
Chen Mo: On the first anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his story is still fascinating

author:Beijing News

Mr. Jin Yong once said that he was just a storyteller. This is humble, but it is also true. Humanity needs stories as much as rice noodles. Everyone is used to listening to stories or watching stories from an early age, but not everyone understands that stories nourish our souls and even determine what kind of person we will become.

The more you hear and see the more stories, you will naturally know how rare a good story is. Good stories such as open parks, there are many possibilities of interpretation, different paths can see different landscapes, just as Mr. Lu Xun said "Dream of the Red Chamber": the scribes see Yi, the Taoists see adultery, the gongzi sees the entanglement, and the revolutionaries see the rows. On the first anniversary of Mr. Jin Yong's death, let's explore why Jin Yong and his works are so fascinating.

Jin Yong's story is fascinating. One of the proofs is that Jin Yong's novels have been selling well for many years and have been widely circulated. The second proof is that movies and TV series based on Jin Yong's novels have emerged in an endless stream. Investors who adapt Jin Yong flock to it because Jin Yong's story has always been without an audience and a market. The market tests the quality of the story better than the authority of any individual. The adaptation of Jin Yong's novel has been renovated for several years, and from another point of view, it can also be explained that so far, no adaptation of the work is both insurmountable.

Chen Mo: On the first anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his story is still fascinating

Cover of Jin Yong's complete works, Life, Reading, and New Knowledge Triptych Bookstore, 1994.

Jin Yong's story is fascinating, in that it can't be said, or even unclear. It is good to say that it is a popular genre novel, it is originally a martial arts legend, but Mr. Yan Jiayan said that Jin Yong's novel is the all-round champion of elite literature's adaptation of popular literature, which seems to make more sense. Because Jin Yong's novels are not only the books of martial arts, but also the books of emotions, but also the books of growth stories, the books of historical deduction, and the books of cultural thought.

It is of course true to say that Jin Yong's novels have nationalistic and patriotic themes, and the goal of the Red Flower Society in "Book of Swords and Vengeance" and Guo Jing, the protagonist of "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter", is to defend the interests of the nation and highlight the feelings of the country. However, it is not bad to say that Jin Yong's novels transcend nationalism and patriotism, because the ideological theme of "Tianlong Babu" is internationalism and pacifism that transcend the narrow national position. It is of course very correct to say that Jin Yong's novels are the beautiful crystallization of traditional culture, because the classical cultural style composed of Qinqi calligraphy and painting, poetry and song, and canonical cultural relics in Jin Yong's novels can comfort the potential nostalgia of modern readers; if Jin Yong's novels have a critical edge of cultural traditions, it is not bad, Yang Guo's rebellion in "Divine Eagle Heroes" and Ling Huchong's pursuit in "Laughing Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" are all aimed at the ritual tradition and its power system; Wei Xiaobao's naughty and cunning laughter in "Deer Ding" is more enough to shake the glass house of agricultural civilization. And completely disrupt the dream pastoral of the authoritarian tradition.

Chen Mo: On the first anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his story is still fascinating

On October 31, 2018, the cover of jin Yong's death feature in the Beijing News.

To make a comprehensive value assessment of Jin Yong's novels, it is necessary to have sufficient cognitive complexity.

Jin Yong's own story is also fascinating. After his death, Li Yijian published "Jin Yong's Kung Fu, the World Only Knows Half of it", which focuses on Jin Yong not only as a writer but also as a critic of current affairs, including nearly 8,000 editorials of Ming Pao for more than 30 years; nearly 2,000 "Ming Window Xiaozha" signed by Xu Huizhi; and "On the Motherland Problem" series of articles published in the "Free Talk" column of Ming Pao (later published as "On the Motherland Problem", signed by Huang Aihua). Jin Yong's current affairs commentary articles, nearly 10,000, including Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, overseas Chinese, as well as about the Soviet Union and communism, about the international hot issues at that time, involving politics, economy, society, culture, people's livelihood, ideology and international relations.

Jin Yong is also a translator. He worked part-time in the translation magazine Time and Tide and published numerous translations. After 1950, he translated and published works one after another: American journalist Jack Belden's long-form documentary report on China's liberation war, "China Shakes the World", and British journalist R. Tang Shanxun's long-form documentary report "The Inside Story of the Korean Blood War".

Jin Yong was once a shadow man. As a film critic, he once opened a column entitled "Daily Film Circle" in Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao under the pseudonyms of Xiao Zijia, Yao Jiayi, Jiayi, Jia, jia, etc., and published more than 650 film reviews; under the pseudonyms of Yao Fulan and Lin Zichang, he published more than 140 film reviews in the New Evening News, and published more than 70 discussion articles on movies in the Great Wall Pictorial under the pseudonyms of Lin Huan, Yao Fulan, Lin Zichang, yong and other pseudonyms. As a film screenwriter, he has written more than 20 film scripts, 7 of which have been made into movies. As a film director, he has co-directed "There Is a Girl Huaichun" with the veteran director Cheng Bugao, and co-directed the Yue opera film "Wang Tiger Robs Relatives" with Hu Xiaofeng. As a film lyricist, he has written and published lyrics for more than a dozen film songs, including "A Tree by the Door".

Jin Yong's story is fascinating, simply put, because he has a talent for storytelling, a bumpy and rich life experience, and a sensitivity and deep insight into human nature. There are also factors that cannot be ignored, namely, the deep concern of human reality because of his writing of commentaries on current events; the broad global cultural vision because he translates works in foreign languages; and the mastery of storytelling because he studies drama and film.

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□ Chen Mo (Vice President of Chinese Wuxia Literature Society)

Beijing News Editor Wu Longzhen Proofreader Zhai Yongjun

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