
The pot said dream of the Red Chamber: Purple Crane is the true love of martial arts

author:Liao a pot

Zi Juan, who loved martial arts since childhood, was a real man who was delayed by his parents, imperial examinations, literature, calligraphy and painting, and finally left everything behind in his later years to serve the country in the army.

Lin Daiyu

Lin Daiyu, the prototype is Lin Pet.

Lin Pet (1585-1654), a Lin Shao pet, Lin Zi pet, character YiQing, Lang Xian, Monong, Fujian Minxian people. Tomorrow Kaijian student (Xiucai), into the Qing Dynasty, immersed in reading and practicing words to entertain themselves. Gong Kai Shu, Xiao Kai You Duan Jian Xiurun, was once regarded as a model. The large characters are also very vigorous and powerful, and many inscriptions and plaques in central Fujian are more than their hands. Known as a generation of bookmakers. He is the author of "Chatting with Lezhai Grass".

Lin Pet is the most important critic of "The Book of Stones". The Wat is a stone called the Jade Zen Master.

Lin Daiyu's beards include snow geese, purple cranes, and spring fibers.

Purple Crane

The pot said dream of the Red Chamber: Purple Crane is the true love of martial arts

The third time in "The Book of Stones": Dai Yu only brought two people with her. One is Grandma Wang, a grandmother since childhood; the other is a ten-year-old little girl, who has also been with her since childhood, called Snow Goose. Jia Mu saw that the snow goose was very small, a bunch of childishness, and Grandma Wang was extremely old, and Dai Yu did not save her heart and effort, so she called a second-class servant next to her as a parrot brother and took Dai Yu.

Purple Crane, formerly known as Brother Parrot, is a second-class little girl in Jia's mother's room. Jia Mu saw that Lin Daiyu had only brought two people when she came, and she was afraid that she would not be able to make it, so she gave the parrot brother to Daiyu and changed her name to Purple Crane.

Purple Crane is intelligent and intelligent, has a good relationship with Daiyu, loves the same sister, does not leave for a moment, is Daiyu's "girlfriend in the boudoir", single-mindedly for Daiyu's sake, seeing that Daiyu is an orphan, and loves Baoyu, he advises Daiyu to take advantage of the fact that the old lady is still tough to make a big deal. To this end, she came up with the lin family's words to take Dai Yu back to Suzhou to try Bao Yu, which made Bao Yu sick.

Chen Yan

Purple Crane, the prototype is Chen Yan.

Purple crane, zi trickle sound near. Chen Yan's eldest son was named Chen Juan.

Chen Yan's wisdom is embodied in both literature and martial arts, loyalty and filial piety. Big things don't get confused. Stick to the principles. Chen Yan was not more accommodating to Xu Xinggong like Cao Xuegong, when Xu Xinggong was short of money, Cao Xuegong lent money to Xu Xinggong, Chen Yan asked Xu Xinggong to sell the land to him, and others wanted to borrow money and also asked for loans and repayments. Of course, Xu Xinggong was not happy, thinking that Chen Yan was calculating and stubborn, but he had to recognize that Chen Yan was smart. Chen Yan in Xu Xinggong's eyes is that his opinion is different from mine, and in the end it turns out that he is right.

Chen Yan (1586-1647), a native of Minxian County, Fujian Province, was a chinese poet. Repeatedly. Good at painting things, good at drawing orchids. It is good to talk about the stakes and will be rough. He competed with Xu Xi (Qin Ke'er, Jia Zhu, Daizhu prototype) and Xu Xinggong's brothers as poetry. He is the author of "Dajiang Collection", "Dajiang Caotang Second Collection", "Old Tongue on the Maple" and so on.

"Fuzhou Fu zhi" Qianlong Ben: Chen Yan, character Pansheng, Minxian people. Since his father and above, there have been sets in all five lifetimes. He studied well, was trained by Dong Yingju (Li Feng's prototype), and was related to Xu Xi and Xu Xinggong as poetry, and was old in the field house. It is good to talk about the stakes of side affairs and will be rough, poor and exhausted, and many decays. Try to write his own "Epitaph": "Born dirty and vulgar, rough reading and a little knowledge of words." He is the author of more than 40 volumes of poems, epigraphs, and essays. Zi Mao, the word Kaizhong, also has a talent name.

"Liu Mei Poetry Biography": The dragon's residence is near the water, and the famous maple garden. Later, he moved to Gunzhi Ding Peng Mountain, that is, Fu Ruzhou's residence. Chongzhen spent three years in association with Cao Nengshi, An Guanqing, Chen Jiliang, Cai Meitang, Zhang Qifu, and Lin Daoxiao. Self-written epitaph. He is the author of more than 40 volumes of books such as "Dajiang Caotang Poetry" and "Old Tongue on the Maple". In the Ming Dynasty, Fuzhou shi had authors, Tui Wang, Chen, Xu, and Xu. The king, the marquis Wang Xiao, and the descendant of the King of Huai'an. Chen is the Family of The Dragon, and there are sets for six generations. Xu Zemu Ang and his second son Xi, Huo Bo, Huo Bo Zi YanShou, and Sun Cunyong. Xu Zefeng and Juan, You, Yu, junding also.

Xu Feng (Xue Pan prototype), Xu Min (Xue Baoqin prototype), Xu You (Xiangling prototype).

Zhu Yizun's "Jing Zhiju Poetry": "Chen Yan, the character Pansheng, a native of Minxian County." There is the "Great River Collection". Pansheng and Xu Xinggong joined the Cao Neng ShifengLou Poetry Society. And the endowment is blunt, and the light is depressed and uncomfortable. Its self-order is better than that of spring grass, autumn insects, and good and self-satisfied."

