.

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