
Bird-catching spiders were first found in the South Rolling River National Nature Reserve

author:CCTV News

Recently, when the Dali University Science Examination Group conducted a scientific expedition to the spider-like species in the Nan rolling river nature reserve in Lincang City, Yunnan Province, the baboon spider family was found for the first time in the area of the South Rolling River.

Bird-catching spiders were first found in the South Rolling River National Nature Reserve

Bird-catching spiders have relatively high environmental requirements and a narrow population distribution range, so this type of spider has high requirements for the growth environment and will only be distributed in places with good vegetation conditions. Bird-catching spiders have a sharp decrease in the number of this group due to their particularly small number, relatively high research value, and the fact that this type of spider is poached and sold by some criminals. Currently, the taxon has been listed as an endangered species in the world. The distribution range of the baboon spider family in China is also relatively narrow, and the current record data shows that it is only distributed in Hainan, Guangxi, Hubei and Yunnan in China.

Bird-catching spiders were first found in the South Rolling River National Nature Reserve

Bird catchers are relatively primitive spiders of the genus Spiders. The spider is large, the adult spider body length can generally reach more than 10 cm, sexual ferocity, carnivorous, poisonous glands open at the end of the claw limbs, venom glands can secrete venom, venom toxicity is very strong, large amount. For this reason, bird-catching spiders are called spider venom kings. Sexual handicaps can prey on small birds, hence the name of the bird-catching spider. The bird-catching spider has fine hairs all over its body, ranging in length from 2.5 to 10 cm and a foot span of 8 to 30 cm. Bird-catching spiders are generally burrowing groups, using radial wires at the mouth of the cave to sense the distance of the prey from the mouth of the hole. Bird-catching spiders are nocturnal animals, hidden in the nest during the day, crawling at the mouth of the cave at night, using the mixed wire to perceive the distance and proximity of the prey, once the prey is close to the mouth of the cave, it will kill the prey with lightning speed.

Bird-catching spiders were first found in the South Rolling River National Nature Reserve

In recent years, new species have been discovered in the Nan rolling River Nature Reserve, and the life code on the border line of western Yunnan has been recorded in tens of thousands of hectares of primeval forest. The first discovery of bird-catching spiders in the South Rolling River Nature Reserve is an important discovery of this scientific expedition, and the discovery of new species provides important basic information for the biodiversity of the South Rolling River Nature Reserve. (CCTV reporter Liu Wenjie, Tu Fengchen, Yang Zhenghe, Li Yanwang)

(Edited by Chen Yang)