Gao Zu. Chen Yuanqing, who started with Jiajing Xin, was the head of the Rugao County Teachings and the Head of the Household Department.

Great-grandfather. Chen Ke. Jiajing Gengji (1550) Jinshi, first Hangzhou Taishou, to Jiangxi Left to participate in politics.

ancestor. Chen Fengming, Supervisor of Guanglu Temple. Wife Zheng.

father. Chen Ruxiu (1568-1632), the character Changji. All beings. Wife Zheng Zhen. Brother Chen Taichong.

Chen Yan. Wife Weng clan. Brother Chen Shuxiang.

Zi Chen Juan, Chen Mao, Chen Yong, Chen Run, Chen Xun. Chen Mao, the character Kaizhong, also has a talent name.

Loves martial arts

Chen Yan was naughty when he was young, and his mother Zheng Zhen often beat him. Chen Yan was fourteen and fifteen years old, good at horse walking, tug-of-war, and distance. Zheng Zhen confined Chen Ton in an empty house and did not give food for four days and nights.

Chen Yan loves martial arts. "Wu Nu Knife": Teenagers learn martial arts, and the bow knife is often at the waist. "Li Yulin for the Good Bow and Cloud to Get the Sword Zhixi", "Book of Inscription Soldiers".

Chen Yan went to Beijing, and there was a war. His parents thought he would join the army. Chen Yan could not rest assured of his parents and returned home.

Chen Yan was forced to engage in imperial examination and writing because of his parents and family reasons, and he did not like it. I still like martial arts in my heart.

Chen Yan's personality can be seen in the "Vow of the Next Life": poor and white, there is no day's happiness, so there is this oath.

Yi Ding did not know the nobles, and Luo Qi was half-wise. Zhao Jie's body and strength, towards the strong man Twilight Song Ji.

Fragrant cars BMW fox chase, pedestrians on the road to avoid Xiao Hou. Night and night, the guests dispersed, and sheng ge surrounded the Zhu Lou.

Thousands of red and purple mountains, ethereal pavilions between smoke and water. Except for the song and the miscellaneous tricks, he was born restless.

Chen Yan was bald in old age, and Zhou Daoshi sent a coconut crown that could not be worn.

And forgetful and rough. "Hu Maosheng's Strings Mistakenly Threw four pieces to be ridiculed", "Chu Fan Shangren Begging Book Mistakenly Written incision To Explain the Mockery", "Recruiting The Daughter Shi Hu Maosheng to Read Five Days to Write the Wrong Fifteen Strokes to Explain the Mockery".

Died in Lianzhou

After the death of Chen Yan's parents, Chen Yan finally decided to join the army. Wrote an epitaph.

Chen Yan's "Self-written Epitaph": "Chen Yan, the character Pansheng, a Native of Minzhong, a Confucian eunuch of the family lineage." He is dirty and vulgar, rough reading, and knows a little about words. He has written more than 40 volumes of poems, epigraphic biographies, and essays, which have been slightly traveled to the world. Now that they are old, their parents will be buried and they can die. Therefore, it is foretold. Ming Yue: Born without thoughts, dead and lonely. One after the other, one after the other. A big chunk of meditation, I and the end. ”

In his later years, Chen Yan served as a county magistrate in Lianzhou, Guangdong, defending the isolated city and resisting the Qing army, and died in office, and his remains were transported back to his hometown. Chen Yan may have died in 1647. In the first month of the fourth year of Shunzhi (1647), the Qing army Li Chengdong besieged Lianzhou and captured Lianzhou in March. Xu Xinggong's son Xu Ling's "Zhimutang Collection" has a poem "Sending Chen Pansheng Lianzhou County".

Xu Ling's "Mr. Zhou Yuanliang wrote an epitaph for Chen Pansheng County", which talks about the feelings of ancestors" two songs:

Lingwai Lian is called the county doctor, and the lonely city is willing to sacrifice his life. The tomb door is inscribed on this day Sima and the history pen he borrowed Dong Hu in the year. The bones returned to the mountain like jade, and the soul beckoned Hepu into tears. The cloth must be attached to the Qingyun Shi, and Hua Gong can be a Yu Wu.

I have never been a grave heavy article, and I read the article to hurt myself. Guo Pushu is difficult to find a hole, and Man Qing is poor and has not raised three funerals. Nine Springs Confidant Glue with paint, several years of shocking dew and frost. When the day is to be separated from each other, the pear blossoms are cold and desolate.

Zhou Lianggong's "Lai Gutang Collection" has four poems, "Crying Chen Pansheng":

He died a micro-official because of the hasty and hard work. Old to hungry, when the dangerous household is closed. Su mei autumn moon, words endowed with great river cold. On the one hand, the origin is ambiguous, and the tears are not dry for no reason. (The title of the collection is "Oe Caotang". )

Yesterday I saw the group of boys, and the article was exhausted. Poetry can pass on five leaves, and the pen has shown three flowers. Flowers sighed in the far state, and the preachers were walking in jia. How to write late at night, it is easy to die. (Iwaso-gun, Ryūshū, castle fell to death.) )

When he was young, he traveled far away. The heart is open and beautiful, far away from the Echizen cultivation. Nagarjuna is not tired, and the chicken forest sentence is still there. The pipa figure is a guest, and people cry and chirp at night. (Male and small statues are in the shape of holding the moon and carrying the wind.) )

Yan Geng duo Xiuye, Jin zi heavy three Wu. Good deeds are passed on to the guests, and the eyebrows are raised to the old Confucian. The eyes are wide, and the Dao is wide. Silver pipe new flowers can, who also fit Pu Zhu. (The public "Biography of Jia Ke", "Old Confucian Yong", and the public "Lei Lian" manuscript Fu Chuan.) )


