
In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

author:Shovel Officer Captain

They are fluffy and warm, and just looking at their cute little faces is enough to heal. They are not as popular as cats, dogs and dogs, but B-grid is full. Totoro, pet rabbit, mink, Dutch pig, guinea pig... We dig three feet into the ground for you to recommend, cute to your screaming alternative pet!

In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

Pet Mink: The whitest and most beautiful pet

Lifespan: about 10 years, very skinny, rarely sick.

Method: Cage feeding, the need for "walking".

What to eat: Professional mink food, in fact, is similar to cat food and dog food, which requires high protein and a relatively high fat content.

Bathing: Super love to bathe, can be washed in water every day.

Personality: Smart and independent, likes to live in a larger cage, needs a tunnel toy, and can let it drill around. I am very afraid of heat and do not like to bask in the sun.

Value: about 2000 yuan

Its hair is silky, its figure is slender, it is a "yoga master", can pull out a variety of difficult shapes, the mink is a white rich beauty Yuki! Mink is smart, very independent, and has a much-like personality like a cat. It is a kind of pet that needs you to relieve the pressure with it, if the owner often releases it, occasionally does not let go, its pressure will be relatively large, so the mink still has to often pull out and play. If you keep it in a cage, it will grow into a melancholy fat man. Mink likes to drill everywhere, especially in the sewers, so be extra careful when releasing mink.

In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

Dodge Rabbit: Rabbits that don't eat carrots have real B grids

Lifespan: 5-8 years

Method: Caged

What to eat: Pet rabbit food and hay are packed in bags according to the recipe, fed once in the morning and once in the evening, and then given to them every day to change a small bowl of fresh and clean water next to them, which is very convenient. Never feed it what people eat, including carrots! Because the pet rabbit's stomach is very fragile, in case of diarrhea, it may die in 4 hours.

Bathing: Pet rabbits of about 2 months generally use dry cleaning powder, and when they reach adulthood of 5 months, the rabbits can bathe with warm water, and they should be dried with a hair dryer as soon as possible after washing. If you wash it with water, the frequency of 1 time a week is good, and it should not be washed too often, but if you use dry cleaning powder, you can bathe it every day.

Personality: Quiet introvert, sleeping beauty during the day, playing with you at night, suitable for office workers. By the way, they don't like to bask in the sun either.

Value: 300-600 yuan

Now there are four kinds of most fashionable pet rabbits, the smallest is only 2-3 pounds of pygmy rabbits; cat cat rabbits like cats; dumb-looking drooping rabbits; and, the most advanced Dodge rabbits! This rabbit has very long fur and resembles a doll, and is a beautiful rabbit from Germany. Many people will say: in fact, buying home will still grow! Well, you've been lied to. This kind of pet rabbit suitable for cage breeding will not grow up again, as long as it is bought in a regular pet store, rather than the kind sold with a cage on the street. Because selling this kind of special small pet shop will take care of the long-term need of guests for pet food, Sonny is not deceived. Some stores also have rabbit grooming: you can cut its nails, trim its hair, and there are many styles of tow ropes – yes! Walking rabbits is a new trend! There are also some small clothes that can be worn for pet rabbits, small vests, and cuteness directly soars.

In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

Totoro: Actually, it doesn't look like Miyazaki

Lifespan: 10 years

What to eat: Totoro food, and some alfalfa grass – Alfalfa grass is actually for cows, and the protein is very high. Never let Totoro eat chocolate as it will be poisoned.

Bathing: dry cleaning only! Bathe with specialized volcanic ash and bath salts.

Personality: It also does not like to bask in the sun, is a night owl.

Value: about 800 yuan

In fact, Totoro is a "mouse" not a "cat"! Its daimyō is the South American Rat, because Miyazaki's "Totoro" is too popular, so everyone calls it Totoro after that. Totoro gray is the mainstream, and now there are beige, cyan, coffee, pink white... Totoro is a very docile pet, generally they will only bark when they are hungry, making a "grunting" sound, at this time you just need to feed it to eat, some totoro eat small snacks or something. But some totoro will be "played bad" by the owner, that is, often released to play, they will be more active, plus the totoro is also a nocturnal animal, so usually do not get used to it too often, otherwise the owner may not sleep well at night.

In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

Reverse Guinea Pig: Combing moxigan's head is the king of cool

What to eat: Eat professional guinea pig food, hay, and some grains. There are also some snacks that these rodents eat all, such as dried fruits, nuts, grass bricks, and grass blocks, and they can be fed clean water. Feed twice a day, 1 in the morning and once in the evening.

Bathing: Within 3 months, you can use dry cleaning powder, shiny foam and the like to clean, and the taste is relatively fresh. As an adult, you can take a bath with warm water.

Personality: Docile and intelligent for love

Value: about 200 yuan

Because the guinea pigs that became popular in "Guinea Pig Task Force" are very cute, they are also called guinea pigs. The inverse guinea pig is Yao Ming among guinea pigs - a little older than the average guinea pig. In addition, they are characterized by "Mohican hairstyles". Docile and clever, like to be touched, if you treat it well, it will recognize you, call it its name, it will dangle to your side, it will play with you - very suitable for playing in the hand, very healing!

In addition to cats and dogs, we can also recommend alternative pets at home

Dutch Fragrant Pig: Walking a pig is super loving

Lifespan: about 10 years

How to raise: Pet pigs need to live in a quiet and dry environment.

What to eat: Piglets drink milk powder and can eat solid food completely after 1 month. Because pigs are omnivorous, food should contain vegetables, fruits, and dynamic proteins.

Bathing: Simply fill the tub with water and wipe the piglet's mouth and nose with a towel. If you bathe the pig too often, it will cause the pig's skin to dry and itch.

Price: about 300 yuan

Recently there was a set of very hot photos of a fashionable girl walking a pig at the airport, and their pink round appearance made passers-by stop and scream "So cute!" "But we have to tell you that pet pigs are really not completely "not big", they will grow from 20 centimeters to about 70 centimeters, more than 40 pounds - the size of a medium-sized dog. We solemnly warn you: to raise pigs, it is best to have a balcony or yard. Although pigs really love clean animals, they are much more pulled than other small pets, and their bark is also as good as that of dogs!


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