
Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

author:Chat About Gutong today

The development and prosperity of every country are inseparable from various struggles, and the change of political power is even more in line with the development of the times. In the process of continuous exploration and struggle, to formulate policies and strategic guidelines that are more suitable for the current human development, we can promote the country to improve in a more powerful direction.

During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many outstanding generals emerged in our country, and it was precisely because of their efforts and hard work that they were able to bring about the current stable situation. The outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression stimulated an unprecedented unity among the masses of our country, and everyone worked together to resist foreign enemies, which increased the sense of national honor.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >, an excellent general from an ordinary background</h1>

Our country has experienced thousands of years of feudal rule, and during this period, due to the lack of the influence of advanced Western ideas, the hierarchical differentiation of the masses in our country was quite serious. Imperial power is supreme and inviolable, and the people belong to the bottom of society, and their lives and lives seem as if no one cares.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

As the saying goes, water can carry boats, but also can overturn boats, and the people are the foundation of a country's existence. With the emergence of various oppressions, the people also spontaneously organized uprisings, but they were eventually suppressed. Until the invasion and oppression of the great powers at the end of the Qing Dynasty, it finally awakened the fighting spirit and the pursuit of human rights in everyone's heart.

After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, revolutionary ideas were respected by the majority of the people, and a socialist country in which everyone was equal became the expectation in everyone's hearts. With the signing of various treaties of mourning power and humiliation of the country, the people finally realized that the Qing government had completely lost the hearts of the people. Where there is a struggle, there will be casualties, and inspired by revolutionary ideas, everyone is united and not afraid of sacrifice.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

With the development of the situation, the revolutionary contingent became stronger and stronger, and the People's Liberation Army became the people's desire during the Liberation War. Although their weapons and equipment are not sophisticated, and the material supplies in the rear are the most common coarse grains, it has become a proud thing to be able to fight for themselves and for their families.

During the Liberation War, the most frequently transferred generals of the major field armies was probably Lieutenant General Wei Jie. He was brave and resourceful, excelled in the war, and in the 25 years after liberation, he assisted seven commanders.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

Wei Was born in an ordinary family, because he had seen the cruelty of war, he particularly hated the invaders, so he was determined from an early age to defend his family and defend the country. As an adult, he joined the local revolutionary ranks and began to fight as large armies began.

He was born to fight, after entering the battlefield he was not afraid of sacrifice, every time he would rush to the front, fighting heroically, he was soon appreciated by the superior leaders. At that time, most of the soldiers were from ordinary peasant backgrounds, and it was not easy to cultivate a good general, and Wei Jie became the best in the eyes of everyone.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > second, outstanding ability is frequently mobilized</h1>

Soon his position was constantly improved, and during the War of Resistance He was transferred from the Special Service Regiment of the Eighth Route Army to the 155th Division as the commander of the regiment, and later became the brigade commander of the 129th Division. The higher the power in his hands, the greater the responsibility on him, and every time he led his warriors into battle, he would stay up all night studying various strategies and tactics to minimize the risk.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, wei Jie's troops became the main force, he was a sharp soldier under Liu Deng, followed by two chiefs, participated in many famous battles, and learned a lot of experience in the process. After getting used to the cruelty of the battlefield, he hoped more than anyone that the country could be reunified as soon as possible.

Due to the uncertain casualties in the war, many senior generals will frequently go to the battlefield, so after some troops have fought a battle, many commanders have died. This requires the transfer of leaders from various units in order to stabilize the morale and situation of the army. During the Liberation War, Wei Jie was transferred many times, which gave him experience in fighting in various places.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

Wei Jie is like a nail, wherever there is a need he will be transferred to wherever he is needed, which also shows the importance and trust of the state in him. No matter which unit he was in, Wei Jie was able to quickly adjust his mentality and integrate into his work. Even if he has been following his old troops for many years, as long as he receives orders, he can unequivocally put down his work and accept new challenges.

For soldiers, the greatest duty is to obey orders, and Wei Jie has always followed this. As long as the country needs it, he will devote all his energy without hesitation, never complain and be extremely efficient.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

After the end of the War of Liberation, many generals who performed well in the war were given heavy responsibilities one by one. Wei Jie became the deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and he successively assisted 7 commanders in the work, some of whom were at the same level as Wei Jie in terms of seniority, and some were even lower than him, but Wei Jie had always been single-minded in his work.

<h1 class ="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > three, 25 years to assist 7 commanders</h1>

He Bingyan and Wei Jie were comrades-in-arms in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the two joined the Communist Party at about the same time, making great contributions in the war, and after the end of the war, they were given the rank of general. In 1955, he became the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, wei Jie became the deputy commander, the two were friends for many years, helping each other in their work and becoming each other's most trusted partners.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

Huang Xinting took over He Bingyan's work, and like Wei Jie, he was also awarded the rank of lieutenant general. After changing partners, Wei Jie did not change his work attitude and still worked diligently for the country.

In 1967, Liang Xingchu was transferred to the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and in his work, he cooperated with Wei Jie tacitly, using both soft and hard methods to regard the development of local agricultural and sideline products as the top priority. With the cooperation of the two, the local economic development has improved a lot.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

A few years later, Qin Jiwei was appointed as a superior commander and came to the Chengdu Military Region as a commander. He and Wei Jie can be regarded as old partners, in the previous War of Resistance Against Japan, the two have cooperated, and the private relationship between the two has always been very good. He and Wei Jie seem to be superiors and subordinates, but in fact, the two are work partners and close friends.

Two years later, Liu Xingyuan took over Qin Jiwei's work, and he and Wei Jie had a personal relationship, and the two only performed their duties. However, because of the problem of personal style, Liu Xingyuan was punished. Later, Wu Kehua took over the position of commander, and he had only been in office for a year before he was transferred again.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

Ju Zhong became the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and Wei Jie was actually his old superior. During the Liberation War, Vijay was the deputy commander of the troops, while Jew chunk was the brigade commander. However, due to the different achievements, The Jew Zhong became the representative of the young generals in the army and was trained in a key manner, so his subsequent position was higher than that of Wei Jie.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" >4</h1>

Wei Jie's life has experienced too many tribulations and transfers in his post, but he has taken on his responsibilities well. As for the tasks assigned to him by the troops, he also completed them with care and success. In this position of deputy commander, he worked for 25 years, although the position of commander was frequently changed, but Wei Jie's prestige and status in the army have never changed.

Lieutenant General Wei Jie has been a soldier all his life, assisting 7 commanders in 25 years, known as the most experienced deputy commander, the second outstanding general with an ordinary background, the outstanding ability is frequently transferred three, and in 25 years, he assisted 7 commanders iv

A person's value does not lie in how much wealth he has created, but in how much he has contributed to society. Since wei jie joined the army, he has contributed all of himself, and he has never dared to let himself have a slack in his work. No matter who the superior leader is, he will carefully assist. In the early days of the war and the founding of New China, he made a lot of contributions.

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