Xu Xinggong's "Dajiang Collection" Prologue: WuJun Chen's Zi Minbu Gong and the Sanzhi Guanglu and even the Changji and Taichong brothers all have literature. Iwasei is the son of Nagayoshi. Ji Qiu's great cause, claiming to be the most important. Cao Neng began to choose his poems of the Fifth Dynasty as Zi Yixing. The fifth noble figure, the sea is always there. If the fifth generation works poetry and writes Matilda, it is very difficult. However, Yu Xian Da Ling and Sanzhi were friends, so Chen Xu's friendship with Pen Yan also lasted for five generations, and it was difficult. Reading the Pansheng collection today, I have a deep feeling. Jun Shaomei is talented and has the strategy of holding the time. Sex is not a tweak, but a negative cause. The world swallows fire and competes to drink ice. When attached to the silk also, the cold is light. Each band is emitted with a chant, and is always draped in a fur. The flow of the hairpin is proud of the eyes. The son of a fool, sneering. Jundan Min'er self-cultivation, Pleasant Andring. Although the karma of the times, it has repeatedly succumbed to the division. It is a text of the world, and it is recommended in the famous place. Bo comprehensive group, no book fornication. For many years, He Yu passed on the habit. With the talent of the other, it has not been met. It is the emperor who lacks the lubrication of the clan, and the national code is not sent to the qiawen also. Nie Guan concentrated, Le Fu realistic Han people. Poetry is comparable to the Tang Dynasty. Biographies must be based on migration and consolidation. On the salty out of chance, Kang. The inscription is long and so on. The title praises the system of the sketch Mai Po Lao and Fu Weng. As for the martyrs, the deeds must be listed. High track escape track, Yi Xian Zhang. To observe the socializing of others, although there are many things. Ruofu's own ghostwriting words are not recorded. And also experienced the reality of the Chinese Dynasty, and moved Jia Fu's friendship when he was worried. Wide collection of ancestral famous books, Gegu Mao's first dharma eye. The situation is pure and the atmosphere is fierce. Read his text, look at his people, and enjoy his character. In his lifetime, the political Liu Ji and the so-called sentiments are well prepared. The moisture of qi and wind and rain, the pen spits out the glory of the star Han. Isn't it the handsome flow of the word garden, the craftsman of the art forest? Yun Yi hai famous people, happy and establish friends. The one who despises the people is the one who should look at them. The person who sets the name of the great river still contains the thought of the miao, and the thought of cutting the smoke and clouds. Yuanlong Lake Sea, Wokezi Yu Xiamu. Zhong lifted up the basil and swept away the room. In the past and in the present, the road is the same. Karma is rich in Tibetan mountains, especially deeply appreciated by Yun'er. Written by Xu Huobo, a disciple of Chongzhen PengyinHua Dynasty.

Chen Yan's poetry and articles are very successful.

Le Fu is a realistic Han Chinese.

Poetry is comparable to the Tang Dynasty.

Biographies must be based on migration and consolidation. Biographical texts can be compared to Sima Qian and Bangu.

On the salty out of chance, Kang. Argumentative essays can be compared to Lu Ji and Ji Kang.

The inscription is long and so on. The inscription is comparable to the Yanran carved stone of Bangu and the carved stone of Zhao Wuling Wang Fanwu.

The title praises the system of the sketch Mai Po Lao and Fu Weng. The sketches can be compared to Su Shi and Huang Tingjian.

Chen Yan's "Tombstone Of the Five" is better than Zhang Pu's "Tombstone of the Five".

Chen Yan's works include "Remembering Qi Shaobao's Anecdotes" and "Yu Du's Protective Anecdotes" to record the deeds of Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayu, which is a must-read for the study of Ming history.

Chen Yanzuo has "The Record of Jia Ke", which records the resumes of more than thirty guests from other places who came to Fuzhou. Many of them are Stone Chronicle characters, such as Ai Guan.

Chen Yan had many contacts with zou diguang, Jiao Zhu, Li Weizhen, Dong Qichang, Zhong Yi, Tan Yuanchun, and Zhou Lianggong, who were famous literary figures at that time.

Wang Shizhen's "Chibei Occasional Talk" includes Chen Yan's two examinations, wind and news, Shao Zhengdi.


The ancient calligraphy and painting artifacts collected by Chen Yan's family rank in the forefront of Fuzhou.

Xu Xinggong's "Red Rain Building Anthology" sent Li Gongqi: Pansheng was only fifty years old, his life was very rich, and he bore the lessons of Mao Xian, and the ancient artifacts of calligraphy and paintings were collected in Sanshan.


Chen Yan can paint.

Chen Yan's works include "Ma He's Sword Immortal Tu bao", "Yan Ci Ping Feng Forest Grazing Tu Bao", "Xia Jue Yunquan Qing dialect Tu Bao", "Ma He Zhong Pear Blossom Tu Bao", "Ma Ma Lu Painting Absorbing Toad".

Chen Yan's "Old Tongue on the Maple" has a paragraph of "On Painting", which is included in the "Yuding PeiWenzhai Calligraphy and Painting Spectrum": "YuanYi people Huang Da is obsessed with teaching people to paint, and the most taboo is sweet. Sweet and ripe is also said. Husbands are vulgar, corrupt, and plated, and everyone knows it. Sweetness is not only not taboo, but also happy. Thrown out of the big idiot, the big is the wonderful truth. ”

Xu Ling's "Shakumutang Collection" has a poem "Titled Chen Pansheng Painted Bamboo Creek Scrolls for Sun Yanhui".

