
Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

author:Barcelona Films

"Star II" is an aura and a burden, and Li Chun's works are released, and it seems that they are inseparable from the discussions related to his father, Ang Lee.

The new film "Stay with You for a Long Time" has been very directly questioned: "Does Ang Lee not help his son choose a script". So, what did this "companion love" movie make?

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

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The boy's life is uneventful, the only special thing is that he broke the secret of the goddess Liang Mint in elementary school - his mother abandoned mint and remarried.

Therefore, when other classmates mocked Liang Mint as a "child that no one wants", nine cakes blocked in front of the goddess. This time, she volunteered to let the goddess remember the Nine Cakes, and also opened the emotional entanglement between the two for several years.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

She was bullied, and he came forward to protect her.

He ran amok, and she had no complaints about the aftermath.

They frolicked with each other to the university, but Nine Cake, who did not have excellent grades, once again went to the same school with Mint with an excellent interview.

Mint also joked about Nine Cakes on the front foot, and the back foot received a distress signal - because the fire caused by cooking hot pot with his new roommate, the school did not allow Nine Cakes to live in the dormitory.

With a face of ashes and nowhere to put their luggage, the two began a painful search for a house.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

From moldy basements and dead rental houses to mixed areas operating special industries, houses come to an end in a bakery called Zaodao, where the owner's daughter prepares to rent out half of the room in the summer to earn tuition.

I was still hesitant to share a room with a high school student summer, but another thing completely stole the attention of Nine Cakes.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

The welcome ceremony "Test Courage Conference" allows the new students to break into the haunted house, but the nine cakes that vow to protect mint push away the mint when they see the "ghost", and the handsome senior maizi, who plays the ghost, can't bear to see the student sister afraid and catches the mint.

Seeing the sparks of the two, Nine Cake regretted why he pushed mint away, obviously a girl who had liked it for many years.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Looking at the soulless Nine Cakes, the cake shop took him in, and the vibrant summer encouraged the Nine Cakes to confess.

However, Nine Cake accidentally ate the "Devil's Tears" concocted by his roommate, causing him to go into a trance and kiss the security guard like a mint and into the police station.

This time completely let the mint erupt: after all these years of taking care of the aftermath for you, can you grow up on your own?

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Nine Cake suddenly realized that Mint had always regarded herself as a child, and she had always been labeled "childish".

In order to prove maturity, Nine Cakes made a huge rooftop confession with the help of Summer and friends, but the day was not as expected, that day Mint just went out with the wheat master, and the cake shop was fined 1.2 million Taiwan dollars for privately releasing balloons.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

In order to repay the debt, Nine Cake joined the summer running industry - running with customers and starting a career of "frontrunner".

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Until one day, Mint took the hand of The Wheat Elder and appeared in front of the Nine Cakes, he collapsed, and forced himself to calm down and cry into tears on the playground.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

The frustrated Nine Cakes did not know, and his sadness was also seen in Summer's eyes.

The love line problem of youth becomes more and more difficult to solve.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script


In order to portray Nine Cake's love of mint, the character is placed in the midst of everydayness and perverse.

In daily life, the usually inattentive Nine Cakes can remember all the preferences of Mint, and he can only be the only "special person" who can let Mint out of the shadow of lost love after Mint breaks up with the senior.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Paradoxically, Mint encountered online violence because of a hug from assistant teacher An Yu, and the person who stepped forward was still Nine Cakes.

Nine Cake knows that the enemy is not good at anything that seems to be upright, but in order to make An Woo explain the reason for the incident and apologize to Mint, he strips off his clothes and plays a trick on An Woo on the playground.

Not only frightened An Yu but also infected a group of classmates, the teaching assistant was instigated by a group of naked men to apologize downstairs in the mint dormitory, and the nine cakes that got their wishes fainted.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Nine Cakes can be brave for her and bold for her, but I can't say I like it.

He knew that Mint didn't like himself.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

As a contrast of the nine cakes, summer, knowing that the nine cakes like mint but still can't hide their hearts, chose another way.

At the high school graduation ceremony, Summer secretly cut the wire of the principal's speech and stood on the roof to shout out her heart for the nine cakes.

Inspired by the summer, the graduates in the audience also began to confess their last love in high school, facing the small feelings that could only be hidden under the desk, and the summer love that belonged only to the nine cakes became the youth memories of a group of people.


"Stay with You for a Long Time" is adapted from Song Xiaojun's short story "The Leader".

The so-called "front runner" is a professional coach who accompanies the participants in the second half of the marathon, and in the last section they will withdraw from the route and let the runners rush to the finish line.

Nine Cake's love for mint is such a willing "frontrunner".

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Although he used the resistance of the Nine Cakes to tear off the label of "licking the dog" and tried to praise the sincerity of not asking for anything in return, he portrayed the Nine Cakes as mint, and he became a licking dog in the general sense.

In a truly healthy intimate relationship, the balance should not be so unbalanced.

Even more distorted is the character and plot design.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

The male protagonist who will not give up and the female protagonist who will never be moved, the perfect male theologian is used to entrust lifelong, the scumbag assistant teacher is used to bully the female protagonist, and the roommates have become the head CP fans to assist.

The protagonist who can't stand up, with a bunch of tool people supporting roles, coupled with the collapsed plot design, the so-called "flash point" is also very embarrassing.

Although Nine Cake successfully forced the teaching assistant to apologize to Mint, it was uncomfortable to run naked without a word, especially the slogan "I am not a tool man" behind a group of naked men.

Actors are not good either.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

In order to match Li Chun's accent, the film deliberately made up a plot of nine cakes that spoke late and relied on foreign film studies to speak.

Compared with the decentness of the word-of-mouth Hong Kong film "Wisdom Teeth", Li Chun's crazy love chasing all the way this time is more like a giant baby, and many behaviors are suspected of insufficient IQ.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

Netizens ridiculed "Ang Lee does not help his son read the script", which is questioning Li Chun's acting skills as an actor.

Packaged as a "single-minded leader", "Accompany you for a long time" has become a "licking dog survival record", and the operation of forcibly twisting "accompanying running" into "companionship" also proves that the good concept is incubated into a good work, do not touch the audience's emotional minefield, and let go in time is more dashing than stalking.

Ang Lee, help your son who is crying and acting to choose a script

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