
How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

author:Daming storyteller

Speaking of the Ming Dynasty, what is the first impression in your mind? Is it the Empire's heavy vassal who is bare-ass and beaten? Or is it the Hanlin bachelor who shouts around the eunuch to his father? And my first impression was only greatness. I know that some people will disagree with me, but don't rush to argue, today, I will tell you how great the Ming Dynasty is, absolutely subvert your cognition!

First of all, the Ming Dynasty was the most correct dynasty in the country. The well-known historian of the Republic of China, Meng Sen, in his masterpiece "Lecture Notes on the History of Ming", famously said: "Since three generations in China, the only people who have won the most righteous country are Han and Ming." In other words, the most correct dynasty in ancient China was actually only Han and Ming.

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

Why? Pifu revolted to eliminate violence for the people, without the intention of foreseeing the artifact. Zhu Yuanzhang's whole family starved to death, and a beggar who asked for food joined the Red Turban Army to rebel, just to overthrow the tyrant yuan and survive. Just as the so-called hanging of the people and cutting down the crime, there is no half-hearted intention to usurp power and seize the throne.

In contrast, Song Yuan, Song Taizu is a yellow robe plus body, it is difficult to say whether he has selfish intentions, and as the leader of the forbidden army, he has a high position of power and bullying the orphans and widows of Hou Zhou. And this kind of person who is sent to the throne by others has to compromise, speak three points lower, and try to do something will be hindered everywhere.

The Yuan Dynasty was even more excessive, not only directly violently invading, but also dividing people other than the Mongols, like garbage sorting, into upper, middle, and lower grades. If you put good land instead of planting, you must return to nature, enclose the land and raise horses, and make the people unhappy.

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

The Ming Dynasty, the most correct dynasty, did not rely on any foreign forces, nor did it make any compromises, thus laying the foundation of the Ming Dynasty for nearly three hundred years. The Qing Dynasty, on the other hand, did not have any innovations, and copied the system of the Ming Dynasty, which also lasted for more than two hundred years. It is also this kind of self-reliance and the most correct confidence of the country, so that the Ming generation has become the toughest dynasty in Chinese history, not called subjects, not tribute, not harmonious.

surrender? It is impossible to surrender, the Son of Heaven guards the gates of the kingdom, and the king dies. Until the fall of the Ming Dynasty, its last emperor, Chongzhen, did not take a half step back. The chancellor urged him to hunt south, that is, to flee to Nanjing, and to survive and fight again. He directly refused, because Beijing was the imperial tomb, that is, the Ming Tombs. The ancestors are all sleeping here, can Ann take a step back? So Chongzhen finally chose to hang himself from the crooked neck tree of Coal Mountain, and did not flee Beijing.

Before hanging himself, he bit his finger and wrote his last suicide note with blood: "Death, faceless to see the ancestors in the ground, remove the crown, cover the face with hair, let the thief split the corpse, do not hurt the people!" ”

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

Later, the Qing army also suffered extremely fierce resistance, especially in Jiangyin, Yan Yingyuan, Chen Mingyu, Feng Houdun, Jiangyin resisted the Three Dukes of the Qing Dynasty, with an army of 100,000, resisted the enemy several times, and severely damaged the elite of Kong Youde, the prince of the Qing army. In the end, the city of Jiangyin was destroyed, the Qing army slaughtered the city, and no one surrendered, which can be said to be hard from the beginning to the end. So what are the beliefs that sustain them? But it is "eighty days with allegiance, cousin Taizu seventeen dynasty figures." 100,000 people died with one heart and righteousness, and three hundred miles of rivers and mountains existed in the Ming Dynasty."

In contrast, in the Qing Dynasty, as soon as the British and French invaded, they ran to Therehe River with a smoke, not to mention that they did not care whether the people were dead or alive. Even Cixi said that "measure the material strength of China and the joy of the country." This kind of traitorous and seeking glory, even if they have a little bit of flesh and blood, they will not say it.

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

The Ming Dynasty not only resisted the Houjin, but was as hard as the Xiongnu, as hard as the foreign invaders. At that time, Portugal coveted our territory, and with the help of its ships and guns, it burned and plundered. Hóng, then deputy envoy of Guangdong Haidao, led the Daming Water Division against the Portuguese in the Tuen Mun area. After several clashes, the Daming Water Division completely defeated the Portuguese army. For the next twenty years, Portugal no longer dared to invade Chinese territory.

The reason why the Ming Dynasty is so tough is because the level of military tactics and firearms research of the Ming Dynasty has always been firmly in the world's first echelon. Whether it is Mao Yuanyi's "Wu Bei Zhi" or the study of officials at all levels, the "Western Firearms Law" and the "Western Fire Attack Artifact Theory" all represent large-scale and high-level technology introduction and research, which is unprecedented in Chinese history. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty also founded the earliest professional thermal weapons army in Chinese history, the Shenji Battalion, and creatively invented the three-row round firing of the firearm combat method- And the mighty European colonists, such as the Dutch of the sea coachman, learned it more than two hundred years later.

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

In addition to military achievements, the culture and technology of the Ming Dynasty were also highly prosperous. From all walks of life, a number of world-class experts and scholars have been born, including Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", Xu Hongzu's "Xu Xia's Travels", and Song Yingxing's "Tiangong Kaiwu". "Tiangong Kaiwu" is known as the first encyclopedic scientific and technological work in ancient China. Even the mathematical derivative was first used by Wang Wensu, a great mathematician of the Ming Dynasty.

And the Ming Dynasty city culture is very prosperous, the four famous works were born in the Ming Dynasty there are three books, namely "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Of course, there is also a non-mainstream masterpiece "Golden Plum Bottle".

How great was the Ming Dynasty? Not being a vassal, not paying tribute, not being harmonious, absolutely subverting your cognition

There is also finance. The finances of the Ming Dynasty were also particularly friendly to civilians. The Ming Dynasty generation, except for a short period after the founding of the Country, there was no inflation for the rest of the time. Therefore, the unprecedented prosperity of the private economy has also bred the culture of the city. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty established the silver standard. This was due to the frequency of foreign trade exchanges, and in the more than 70 years from 1570 to 1644, about 13,000 tons of silver flowed into China in the Americas alone. The Ming Empire became a veritable silver empire.

Not only that, the Ming Dynasty was also particularly friendly to the peasants, not only the preferential policies were available, the specific implementation was also particularly "hard", Zhu Yuanzhang also specially erected a stone stele, on which several big characters were engraved: "Never add endowment".

Seeing this, is the Ming Dynasty still in your impression the stereotype of the eunuch in power and the corruption? It is undeniable that it has flaws of one kind or another, but its greatness is beyond doubt. Of course, there will be a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers, each of whom is a unique individual with their own ideas, and perhaps you feel that your point of view is more correct, welcome to leave a comment in the comment area to discuss.