Interaction with Lin Pet

Chen Yan's "Lin Yiqing Portrait Praise": It is very regular and round, at best, it is also lonely. Resolutely, practice its traces. The eyes are white and black, the mouth is grateful for the female yellow, and Yi Qiyi is also. KaiFa Yan Miao, dragon up phoenix. Yi Yi Qing, the pen of the world.

Chen Yan and Lin Pet have common interests and hobbies, often painting and painting together and Playing Go.

Chen Yan often presides over calligraphy and painting meetings, and Lin Pet often participates.

Chen Yan can play Go, once played against the national player Ballantine, and gambled chess to win Cao Xuejun and won the Han Yu Medal.

Lin Pet also loves Go, the level is not low, once played against Zhang Yisheng and others, may be similar to Chen Yan.

Zhang Yisheng was given by Brink by Ballantine. Chen Yan and Lin Pet should be slightly worse than Zhang Yisheng, but their chess strength is not weak. It is estimated to be over the level of The Second Son of The Age.

Chen Yan once traveled with Lin Pet to Shizhu Mountain. He is the author of "Travels of Shizhu Mountain".

Chen Yan wrote an article entitled "The Law Secretary of the Min Chinese Dynasty", which discussed several famous calligraphers at that time, Ma Huan (Jia Lian's prototype), Cao Xuejun (Jia Mu's prototype), Xu Xinggong (Jia Baoyu's prototype), Lin Pet's (Lin Daiyu's prototype), and Gong Keguang.

Chen Yan's "Secretary of the Law of the Ming Dynasty in Fujian": Lin Yiqing Xiao kai signed the book such as a jade box and hidden pearls, and the Gong clothes attacked the brocade. Another example is the green poplar ten miles, the yellow bird counts. Golden Bonded, Phase and Low Back. Jin Chao Nei Shi, Tang Bang Plain.

Lin Pet's brother Lin Shao raised Lin Pet with his wife Wang Yiren (1563-1623), who mother-in-law Wang Yiren. Lin Pet wrote an chronology for Wang Yiren. Chen Yan's works include "Wang Yiren's Recitation".

Chen Yan's "Dajiang Collection": "August 16 tonglin yiqing Chen Changji set Shenguang Temple to wait for the moon", "Langya Valley Shou Yizhao Tongyi Qing Zhangfu", "Dream feeling Cambodia Lin Yiqing", "Sending Lin Yiqing into Beijing", "New Year's Day Hong Ru Ru Lin Zhengze Lin Yiqing Chen Ziyu passed through to the five drums to disperse", "Set Chen Ziyu Zhaitou listen to the rain with zhengze yiqing", "LangfengTang with Xuxing Gong Chen Shu Du Lin Yiqing", "Tongchen Zi Yulin Yiqing again over LangfengTang", "Tongyi Qing Zhangfu Shou Yi Shou Yi Shou Sect out of Jianxi", "Tongyi Qing Qing Qing GongXin Gong Yang Tou Tuo Pan West Lake", "Tong Yi Qing Qing Gong Xin Gong Yang Tou Tuo Pan West Lake". Gong Ke Guanglin Yiqing said goodbye from his brother Shaobo and the same suzhou", "Tea tasting Cambodia Lin Yiqing", "Tonglin Langxian toured The Shizhu Mountain", "On the night of August 14th, he sailed the Taijiang River with Lin Langxian", "Stayed in yeyuan with Ke Guanglangxian overnight".

Chen Yan's "Two Collections of Dajiang": "Lin Yiqing wrote for Er juan that the Zangshan Tang Shi Zeng Attendant came to visit Juan Tongjue Bamboo", "Yueshan An Ji Zhujun Tea Party when Yi Qing did not arrive", "Xinzheng Chen Shudu was ill and talked with Lin Yiqing Sun Yan", "With Xue Laozhuang to see Mei Tongxing Gong Du Yi Qing Chang Ji and Pu Zhong Yang Juyuan", "Lin Minbu Zhao Tong Lu Kun Fu Chen Xuan Bo Lin Yi Qing Uncle Xiang Brother Shi Hu Mao Sheng Ji Shi Cang", "Send Xu Xing Gong Yi An Chen Shu Du Feng Yi Lin Yi Qing Jin Ling Chen Chang Ji Shang Chun Guan Together Zu Dao Er Heng Mei Du Qu", "Yue Ri Zhou Zhang Fu You Su's You Yiqing and Tong zai Er Heng Beauty Also Returned to Sha County Dukes Still Set Xiao Zhai Suo Yu Re-Endowment is Ri Shu Du Regular also rides side by side with Chang Ji", "Tong Lin San Yi Qing Zhi Calligraphy and Painting Will Be in Rong Yin for the Foothills of Song Mountain", "Yang Juyuan wrote Lanxing Gong Uncle Du Yi Qing Yan Hui each mouth to occupy the absolute sentence Yu Yi Zhi

Interaction with Li Yan zhai

Li Yanzhai (李砚斋), also known as Lin Xue (c. 1596-?) ), Zi Tiansu, famous prostitute, painter, Fujian Sanshan people.

"Stone Record" Twenty-second Gengchen (Jingzang) Eyebrow Criticism: Feng Jie point play, Fat Yan writes things, now know very few people, do not complain about the husband?

Chongzhen 4 years Xin Wei (1631). Mao Yuanyi visited Fuzhou.

On August 4, Lin Shuxue took wine and Chen Yan to Lin Xue's residence and drank with Mao Yuanyi. Chen Yan's "Dajiang Collection" Lin Maoli brought Tiansu Nei Shi Zhaitou and Mao Zhisheng to drink the next day's birthday.

