
Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

author:Entertaining Beauty

Have you ever heard of "overnight popularity"?

So, have you ever heard of "overnight blackout" again?

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

In this Internet era, some people become famous overnight because of a video, and some people fall to the bottom in an instant because of a sentence.

And the protagonist we are going to talk about today, Han Xue, seems to be a typical representative of this kind of ups and downs.

Let's start with a recent incident.

On January 27, 2024, Mango Channel's variety show "Riding the Wind 2024" ushered in an exciting group night.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

After five fierce competitions, the 20 sisters are finally going to decide the winner.

The atmosphere was warm, and the screams of the audience came and went.

At this moment, Han Xue chose to sing a song called "Growing Up with a Weight of 10,000 Pounds".

The song was inspired by the heartbreaking South Korean film "So Won" and was a call for society to take the issue of sexual assault seriously.

Han Xue's choice is undoubtedly bold and meaningful.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

However, things turned out to be unexpected.

Han Xue's singing is not perfect, and it can even be said to be full of loopholes.

But her firm eyes and emotional performance still touched many audiences.

However, there are a lot of malicious ridicule and memes on the Internet.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Faced with this situation, Han Xue spoke out rarely.

She said: "This is a very heavy song, I respect the listening and perception of every netizen, and I also hope that everyone respects the work and the author, and should not let it become material for ridicule and memes." "

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Some support her attitude, while others continue to sneer at her.

So, why did Han Xue become such an easy target to be ridiculed?

Let's go back in time and take a look at Han Xue's upbringing.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Han Xue was born in a prominent family, her grandfather was the father of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and her parents were elites from all walks of life.

Since childhood, Han Xue has shown great talent.

At the age of 6, he entered the Suzhou Children's Choir, represented Suzhou at the age of 12 to participate in the National Young Pioneers Congress, and won the gold medal of the "Star of the Century" Film and Television Song Newcomer Selection Competition at the age of 17.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

It seems that Han Xue's life trajectory should be all the way.

However, reality hit her hard.

Although she once became popular in costume dramas for a while, she has never been able to become a real first-line star.

Even so, Han Xue's resources are surprisingly good.

She has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala four times, and was also invited to perform at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

This makes many people ask: Why is such a good resource still not popular?

The answer may lie in Han Xue herself.

She has a strange "three nos": don't treat herself as an insider, don't fall in love with insiders, and don't shoot kiss scenes.

This makes people wonder: then what else are you filming? You can't act in idol dramas!

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

What's even more laughable is that she once missed the audition opportunity for "Lust and Caution" because of this principle.

Imagine, if Han Xue had taken over the role at that time, would it have been a different scene now?

However, what really caught Han Xue in the whirlpool of public opinion was a medical incident in 2016.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Because of a conflict with the doctor during a medical treatment, Han Xue posted a long article "I'm sorry, I'm angry" on social platforms.

Not only did she lash out at the doctor, but she also posted the doctor's personal information online.

This behavior sparked huge controversy, and there were even rumors that the doctor resigned as a result.

Since then, Han Xue's image has plummeted.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Every time she appears, it will attract all kinds of ridicule and complaints from netizens.

Until 2018, the variety show "Sound Immersion" gave Han Xue a chance to turn over.

Her all-English dubbing performance amazed the audience.

However, the good times were short-lived.

A lip-syncing incident knocked her back to her original form.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Since then, Han Xue seems to have become the "eternal material" ridiculed by netizens.

But shouldn't we reflect on why we have such a low tolerance for a public figure?

Why do we always like to make fun of other people's mistakes?

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Han Xue's experience may have taught us a vivid "online public opinion lesson".

Her story shows us how easy it is to shape and distort a person's image in this age of information explosion.

At the same time, it also shows us how important it is to be respectful and rational even in the face of malicious ridicule.

So, do you think Han Xue's statement this time is appropriate?

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

How should we view the mistakes and growth of public figures?

There may not be a standard answer to these questions.

But one thing is certain: in this complex online world, each of us should learn to respect others and respect ourselves.

Han Xue was scolded for lip-syncing, and her grandfather was also lying on the gun! In public, the doctor on duty forced the doctor on duty to resign and refused to film Ang Lee's passion scene

Because, you never know, the next person to be ridiculed will not be yourself.

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