
In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

author:Bai Xiaosheng talks about history

From ancient times to the present, countless heroes and heroes have emerged on the land of China. In ancient China, there was such a special group of organizations, bandits, among them there was usually a leading leader, called the bandit leader, he was the most majestic person in this organization, like the head lion in the lion group, the bandit leader controlled the operation and development of the organization.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

Some people are bandits who have to be forced to do it, such as the Liangshan brothers in the Water Margin, who are forced by the situation. They are also bandits to rob the rich and help the poor, in another form to do good deeds, to help the poor, I think this is more like a chivalrous organization.

And more people are bandits who make a living by oppressing others, they can't be called tyrants, they can only be regarded as bullies. The difference between a bully and a bully is that the purpose of doing things is different, the bully is more for the country and ideals, and the bully is for his own selfish interests.

Speaking of bandits, we have to mention Cui Baochun, who has two very loud names, one is "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture" and the other is "One Finger Bandit King". He was originally the child of a peasant family in a suburban county of Jinzhou, Liaoning, but he was not willing to accept the status quo and always hoped to make a lot of money and do great things.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

The figure he most admired was Zhang Zuolin, the "King of northeast China" in modern Times, hoping to be the second "Zhang Zuolin" and become the most powerful robber in China.

He has a flexible mind, is cruel, gangs, and commits crimes everywhere.

He lived with six women, more than a hundred brothers, and became the largest underworld in the area.

He thought he was careful everywhere, but he didn't know that Skynet was restored without leaking.

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Zhang Zuolin, the "King of northeast China" in modern times, was the leader of the warlords and was known as the "Tyrant". He was buried in a cemetery in Shishan Town, Jin County, Liaoning Province, next to which a small river crossed, and the small river flowed slowly to Kangtun not far away.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

In 1960, on December 25, Cui Baochun was born in Kangtun, and he and his friends followed the stream to play next to Zhang Zuolin's cemetery since he was a child. He often heard the elders mention Zhang Zuolin's deeds, and slowly began to use Zhang Zuolin as his example.

And the kind of fierceness in his body is also something that he has had since he was a child.

When Cui Baochun was 9 years old, he was in the production team, and suddenly cut off the index finger of his left hand. The friends around him were stunned, and some were even scared to cry, while Cui Baochun walked home slowly and leisurely, holding the bleeding wound and asking his mother to wrap it up for him without any concern.

Seeing the child like this, the mother asked him what was wrong? He smiled and said, "It was a big wasp." ”

When parents saw their children's hands, they were so sad that they kept shedding tears, and Cui Baochun did not even say a word of "pain" from beginning to end.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345


After that, Cui Baochun became a finger cripple.

Since the age of fifteen, Cui Baochun has been fooling around with the second-rate children in the village, and he does not want to go to school, thinking about making a fortune all day and not doing the right thing. Smoking, gambling, robbing, stealing fertilizer from the production team, he did all the bad things he could do.

At the age of 24, Cui Baochun was caught by the police for robbery and stayed in the detention center for six months. After coming out, Cui Baochun still did not repent, continued to commit crimes, and in order to make his crimes more seamless, he planned to carry out "business" across the country. Cui Baochun cheated 2,000 yuan from his father and began his robbery career.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > two</h1>

In June 1984, Cui Baochun came from his hometown to Geely Changchun, the first place where he committed his crime. Cui Baochun packaged himself as the minister of internal trade of China Huamei Economic and Technological Development Corporation, and his accomplice Cui Zhengri was the company's foreign trade minister, and the two of them planned to get three hundred tons of steel from Qinhuangdao Yadong ship by "mouth" without a penny.

At that time, their "company" was only a sixty cents, and two people vigorously touted their company, saying that it was a god, and even some local officials already believed them.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

However, when the plan was about to succeed, choi Jeong-il had an accident. He was captured by the police in Tianjin.

Cui Baochun, who saw that the situation was not good, immediately ran away, turned around and became the section chief of the Changbaishan Economic and Technological Development Company. All day long, he thought about how to make a lot of money by "deception" and tried to study deception.

As the technology became more sophisticated, many people joined in. Cui Baochun gathered fifteen people and formed a scam company together, they rented the twelve floors of the Changbaishan Hotel, secretly plotted and carried out fraud, until the fraud of 9.2 million yuan was solved by the police, all fifteen people were arrested, only Cui Baochun escaped alone.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

Although Cui Baochun's two consecutive scams have failed, he feels that he has his own natural appearance and has not been caught by the police, and he firmly believes that Changchun is his blessed land, so he will come to Changchun every time he commits crimes in the northeast.