On September 16, Wang Xifeng prototyped Chen Yiyuan Zhishe and performed "Cai Hao Ji". This is Feng Jie's point play, and Li Yan writes.

Chen Yan's works include: Shangwei Chen Shi Yu She's set of the same effect to get ten steaming, another generation of female Shi LinXue to get twelve invasions, and the title female Shi Lin Tiansu painted Tiansu when she was building a temple. Send the daughter Shi Lin Tiansu's Qiantang, Lin Maoli with The Tiansu Nei Shi Zhaitou and Mao Zhisheng to drink the next day's birthday gift, Cambodian Lin Tiansu, the inscription daughter Shi Lin Tiansu painted Tiansu in Jianmao, send Wang Ranming back to Xiuning along the way to visit Tiansu Maosheng II book.

Chen Yan and Xu Xinggong's good friend Shi Humaosheng in his later years also had a good relationship.

Interaction with Xu Xinggong

Chen Yan's family and Xu Xinggong have been friends for generations. The intersection of pen and stone also lasted for five generations.

Xu Xinggong's father Xu Yu (徐㭿) and Chen Ke (陈衎), the great-grandfather of Chen Yan, were good friends. "Seda and Sanzhi are friends."

Forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar (1616). Chen Yan composed the "Xu Cunyu Epitaph" for Xu Lu, the eldest son of Xu Xinggong.

Forty-eighth year of the Wanli Calendar (1620) Gengshen. On March 5, Shang Mei (Jia Yingchun prototype) gathered with Chen Yiyuan (Wang Xifeng prototype), Hua Dasheng, Huang Tingshi, Xu Xinggong, Cao Xuejun (Jia Mu prototype), Chen Hong, Lin Pet (Lin Daiyu prototype), Li Yue, Chen Yan and others. This was the first time that the well-documented Xu Xinggong had seen Lin Pet.

The third year of the Apocalypse (1623) In September, Xu Xinggong, Lin Pet, Chen Hong, Li Yue, and Chen Yan exhibited Ni Kegu's (Ping'er prototype) collection of "Records of General Peng's Zhongyi Hall" and had an inscription.

Chongzhen II (1629) Cao Xueqi donated gold to build the tomb of Xu Xing's brother Xu Xi (Qin Ke'er, Jia Zhu, and Daizhu prototype). Xu Xinggong, Together with Chen Zhongqin, Cao Xueqin, An Guoxian, Lin Jia, Lin Yunxiang and Xu Cunyong, will bury Xu Xi. Xu Xinggong also composed two poems, "The First Uncle Buried Luping Mountain to Accept the Friendship Association to Send Thanks". Cao Xuejun has "On the eighth day of the first day of the first year, Tang Bori sent Xu Wei and burial", and Chen Yan had a poem "Xu Wei and Tomb".

Chongzhen seven years (1634) Jia Shu. Lin Xue (Lingguan prototype, Fat Yan Zhai) Jia Shu re-evaluated the "Stone Record". Chen Yan's "Xu Cunyong Zhao Ji Wanyu Lou Deting Zi Shixing Public Guest Tour Has Not Returned": "The Secret Flute Building surveys the Stone Classic". Xu Ling (Qinxi) is in the middle of the building to study the secret book "Stone Classic", which is the "Stone Record".

Xu Xinggong's "Red Rain Building Anthology" replied to Liu Yugong: "Last year, at the end of the spring, my brother had a trip to establish a state, and he stayed until the end of The Lap. Brother Bo travels to the bridge, to Chinese New Year's Eve the debtor to win the door. Naito Maoli to make a living, filthy and evil and chen Pansheng two hundred gold, is able to die. "Filth refers to bad fields, and when the fields are sold, they are Chongzhen's eighth year (1635) Yihai."

Chongzhen Decade (1637) Ding Ugly. Xuxing Commune is a collection of ancient apricots. Xu Xinggong and Chen Yan looked at the plum and looked at the picture of the ink plum and the red plum each axis.

Chongzhen eleven years (1638) Peng Yin. During the Hua Dynasty, Xu Xinggong composed Chen Yan's "Preface to the Great River Collection" and discussed the intersection of Chen and Xu V's pen and Yan.

Chongzhen twelve years (1639) he died. In the spring, Chen Yan has a poem huai Xu Xinggong.

Chongzhen thirteen years (1640) Gengchen. In the spring and summer, Chen Yan painted Ma Yu fanhead for Xu Xinggong.

Chongzhen fifteen years (1642) noon. In July, the birthday of Xu Xinggong, Cao Xueqi composed "Shou Xu Xinggong". Cao Xueqi waited for The Green Jade Zhai. Chen Yan painted bamboo in the green jade.

At midnight on November 25, before noon Chinese New Year's Eve. Xu Xinggong (1570-1642) died.

Chen Yan's "The Second Collection of Dajiang Caotang" weeps Xu Xinggong: a generation of conquest literature, the main alliance of qianqiu foxes. Virtue is heavy on providence, and learning is light on the world. The old man reads diligently, and is willing to be poor and does not coddle farming. Rue mud is made of walls, and the tooth axis is listed as a city. The secret book searches for predecessors, and lives in the thin name. Eight points left bird traces, five words throw gold sound. The ink on the pool is crepe, and the jade in the forest is clear. The painting critic pushed Gu Kai, and the poetry was good at Zhong Rong. Wind and snow Baqiao guard, fireworks Maoyuan warblers. Mountaineer monks took over the battle, sweeping the prostitutes to pass on the message. Quality entertainment Song Gui, Xinwen Miscellaneous Du Yu. The crowd tends to be stubborn, and the Holy Lord wants to spice up the soup. Zhu Kunyin of Hai Nei and two brothers of Minzhong. The fixed exchange is tired of leaves, and the words must be class thorny. The hand borrows more frequently than the book, and the heart expects sentences to be presented. Dictate more questions, forget to divide and shoulder to shoulder. Yuan sigh is not a class, and Zhonglang is limited to Ming. Typically, the hepatobiliary has been lost, and the liver and gallbladder are poured to whom. Eternal tips are soft and severed, and peace is zen to enlightenment. Nanzhou Xu Zizi, Mr. Tianzhu Gu.

