
Chen Mo, the first Chinese university student to make a self-made aircraft, will donate an aircraft to his alma mater at the 2019 Xi'an Airshow
Chen Mo, the first Chinese university student to make a self-made aircraft, will donate an aircraft to his alma mater at the 2019 Xi'an Airshow

In December 2012, he successfully assembled an all-wooden ultralight aircraft and successfully flew for the first time, becoming the first person in China to make a self-made aircraft by a Chinese university student;

In December 2015, as the chief engineer and manufacturer of the aircraft, he personally flew the first manned fixed-wing aircraft in eastern Guangdong, "Chengxing No. 1", and successfully flew on the seashore of Laiwu, Shantou;

In September 2017, he designed and manufactured an off-road large fixed-wing UAV application platform, and successfully tested a self-made off-road large fixed-wing UAV, which filled the domestic gap.

He is Chen Mo, a 2010 alumnus of Northwestern Polytechnical University and the founder of Shenzhen Murphy Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

The 2019 Xi'an Aviation Exhibition is about to open, and Chen Mo, who has achieved remarkable entrepreneurial achievements, will return to Xi'an and will sign a school-enterprise cooperation agreement with his alma mater on the professional general aviation platform of Xi'an Airshow to carry out closer industry-university-research cooperation, and donate to his alma mater the first self-made aircraft he successfully developed in school that year, so as to inspire more young students with aviation dreams to devote themselves to the aviation field and realize the blue sky dream.

Back in 2010, Chen Mo, who had a dream of aviation, got his wish and was admitted to the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University majoring in aircraft manufacturing engineering. "A farmer's own airplane took to the skies!" In his freshman year, such a piece of news set off a terrible wave in Chen Mo's heart: Everyone can build an airplane, and he is still studying aircraft manufacturing engineering, so why can't he do it?

Therefore, at the end of August 2011, Chen Mo's aircraft manufacturing project was started. A self-made aircraft, the cost of materials alone is 100,000 yuan. For Chen Mo, who came from a cold background and relied on state student loans to pay tuition, this amount of money is nothing less than astronomical. Part-time work, stalls and mobile phone films, self-made software to carry out mobile phone recharge business, contract convenience stores on campus... Chen Mo tried his best to accumulate original funds and purchase relevant technical information and drawings from abroad. The school also vigorously supports the innovative practice of students, providing Chen Mo with a studio of more than 100 square meters.

Easier said than done. Chen Mo was not only facing hundreds of pages of English drawings, materials and more than 5,000 aircraft parts, but also the incomprehension and questioning of family, friends and classmates. Chen Mo told himself that since he had chosen this path, only by persevering could he see the dawn of victory.

In the following year, Chen Mo completed the small plane by hand in the studio provided by the school, bit by bit. During the period, he also went to the factory to consult other industries, including paint, sewing, machining and other types of professional masters, one by one to learn, master all the processes of aircraft production, including engine commissioning and installation, more than 90% of the manufacturing process, are completed by himself, work until late at night is the norm, the whole overnight is not uncommon.

On December 26, 2012, on an unfinished road in the southern suburbs of Xi'an, Chen Mo's hand-built aircraft stopped on the side of the road and did the final commissioning work before the test flight. Many enthusiasts in the domestic aircraft circle learned that Chen Mo's self-made aircraft was about to fly, and they also spontaneously flew to Xi'an from all over the country to assist Chen Mo in this test flight activity.

"On the day of the test flight, I carefully recalled every detail of the aircraft over and over again, all of which passed twice, and found that there was no problem and no mistakes before I was assured." In the end, the plane broke through the long sky, carried Chen Mo's dream, and flew to the blue sky. The successful test flight achieved Chen Mo's dream of flying, and he also became the first person in China to make a self-made aircraft for chinese college students.

"I've always felt that, through my hands, piles of raw materials are turned into parts on an airplane, and then assembled from parts into an airplane, and finally, this plane carries you and your dreams to the blue sky." The beauty of this process may not be appreciated by others, but it does have a supreme attraction to me. Talking about the personal journey of pursuing dreams, Chen Mo said frankly.

Xi'an Airshow, which has been successfully held for five consecutive years, has been committed to popularizing aviation knowledge, disseminating aviation culture, displaying aviation achievements, carrying forward the spirit of aviation, and providing a broad space for young people like Chen Mo to pursue their dreams. During this year's air show, we will continue to launch diversified economic exchange and cooperation activities, build a bridge for the transformation of general aviation scientific and technological innovation achievements, effectively promote the implementation of general aviation scientific and technological achievements, and help more aspiring young people realize the dream of general aviation.

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