Therefore, Cui Baochun took Changchun as his headquarters and developed towards western Liaoning, turning the three northeastern provinces into his own place of wealth, like Zhang Zuolin, as a "tu emperor". After this, Cui Baochun slowly expanded the scope of fraud and robbery, Guangzhou became his second criminal center, and the Northeast Gang he formed grew from a few dozen people at the beginning to hundreds of people, and they committed crimes back and forth between Changchun and Guangzhou, causing a sensation throughout the country.

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In 1986, Cui Baochun came to Guangzhou for the first time, which coincided with the wave of reform and opening up, and the society appeared very vibrant. The emergence of business opportunities has not only brought investment, but also criminals from all over the country. In Guangzhou, they are mainly small teams, and there are several large organizations occupying bustling areas, such as the "Northeast Tiger Gang", "Xinjiang Gang", "Chaoshan Gang", etc., they are all criminals from all over the country, mainly engaged in inter-provincial fraud.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

The most troublesome of these is the Siberian Tiger Gang. It is the collective name of more than a dozen gangs, the gangs at the bottom are complex, and Cui Baochun's "Tiger Gang" is the most hated and mysterious gang. Cui Baochun used the reason of investment to sometimes be the boss of the Tianjin Export Company, and sometimes the section chief of the Liaoning Export Trade Company, who cheated everywhere in Guangzhou, doing evil deeds and doing no evil.

In early 1988, Cui Baochun was ready to do a big vote, and he took a fancy to the chairman of the Northern Oilfield Trade Union who came to Guangzhou to buy TV. He asked his accomplices to contact the Shenzhen sellers' electricity market under the guise of the chairman of the Tianjin Disabled Persons' Federation, saying that he wanted to order two hundred TVs for 2900 yuan a piece.

Subsequently, Cui Baochun began to contact the chairman of the oilfield union, saying that he was willing to sell him his booked two hundred televisions for 2500 yuan, the only requirement was that he need to exchange two hundred tons of paraffin wax for an equal price.

The chairman of the trade union directly agreed. This time he came with TV money from two hundred workers in the oil field, and one family paid 3,000 yuan. If you can buy a TV for 2500 yuan, your mission to Guangzhou can not only be successfully completed, but also leave 100,000 yuan in your wallet. And Cui Baochun's two hundred tons of paraffin wax can be slowly dragged.

The chairman of the union who wants to take advantage has fallen into cui baochun's trap, all of which is arranged by Cui Baochun in advance, and what he really wants is not paraffin wax, but hundreds of thousands of cash from the union chairman.

After the two discussed, the chairman of the trade union let people come to Guangzhou with money, and Cui Baochun waited until the money came, and he was also ready to close the net. The chairman of the trade union stayed in the Baiyun Hotel in Guangzhou, which Cui Baochun had booked, and Cui Baochun said that he would invite the chairman of the union to dinner, let him put the money away, and then lock the door, and the two people planned to go to Shenzhen to pick up the TV after eating.

After arriving in Shenzhen, the chairman of the trade union opened the box and looked at it, completely dumbfounded, only the first layer of the box was money, the bottom was full of broken books and newspapers, and hundreds of thousands of yuan disappeared.

How can a box of money turn into waste paper?

It turned out that after the chairman of the union and Cui Baochun went out, Cui Baochun's accomplices had already entered the room and acted, except for a pile of money on the top, all of the money below was replaced by waste paper.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

After three days, Cui Baochun escaped, and after he and his accomplices had divided the stolen money, they told their men to hide, and part of them went to Hainan, and he changed his identity and name to go to the northeast.

He knew the union president would report the case quickly and the police would step in.

Therefore, in the vast northeast land, a police and bandit war began.

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On May 30, 1988, the Jinxian Police Station in Liaoning Province received a message from the Shishan Town Police Station: At four o'clock in the morning, Li Binhua of Zhao County Food Co., Ltd. was seriously injured by robbers in the ravine of Shishan Town, and 61,500 yuan in cash was also robbed, and now Li Binhua is receiving treatment in the hospital.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

After receiving the notice, the police immediately sent someone to the scene of the crime to investigate, and then the investigator who learned about the situation at the hospital sent the latest record of the incident.

According to Li Binhua's description, the robbery was committed by a staff member of the Shenyang Heping District Material Station, named Kang Xuezheng. On the day of the crime, Kang Xuezheng called Li Binhua to the ravine, and in the blink of an eye, three robbers rushed out and knocked him down with sticks.