Chen Yan's "Sacrifice to Xu Xinggong": Haibang is a word, the ancestors are in the past. It is known as asking for learning, and the six classics of historical strategy. That is, to collect books, but also to maintain old habits. Biographically, but Chuso. The atmosphere is enlightened, and the cultural operation is renewed. Zhong Ling is a very beautiful person, a natural philosopher. Stone warehouse shelves, billions of miscellaneous Chen. Barnyard officials said that they should be widely consulted. Han Wei Jin Tang, Six Dynasties and Five Seasons. At the beginning of the country, the ladder voyage arrived. Whoever has a last word is intoxicated. Poetry, Astronomical Geography. Things are primitive, worms and birds are in the situation. The character of the golden stone, the inscription of the household. Day and night, wings of the Bible. Since the young and strong, the mouth has not paused. Or famous mountains, or record secret houses. Song Ban Tang G, Guo Cheng Family Tree. I haven't heard of it, I haven't tasted it. Exhaustively searched, all returned to Wanyu. Ning Zi is good and shang, chanting and deliberating. Whoever I am with him will borrow money. Explain its source committee, release its excess. Obliquely established, reverse cut is not confused. Therefore, its words are smooth and open. Brilliant external propaganda, Xuan Xin Lang. The body is essential, and there is no coolness. Left Lu Suifu, Cao Liu Zhenxiang. Such as four or six notes, such as five or seven words. The rocks are waving, and the sun is running electric. Jin Gu Yurun, tornado luan. Acoustic call association, quality mizun. Aofeng big set, good at wind track. First reach the group trend, and then the latter is up. Zhong Lu Qianqiu, Xiao Gui Duoshi. The pen is exquisite and miscellaneous, and the history of the country is supplemented. There is learning like the sea, and there is a reputation like incense. Insider Kebei, DeFan Changchang. The Lord of Yongning is the beginning of the king. The name of the mantle pavilion, the king's yizhang. With friends to assist benevolence, with literature as filial piety. Princes Jing Cong, may Ann undertake the teachings. Happy me guest, yes is a puppet. Jun nai is idyllic and indulges in fishing. The eyes are green and white, and the abdomen is wasted in spring and autumn. No one is foolish, and everyone is happy and travels. Foolishness is full of virtue, wisdom is full of virtue. Landing on Jin, almost half of Kyushu. Donkey back flat bridge, crane boat curved shore. The tide sounded at first, and Yue Yun began to disperse. The rod soars repeatedly, and the cup bottle feasts. Tocs banners, flowing words. Zhile Renshou, Yu Junju is complete. Yimei Houkun, only algae dancing. Eight lines of infiltration, ten thousand choices of green money. With the blessing of the lord, there is no shame in virtue. Come and go, life and death. When you see this, you will not be terrified. Easy to grace, mouth to occupy the best sentences. Forever friendly, kind and affectionate. To the end of the society, twenty years to follow. Xuan Ting asked the words, and the bamboo was strange. The heavens fell and I lost my mentor. The cold plum is bright moon, and the throat is miserable.

Chen Yan's "Xu Xing Gong Statue Praise": Follow the drink alcohol, and the contract dust of the Zhou Dynasty. Empty and vast. Ignorance and foolishness wither, all make it impressive. Hai Nei's disciples know that they are immersed in books and learn from heaven and man, but they do not know the purity of their virtues, and they are integrated and balanced, and they are agitated and clear. The weft is dimensional and vertical, and the longitude is horizontal. Set rigid and dry wet, all flat for it. Hai Nei knows that his charms are elegant and elegant, and he does not know the essence of his dry situation, so his appearance is slow and happy, and the gods are mysterious and deep. Wang Falu asked, and the hipster quit the yoke and returned to his heart. Gai Lin swims in the wild, and the crane sings in the yin. Materials such as the East Arrow, the quality of the south gold also.

Chen Yan's "Secretary of the Law of the Chinese Dynasty in Fujian": Xu Xinggong is like a thousand-year-old Xuanlu, and the yao grass is alone. The color is light, and the gods control the emperor.

Chen Yan's "Album of Xu Xinggong": Xi Xiangong painted and later generations of legends, such as the King of Jin, The King of Tang, The Duke of Yanlu, the Cai Junmo of the Song, and the Du Yuanfu of the Yuan. Shugong is confident that his article industry can be immortalized in Laiyu, and does not want to be attacked by a skill, so there are not many legends. Then, though man does not see his true deeds, he will return to them with divine wonders, and he will also value his article industry, and he will not want to leave behind his skills. Xinggong is famous for his erudite poetry, and his paintings are very good, but he refuses to do more, and he who seeks to meet him every day should also be remembered and sighed like a number of publics and cannot be obtained.

