
Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

Most of the good men in the green forest in the three eastern provinces are riding horses, so they are also called horse beards. Mr. Ning Wu, the second signer of the first meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in his book "Memoirs of the Old Remnant", analyzed in detail "The Emergence, Differentiation and End of the Various Gangs in the Green Forest in the Three Eastern Provinces in the Late Qing Dynasty" - the article published in the sixth series of the "Selected Literary and Historical Materials" uses the title in quotation marks.

According to Mr. Ning Wu's recollection, there were many green forest gangs in the three eastern provinces at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the most famous of which were five big horse beards: Zhang Zuolin only ranked third, and the fifth rank was actually a Japanese. These five major gangs went all the way toward Qin Twilight chu and crossed the river, and yesterday they also prostrated their heads and burned incense to worship the handle, and today they may sheath the sword and put the gun on the chest, and beat the six relatives who do not recognize it.

According to Mr. NingWu's recollection, the green forests in the northeast of the late Qing Dynasty were mainly produced between Jia Wu, Gengzi, and Jia Chen.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

When mentioning these three dry chronicles, readers will surely think of the Battle of Jiawu in 1894, the Gengzi Indemnity in 1900, and the war between Japan and Russia in the northeast in 1904.

The emergence of the horse beard in the three eastern provinces is not because the common people between the white mountains and the black water like to be bandits, but in that chaotic world, it is difficult for ordinary people to protect themselves, in order to survive, everyone can only prepare their own swords and guns: "The areas they occupy are basically in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River and the counties of western Liaoning, that is, the areas where Jiawu, Gengzi and Jiachen have been seriously affected by the wars, and these areas have been extremely turbulent due to the erosion of the localities, the fields are barren, the people are not happy, and the society is in a state of extreme turmoil. (The bold characters in this article are all from mr. Ning Wu's memoirs and revisions by Mr. Diao Xiusheng and Xu Yishi)"

It was in this situation that Ma Beard became the most powerful armed group in the northeast to manage the side: "Erecting the banner of the green forest, gathering the crowd of disciples, dominating one side, it seems to have become an independent kingdom, doing whatever it wants, and it is the historical root of the warlords who will divide the Kwantung and claim the hegemony of the king in the future." ”

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

Mr. Ning Wu's words are very well founded, in fact, during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zhan, Sun Jian, Liu Yan and others seemed to have started in this way.

Dong Zhuo and Liu Bei and others were not easy to distinguish between one, two, three, and four, but at the end of the Qing Dynasty, who had the horse beard in the green forest of the Guandong, who sat in the top seat, it was very clear: Feng Linge, who was born in Haicheng County, claimed to be the second, then no one dared to call himself the first.

In the three eastern provinces of that year, Feng Linge's status was basically equivalent to Qin Qiong's Uncle Bao in "Sui and Tang Heroes": he was both a servant and a brother in the jianghu, so he became the "general scoop master" of the northeast green forest, and like Qin Qiong in the novel, he formed a "big group" after leaving the county, always panshan, Liaozhong, Tai'an, Jinzhou, Zhangwu, and his disciples were everywhere.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

After Feng Linge's death in 1926, Zhang Zuolin personally organized a funeral for 7749 days, and went out of the South Gate to be buried in fengtian —the south gate was equivalent to the Fengtian Triumphal Arch or Qianqing Gate, and only Li Chengliang of the Ming Dynasty and Feng Linge, the leader of the green forest, came out of the south gate.

When Feng Linge died of illness, he had already whitewashed his identity, just like Qin Qiong became a lieutenant of the Great Sui Liupin Jianjie and the Tang Dynasty Shangzhu Guoyi Guogong, Feng Linge later became the deputy capital of Shengjing in the Qing Dynasty, the deputy military affairs officer of Fengtian, the governor of Sanling (the minister responsible for guarding Dongling, Beiling, and Yongling), and the commander of the 28th Division of the Army appointed by Yuan Shikai.

Feng Linge also has a group of worship brothers, although there are not as many as the forty-six friends of Jia Jialou, but the eight people who worship together should be familiar to the readers: Ma Longtan, Wu Junsheng, Sun Liechen, Zhang Jinghui, Tang Yulin, Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Zuoxiang.

The above is sorted by age, Feng Linge ranks fifth, but Ma Longtan Wu Junsheng and others are not as high as Feng Linge, and Zhang Zuolin is the younger brother of Feng Linge's younger brother - Zhang Zuolin first entered the jianghu and was arranged by Feng Linge to be under Dong Dahu.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

In the northeast of the five bearded horses, the second Liaozhong County man Du Lishan (some sources call it Du Lisan) is the youngest one, he has eight tough wives, each can ride a horse and shoot a gun and a hundred shots.

Du Lishan's story will be talked about later, let's briefly introduce the other three: Zhang Zuolin, who ranked third, needless to say, and the fourth rank is Jin Wanfu, who confessed to being a thief and betrayed the country and sought glory, he was originally the small leader of the Small Station Beiyang New Army, and after worshiping Feng Linge as the big brother like Zhang Zuolin, he also became the thief of the hegemonic side.

The fifth in the ranking is a Japanese spy, the bandit number in the jianghu is "Wang Xiao Braid", he and his assistant "Lin Da Braid" were all Japanese active duty officers at that time, after they had a strong relationship with the northeast green Lin Haoqiang, they first provided weapons and ammunition for everyone, and then they also set up a rope - called armed escort, which was actually a secret development plot.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

These five bearded horses are active between the white mountains and black waters, and if their deeds are written, it is the braid version of the Wagang hero biography (at that time they all combed their braids, and Zhang Zuolin was also named a second-class viscount by Yuan Shikai).