In Li Binhua's description, the police quickly determined that this "Kang Xuezheng" was Cui Baochun, who was wanted by them.

Li Binhua began to receive news that Cui Baochun wanted to buy thirty tons of paraffin wax, and the two agreed to trade in Shishan, and when it was more than four o'clock in the morning, Cui Baochun and three accomplices seriously injured him and stole the money.

In order to be able to catch Cui Baochun, the police launched a large number of police, set up roadblocks on the road, and secretly visited the streets, and must bring him to justice.

However, Cui Baochun was very cunning, and after committing the crime, he got into the car arranged before, fled to Chaoyang, and then changed cars to Chifeng.

When the police arrived at Chifeng, Cui Baochun had already taken a train from Tianjin to Guangzhou. Cui Baochun once again returned to the Baiyun Hotel, this time the escape made him feel confident, and he was ready to do another big vote. Cui Baochun contacted his confidants and secretly planned, and there was a murder case that shocked the whole country in Guangzhou.

Cui Baochun returned to Guangzhou this time because his subordinates said that a person who sold drugs in Guangzhou had more than 100,000 cash in his hands. He and his subordinates still plan to use the "old routine" of having a prostitute pretend to be close to a drug dealer and then kill people for money. This is not the first time they have used this routine, they have done it once before at the Guangzhou Trade Fair, and the victim is a Hong Kong businessman. The prostitute first lured the Hong Kong businessman to the car by relying on the female color, and the thugs who were ambushed in the car stabbed into the heart of the Hong Kong businessman with a knife, and then drove the car into the woods and threw the body and robbed the money.

This time, Cui Baochun planned to use the old method, first let the prostitute seduce the drug dealer, and when the drug dealer entered the hotel room, the gangster suddenly rushed in, stabbed the drug dealer to death with a knife, and then left with the money.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

The incident attracted the attention of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, who, after a series of investigations, found that the main culprit was Cui Baochun. The Public Security Bureau immediately issued a wanted notice to the whole country, and a notice was posted on the street.

Unfortunately, this time, Cui Baochun successfully escaped. In the process of fleeing, he heard that his subordinates had defected and planned to turn themselves in, and Cui Baochun immediately went to Hangzhou to get rid of the subordinates he had known for many years. He then fled to the northeast overnight.

Despite being wanted nationwide, Cui Baochun is still committing crimes. At the Huludao Naval Base in August 1988, he stole 90,000 yuan in cash, and then stole 15,000 yuan in cash under the presence of the Tieling City garrison.

Under the long-term arrest and arrest of the police, Cui Baochun traveled back and forth between Guangzhou and Liaoning, which caused a headache for the local public security bureau.

But often walking by the river where there are not wet shoes, this time Cui Baochun can not escape.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > five</h1>

Cui Baochun, who has returned to Guangzhou, seems to be tired of escaping everywhere, and he plans to take his lover to Yunnan to build his own home in ethnic minority areas and avoid the police.

When Cui Baochun saw the drug trade on the border in Yunnan, he began to have the idea of committing crimes again. He plans to move his crime area from Guangzhou to Yunnan, specializing in robbing drug dealers, so that money can come faster.

Adhering to the principle of sharing blessings, Cui Baochun wants to return to the northeast again and call his brothers to make a fortune together. This time, the Jinzhou police have noticed Cui Baochun's movements and laid down a net of heaven and earth.

After receiving the information, the comrades of the Public Security Bureau immediately prepared an action plan to arrest Cui Baochun, and asked the police to increase the number of patrols and find Cui Baochun's traces faster.

Early one morning, two police officers patrolling the street suddenly found that a cyclist was Cui Baochun, the two did not act immediately, but reported to the leader, immediately rushed to more than a dozen policemen, immediately carried out the arrest task.

More than a dozen policemen quietly approached Cui Baochun and blocked his escape route, and Cui Baochun, who was in the savings house, had not yet detected the danger. After getting closer and closer, a police officer immediately rushed up, forcefully saved Cui Baochun, and pinned him to the ground.

In the 1980s, "Contemporary Mountain Sculpture": the Tiger Gang was established, determined to learn from Zhang Zuolin 12345

A generation of "bandit kings" has been arrested.

On July 6, 1991, the Jinzhou Gymnasium publicly tried Cui Baochun and members of the Siberian Tiger Gang, and Cui Baochun and seven other accomplices were sentenced to death and executed immediately.

And this also corresponds to the saying that justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

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