
Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

author:50 is the autumn of life

Tang Guoqiang once said in the 1978-2018 influence interview column that after he made the domestic film "Little Flower" at that time, the film was originally in a good situation, but when it was released later, it met unexpectedly with the first batch of Japanese film translation and production imported in China, and the result was very embarrassing.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

Tang Guoqiang, who was interviewed in the influence column

The three Japanese films that entered the cinema in the same year as "Little Flower" are: "Hunting", "Wangxiang", and "The Story of the Fox", which are the exchanges and introductions in the cultural field between China and Japan after the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between China and Japan.

Tang Guoqiang's original words when recording the program were as follows: "When we waited for the second year, when we released, we just caught up with Ken Takakura's pursuit. ”

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

"Little Flower" was released

"Little Flower" is a movie, a revolutionary theme type of war movie, filmed or the common people at that time to see the type of combat hero, although the filming is very good, but also won the Hundred Flowers, the Ministry of Culture issued the Creation Excellence Award, Excellent Actor Award, 18-year-old Chen Chong even won the Hundred Flowers Best Actress Award, put in the domestic film market to see that it is the leader and model.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

Imported Japanese film "The Hunt"

"The Hunt" is a movie, it is a dark horse killed by the bourgeois camp, when the characters in our film are still wearing simple clothes, everyone is in suits and leather shoes, wearing toad sunglasses, an arrogant appearance in the movie, not to mention the scene of the city streets, Tokyo has long been a bustling world-class street.

The contrast between the two, the strong disparity between the two, washed away the eyes of the Chinese people, the music in our movie is still erhu, when the yangqin clicks and pulls, people have long been electronic music rampant.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

Compared with the actors, Tang Guoqiang was in his 20s at that time, and he has always inherited the image of revolutionary youth, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, bright and energetic, with a revolutionary atmosphere in appearance, playing revolutionary fighters all the way, and the accumulated fame is in the revolutionary fighters he plays.

Takakura Ken, older than Tang Guo, senior acting skills, more than 40 years old to play the hunt, mature and strong appearance, full of foreign bourgeois class atmosphere, playing is also a prosecutor with prominent identity and background, the image of a suit, tie, wearing a trench coat, wearing sunglasses, occasionally changing into a leather jacket, can drive, fly a plane, can take a girlfriend to ride a horse, this series of performances completely crushed the small flowers staged in the country at that time, subverting people's perception of foreign countries.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

Tang Guoqiang recalled: "The sudden cold wind of Takakura Ken entered China, especially for female college students, it was a completely new impression, they found, ah! This is man, romantic, and cool. ”

Reminiscing about that year, there was a trace of unconcealed embarrassment on his face, which showed the deep traces of personal experience and impression at that time.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

Subsequently, Tang Guoqiang said sarcastically: "I always have to find an opposite, that is me, I have become the "cream student" in the eyes of the audience, what is called cream student, that is, a beautiful face and can not act, equal to "cream student". ”

It can be seen that under the collision of the two cultural forms at that time, Tang Guoqiang fell from the most respected young actor in The country to the cliff, and the injury was not light, this self-deprecation and contrast was absolutely a realistic comparison at the time.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

This was a trend at that time, and the historical trend brought about by reform and opening up washed away the vision and consciousness of the entire domestic people.

According to Junya Sato, the director of "The Hunt", at the beginning, "The Hunt" was just an ordinary movie, which did not cause much repercussions, was not a failure, and made a little money. After the news of China's popularity reached Japan, some viewers, out of curiosity, went back to watch the film, adding revenue to the film they had already stopped.

Tang Guoqiang was very handsome when he was young, but unfortunately, when he met the foreign dark horse Takakura Ken, the audience's eyes immediately turned

However, the door of China's reform and opening up was opened, and since then, more foreign films have come and gone, the scenes have become different day by day, and people's lives have begun to change with each passing day.

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