Chen Yan's "Dajiang Collection" accompanies Mr. Cao Nengshi to set Xu Xinggong Lu Yu Zhai, Xu Xing Gong Even Lai, Lang Feng Tang and Xu Xing Gong Chen Shu Du Lin Yiqing, send Xu Xing Gong to travel to the eastern counties of Zhejiang, Yiyang Obscure Two days before Xu Xing Commune Set Gu Xingxuan to see Mei Yin Guan Painting Mo Mei Hongmei each axis with the same Dong character impromptu endowment, title Wan Yu Lou for Xu Xing Gong Library, Huai Xu Xing Gong from Yue Zhong as a guest Qing Xu, Xu Xing Gong Gao Jing Qian set Zhai to bid farewell to the head but sent, title Xu Xing Gong album, with Xu Xing Gong, and xu Xing Gong, and Xu Xing Gong, Xu Cunyu epitaph.

Chen Gong's "Dajiang Caotang Ii" with Xu Xinggong sitting in the rain Chen Chang Ji Zhai tou Hui Wang Yu An Shi to Suo Gift, with Chen Shu Du sitting on the Dragon Shou Pavilion Hearing Xu Xing Gong Chen Changyuan Lin Bin Wang but in the mountain Fu Yong Shu Xu Cunyong Zhao Collection Wanyu Lou Deting Character Shixing Gongke Travel Did Not Return, Sick Zhongxing Gongchang Ji Cun Yong Zhou Daoist Passing Zhaitou Bin Wang Changyuan Followed by Shi Changji Returned to Chang'an, La Eight Days Self-Sex Shangren Fang Guan Mei and Xing Gong Xian used the same Cunzi, Andu Protector Zhao and Xu Xing Gong Cao Neng Shi Chen Shu Du Chen Chang Ji Ji Dongcheng To See Yingchun Shared An East Rhyme, Xinggong Green Jade Painting Bamboo is The Sun and Autumn Looking At No Moon, Taking the Pen Inscription Ma Yu Xing Gong Fan Head, Yang Juyuan Writing Lanxing Gong Uncle Du Yi Qing Yan Hui Each Mouth Occupies the Absolute Sentence Yu Yi Zhi

Xu Xinggong's "Red Rain Building Anthology" sent Yang Nanzhong: "The messenger lacked the capital axe and had to borrow the pansheng. Pan Sheng was a man, and he paid it immediately. "Tough, despicable and stubborn.

Xu Xinggong's "Red Rain Building Anthology" sent Xu Ziyun: "Pansheng chicken ribs are green and have been in Pan for more than thirty years. Emperor Wenzong checked his resume, placed it in the fifth class, and the xianxian text was between the first and second grades, and the injustice was wronged. But secondly, Lang ranked eighth, and Ji Lang was third, which was almost enough to comfort his ears. ”

Xu Xinggong's "Aofeng Collection" read Under the window of Chen Pansheng.

Chen Yan's work is "The Biography of Huang Shancong". Xu Xinggong's "Yu Shi Mingyan" volume 28 has the story of Huang Shancong.

Records of interactions

Cao Xueqiao, Jia Mu prototype.

Chen Yin's works include: accompany Mr. Cao Nengshi to set Xu Xing Gong Green Jade Dragon, Mr. Cao Nengshi recruits Shicang Panzhou Ciqin Xiang Society to stay at night in the Night Light Hall Limit Rhyme and Answer, Yiqi Gamble Cao Nengshi Mr. Han Yuzhang Xi Xi but gives and thanks, Mr. Cao Nengshi recruits West Lake repair matters because of watching miscellaneous dramas to get the old words, strikes words and returns to the wind and things Depression Cao Nengshi Mr. Hong Ru han Li Zi Shan Zhujun has been left behind because of the memory of Du Shi's self-care and uninteresting friendship He Shangxin's sentence trial for the ten chapters of rhymes, Mr. Cao Nengshi opened the society Langfeng Lou and sent Gu Xue Erjun back to Wu Shi Liu Yu Gong Guo Langsheng even to each endowed with seven words of ancient poems limited sentences to be given the day did not go to get the two words of Cangxiu, the mountain monk wall hanging Mr. Cao Nengshi ink has a huai but endowment, The Lingshan Cao Nengshi Mr. Society set the second rhyme, Mr. Cao Nengshi during the night to pass the mountain, the Shu monk three secrets to the book of Lin Mao from the confession, the Na Liang Cao Nengshi Mr. Bamboo Drunken Pavilion showed the selected Song Yuan poetry collection, sent Gong Yi's return to Baowu and Mr. Cao Nengshi's rhymes With the work of astronomical zhibing, On the second day after the Dragon Boat Festival, Mr. Cao Nengshi recruited Mr. Cao Nengshi to collect the Eight Rhymes of the Seven Yangs, Mr. Cao Nengshi of Guangdong Province, Mr. Cao Nengshi of Yuexi, Mr. Cao Nengshi of Painting Bamboo, Mr. Cao Nengshi of the Ninth Day, Mr. Cao Nengshi of Zhou Li Guan Ji Da Guanting for the Sake of Ridicule, Mr. Cao Nengshi of The Seven Sorrows, Mr. Cao Nengshi of The Eight Ofe, Mr. Cao Nengshi of March 8, Mr. Cao Nengshi of the Great Valley Pavilion, Mr. Cao Nengshi of the String Song, Mr. Cao Nengshi, Mr. Cao Nengshi, Mr. Cao Reciting Mr. Cao Nengshi and Lun'er's poems, Mr. Cao Nengshi recruited three stone pavilions and answers, Mr. Cao Nengshi built in The Thousand Mountains Pavilion, Cao Gong Three Gorges Pavilion, Yuan Xi Cao Zikang did calligraphy and painting club Mr. Nengshi won the fourteen colds, Hua Dynasty Xu Youjie Zhi Calligraphy and Painting Association Stone Forest Shi Jiu Drought and Mr. Cao Nengshi Impromptu Endowment, Putian Gloss when the city tower all had police Mr. Cao Nengshi read the various cities Pheasant, Mr. Cao Nengshi Seventy, Fenghe Cao Nengshi Mr. Qianshan Pavilion Miscellaneous Ten Songs, and Mr. Tong Cao Sat in the Moon Gorge Pavilion.