In this braided version of the Wagang Hero Biography, the Japanese spy Wang Xiao braid is undoubtedly one of the protagonists throughout, only one point is very regrettable, Mr. NingWu forgot what his Japanese name was, only that his assistant Lin Da Braid was named Tsukuju (Ning Wu had seen Tsukuju wearing a military uniform in the home of Lan Tianwei, a member of the League, who claimed to be a co-captain of the Kwantung Hall Garrison stationed in Wafangdian).

Wang Xiaodianzi and another Japanese spy, alias Tian Lao'er, infiltrated Xiaoping Island near Lushunkou, and Tian Lao'er also fraudulently married a shandong woman surnamed Wang.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

At that time, the defenders of the Lushunkou Fort found that someone on Xiaoping Island was communicating with the sea at night with a signal light, and after investigation, Tian Lao'er was arrested and found spy evidence through the woman surnamed Wang. Wang Dani of Shandong, who learned that he had been deceived, personally picked up a kitchen knife and cut Tian Lao'er, and then became one of the eight wives of Du Lishan.

Du Lishan and Wang Xiao braid traded arms, and this lady surnamed Wang recognized at a glance that Wang Xiao Braid was Tian Lao'er's accomplice, so Du Lishan advised the eldest brother Feng Linge: "Wang Xiao Braid is a Japanese spy, so he mixed with us, it is not malicious; we used to have to embark on the road of bandits, this is already very ugly, and then used by Japanese spies as a traitor, then is it not even more insulting to the eternals?" ”

Du Lishan told Feng Linge, and Feng Linge told Jin Wanfu, and as a result, Jin Wanfu not only did not strictly guard against Wang Xiaobaozi, but instead got closer and closer to him, at this time he had already made up his mind to be a traitor.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

Jin Wanfu, who decided to become a traitor, in turn advised Feng Linge: "Wang is indeed a Japanese, he used to be a general in the army, how close we are to him, not only is it easy to solve the problem of guns and bullets now, but also in the future there will be a shortage of money and money, a shortage of people and people... Although Japan is an enemy of China, what does this have to do with us personally? We have to plan for our own future, and don't listen to the nonsense of this little boy Du Lishan. ”

Jin Wanfu's persuasion just confirmed Du Lishan's statement that Feng Linge had a difficult choice between "infamy for eternity" and "happiness for a while", so he adopted an attitude of "neither not leaving nor leaving, that is, also leaving" towards Wang Xiaobaozi.

Although he was defensive, Feng Linge was still pulled down by Jin Wanfu and Wang Xiaobao, participated in the Battle of Shouyang Mountain between Japan and Russia, and was awarded the "Baoxing Medal" by the first old devil.

Feng Linge and Jin Wanfu were deeply involved in the Russo-Japanese War, but Zhang Zuolin had his own plans, and he summoned Zhang Jinghui and other brothers to a meeting: "We have been eating black rice in the green forest for a long time, and the future is bleak and there is no way out." I think it is better to borrow this little strength we have as a capital, bargain with the officials, and abandon the dark and cast the light, it is better than continuing to do so. ”

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

Zhang Zuolin wanted to do Song Jiang, and he really did it, and his path to success was also a copy of the Zhi earned golden bell hanging: first he robbed the family of the Fengtian general Zengqi, and then he ate and drank well, saying that he was forced to go to Liangshan and looked forward to being recruited every day.

Zhang Zuolin was recruited as he wished, and in the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu (1902), he became a "provincial defense battalion" under the new prefect Zengzigu.

Zhang Zuolin was recruited, and Du Lishan was very dissatisfied: "This boy has no bones, Zhang is an official, I am a bandit, we are already people who take two roads, of course, we can't talk about friends and friendships, we have bones, just watch him get promoted!" ”

The reason why Du Lishan said this was because Zhang Zuolin, after being recruited, was ordered to suppress Du Lishan's silks, and he entrusted someone to give Du Lishan a message to contact his feelings, just to set up a Feast at the Hongmen Gate.

Five scoop masters in the green forest of the three eastern provinces: Zhang Zuolin ranked third, and the fifth place was a Japanese spy?

Zhang Zuolin invited many times, Du Lishan was rejected, and finally Du Lishan's uncle, Du Panlin, the "big army division" of the Northeast Green Forest, personally wrote the handwriting, and Du Lishan fell into Zhang Zuolin's hands -- directly taking it at the welcome meeting and correcting the law on the spot.

Zhang Zuolin destroyed Du Lishan, the dragon head, and all that remained was peach picking: Zhang Zuolin was promoted to commander of the Fengtian Patrol Battalion (equivalent to a brigade commander, with five battalions under him), Zhang Jinghui was appointed as a gang commander (deputy brigade commander), Zhang Zuoxiang and Tang Yulin were promoted to pipe belts (battalion commanders), Du Lishan's hundreds of cylinders of silver and countless guns and ammunition were all returned to Zhang Zuolin, and Xu Shichang also rewarded him with another 10,000 taels of silver, and Zhang Zuolin began his journey towards the "King of the Northeast" from then on.

In front of the high-ranking official Houlu, there are few who can still put righteousness in their hearts, there are few in the past five thousand years, the forty-six friends of Wagang have pulled out the incense head, the Liangshan one hundred single eight will die and flee, and the five big horse beards of the three eastern provinces seem to have died.

Zhang Zuolin killed Du Lishan, and then he was blown up by the little devils, and as for Jin Wanfu and the Japanese spy Wang Xiaobaozi, who were dead-hearted traitors, their fate can also be imagined: Mr. Ning Wu recalled that the big gang of horse beards in the three eastern provinces were all wiped out by Zhang Zuolin after zhao'an, which naturally included his former brothers Jin Dafu and Wang Xiaobaozi...

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