
Appreciation of the beauty of the text 丨 mother's heart Author: Takakura Ken Recitation: Wang Hui

author:Cover News

It's a story about a mother.

Inouetai is one of my old friends. He took me on a tour of Higashishin-shi, and that night he told me about his mother, Ms. Wami, who had suddenly died of leukemia.

When Inoue was in elementary school, Kazumi bought two piglets for her children. In the cold winter months, Koi and his two sisters work to move heavy leftover buckets to the pig nest twice a day in the morning and evening. No matter how cold and hard it is, if they don't feed the piglets, the mother won't let them eat. In the bitter cold wind, the three brothers and sisters carried heavy leftovers buckets, and the sister cried and said, "Why did my mother let us do such a thing?" ”

When the cold winter passed and spring came, the pig buyer came and took away the piglets that had grown round. Inoue said, listening to the piglet's whining and gradually fading away, they shed tears.

A few days later, the mother gave each of the 3 children a passbook, and the money from the sale of the pig was divided into 3 equal parts and deposited into each child's account. In the autumn, my mother bought piglets again, and the next spring, the chubby piglets were sold again. This life lasted almost 10 years. By raising pigs, Hemei made them understand the precious truth that cannot be said in a thousand words. Mother's strictness and gentleness are all in it.

It reminds me of my own mother. When he was a child, his father went to work alone in the mines, leaving his mother alone at home to pull 4 children. I was frail and sickly since I was a child, and when I was 8 years old, I contracted lung disease and almost became tuberculosis. For me, my mother her heart all my life.

My mother watched all the movies I acted in one by one, but never said a word of praise. "It hurts me to see you tumbling in the snow." In letters, she would always write such words.

When she saw the poster of the martial arts film with a large knife in my hand and a tattoo on my back, she said, "This child, frostbite on his feet again." "My mother was the only one in the world who noticed the little flesh-colored Band-Aid that I had attached to my heel.

When I had some savings, I gave my brother a watch. When I got home, my mother asked for the starting price, and I said, "About 1.5 million yen." The mother muttered unhappily, "You are out of breath." ”

After my girlfriend and I broke up, every year, my mother would send photos of blind dates with resumes attached. She said: "When you come home, there is no one to greet you, and it is too pitiful." ”

"I've always been popular, as you might think!" As soon as I said that, I heard her say, "Fool." ”

The bristles of the toothbrush fell off little by little, and my mother would continue to use it until finally only the handle remained.

The children didn't turn off the lights, and the mother always said "good waste." "Then turn it off.

"Bear with me." It was a phrase my mother used to nag about, and it carried me through the Antarctic, the Arctic, the scorching desert, and the bitter cold mountains. In the chaotic entertainment industry, I have never walked through the crooked way, just because I don't want to make my mother sad.

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