Lingudu, the prototype of the flower raider.

Chen Yan's works include: Ke Lin Mao's Qing Shu Ge, Send Lin Mao's Return to Bai Xia, Mid-Autumn Festival Jinmen Lou Cao Nengshi Zhishe, Lin Mao's Night to Shanzhai, Beilin Zi Qiu Mao's Yu Dukou Liquor Store, Night Over Lin Mao's Zhai Tou, Early Summer Society's Collection Shen Youzai's Pavilion to See new green with the township characters with the Yellow Sea Crane Lin Mao's Zhang Ji Xuan Deng Dao Xie, Against the Brigade Sitting Idle with Huai Lin Mao's Guest Quan Pepper But Sent, Passing Lin Mao's Zhai Tou Each Endowed a Palin Zhi Zhi Shi Shu Send Cui Yisheng back to Baixia and send Zhou Jiang Zuo Lin Maozhi and Answer Lin Maozhi,

Chen Yan also wrote "The Biography of Lin Ziqiu". Lin Mao (林懋), also spelled Ziqiu, is the brother of Lin Gudu and the prototype of Hua Zifang.

Dong Yingju, Li Feng prototype.

Chen Yun's works include: You Dong Yan Calendar Star Yu Shi Zhu Sheng but endowed with Chongxiang Fuzi, tong Zhuzi Bu Li Coast under the Thrush Rock to Zhengwan Hui Chongxiang Fuzi, Serving Dong Fuzi Dali Guanshe Wash Bamboo, From Dong Chongxiang Fuzi Step Visit Lü Shaoqing Yu ShiHu Shi DuQiao Shi Du Qiao To Give This Explanation, Chongxiang Dong Fuzi Gave Long Sentences of Thanksgiving thanks with Poems, Dong Fuzi Plum Blossom Pavilion Record, Serving Dong Chongxiang Master Yang Zi, Shang Dong Fuzi, Weeping Dong Sikong Fuzi,

Chen Yiyuan, the prototype of Wang Xifeng.

Chen Yan's works are: Shangwei Chen Shi Yushe Set Tong Effect Selection Ten Steaming, And Substitute Daughter Shi LinXue Got Twelve Invasions, On the Sixteenth day of the First Month Chen Jingzhao Society Set to See Yulan Each Endowed with Long Songs, Send Chen Erzhang palm Ying Tian, Erzhou Ancestral Hall for Chen Jingzhao, Bang Chen Jingzhao, and Chen Erzhang of the Mountain Tower of The Xixi Mountains.

Shao Jiechun, Jia Tanchun prototype.

Chen Yan's works include: Zeng Yu Shao observed that Lin Minbu had passed xiao zhai, Shao observed and recruited Qian Yu Cao Tang to obtain eight geng eleven truths, sent Shao Xian to be reappointed to the Sichuan Tuntian Qing Army, taught Shao Daxing Xuanting, sent Shao Xianbu to zhi Jiannan, and answered Shao Zhongcheng.

Lin Zhifan, Jia Xichun prototype.

Chen Yun's works include: Sending Lin Kongshuo to the Examination, Writing Lin Kongshuo Landscape, Painting Bamboo Solin Kongshuo Landscape, Zhaolin Kongshuo Kongyi, LinKongshuo Bamboo Staff Ming, King Mojie Han Lin Yishi Tulin Kongshuozang, Sending Lin Kongshuo to Ren Jiaxing, Painting Bamboo to Send Lin Kongshuo to the Bus, Bamboo House Chucheng Invited Lin Kongshuo to Pass Bye When Kong Shuo Passed Farewell, Kong Shuo would be counted into the capital, Lin Kongshuo was sent north, and Qingyu case was brought to find Kong Shuo in Beishan to go to the Qingming Before and After the Covenant.

Chen Yan's works include: Sun Changyi, Sun Shaozu prototype.

Chen Yan's works include: Mr. Sun Zi Chang recruited Shi Liang to see Mei Fu Xie, Sun Zi Chang Inspector Xue brought Zhao Fifteen Lin Zheng Ze Ershan people to sit on the rong yin zhen zi when there were Kou policemen, Sun Zi Chang Left Ink Bao, and sacrificed Sun Zi Chang.

Xu You, the prototype of Xiangling.

Chen Youjie's works include: Xu Youjie beating drums, Wangri Xu Youjie out of the calligraphy and painting collection of his inspector's office to view Su Ji waiter wine, Hua Chao Xu Youjie Straight Calligraphy and Painting Association Stone Forest Shi Jiu Drought with Mr. Cao Nengshi Impromptu Endowment, Huang Jiyu Straight Calligraphy and Painting Association Sending Spring is Ri Xu Youjie DrumMing Music, Yue Yue Has Huai Xu Youjie Cao Shanju, Drunken Flower Yin for Xu Youjie to give the singer Lian Sheng.

Xie Zhaochun, the prototype of Xue Baochao.

Chen Yan made a work: there is a seal in Hangzhou Fangbo for sale is Zhuang Jin Uncle Guobo carved also sighed sadly,

Jiang Yifang, Leng Zixing prototype.

Chen Yan zuo: With Jiang Zicai, there is no blame for the rest of the meal.

Zheng Bangxiang, Jia Qiang prototype.

Chen Yanzuo had: Zheng Menglin asked fiercely.

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