
Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

author:Idle spring and autumn

Last time, "Idle Talk" told everyone about Zheng Zhuanggong's curtain call through an alliance meeting. Seeing this old man in the last stage, still tirelessly laying out the layout for Zheng Guo's future, people can't help but applaud his shrewdness and efforts. I believe that many friends are also like me, and they are not willing to leave zhuang gong in such a hurry. Then we might as well stop for a moment and use the time of an article to say goodbye to him. And this way of saying goodbye, the idea in the next is to first take you back to the life of Zheng Zhuanggong, to see how Ji Yusheng became a generation of tyrants. After that, I will tell you about his burial and tell you about the unusual places.

Then, since we must first review Zheng Zhuanggong's life experience, if we just dryly repeat what we have said before, it is inevitably a bit boring. Therefore, in the next deliberate summary of his success factors into three words, I want to expand today's topic around them. Can say for half a day, "idle talk" children's shoes what three words you summarized? To do so, only the three words "positive, dressed, and attacked" that are homophonous with Ji Yusheng's name can best cover his wonderful life. As for the reason for this, I will immediately tell you about the connection between these three words and Zhuang Gong one by one.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

A generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuanggong

<h1>1. The word "正" is the first, which is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuanggong's success</h1>

Speaking of the first word in the three factors of Zheng Zhuanggong's success - "positive", we certainly can't start with this one word alone. Good villains also need to integrate it into the words in order to speak more clearly. And all I can think of is that there are three words related to Zheng Zhuanggong and with the word "zheng", namely "just right", "orthodox" and "correct".

Let's take a look at "just right" first, saying that the reason why Zhuang Gong was able to succeed was just in time. If you think about it, if Duke Zhuang lived in the era of the Western Zhou Dynasty when the Son of Heaven could still command the world, Ji Huansheng's attempt to create hegemony by invading other countries was not allowed. And if he caught up with the late Spring and Autumn period or the Warring States period, he would certainly not be able to make Zheng Guo in the cracks make much progress. The era of Zhuang Gong's life was "exactly" in the early Spring and Autumn Period, when the royal family had just lost control of the princes, and the princes had only begun to fight each other, which was the most suitable for him to show his fists and feet and achieve a "small bully" feat.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Zheng Zhuanggong caught up with a perfect era

In addition, in addition to catching up with the good times in the general environment, Zhuang Gong's "just right" is also the best time in his own country. Because Ji Huansheng was the third monarch of the Zheng Kingdom, through the efforts of the grandfather and father generations, the Zheng Kingdom was "just" in the ascending stage. Zhuang Gong took over Zheng Guo at this time, and he could follow the trend and complete the hegemony. But if he is in the era of Zheng Guo's decline, with his same life experience, it is presumably good to make his country ZTE good, and it is difficult to further achieve hegemony.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

The Three Dukes of the Zheng clan who created the Hegemony of the Zheng Kingdom

Looking at "orthodoxy" again, it is said that Zhuang Gong can have the opportunity to succeed, and he should be particularly grateful for his status as the eldest son. After all, in ancient times, the status of the eldest son of a concubine was unmatched by any concubine or concubine. If Duke Zhuang happens not to be the eldest son of a concubine, even if he has the right to inherit, he will be caught in a struggle with his younger brother Gongshu Duan. Coupled with his mother's favoritism, Ji Yusheng is very likely to lose the opportunity to take charge of Zheng Guo, not to mention that he will succeed.

Finally, look at "correct", saying that Zhuang Gong was able to succeed to the throne smoothly and stabilize the situation, thanks entirely to his father and ministers for making choices that were favorable to him. First, if Zheng Wugong had not chosen to insist when his wife blew the wind in his ears, Ji Yusheng would probably have lost his status as a son of the world, thus losing his inheritance rights. Second, if it were not for the ministers who chose to support Ji Yusheng when the two brothers were fighting, it would be difficult for Duke Zhuang to finally defeat Gong Shu Duan, thus prolonging the chaos of Zheng Guo indefinitely, and there would not be enough time to dominate.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Lady Wujiang often said bad things in front of Zheng Wugong

Therefore, the words with the word "zheng" such as "just right", "orthodox" and "correct" represent the initial stage of Zheng Zhuanggong's success and are the solid cornerstone for Zheng Guo to become a "country of small hegemony".

<h1>2, the word "loading" is centered, it is a means for Zheng Zhuanggong to succeed</h1>

Like the word "positive", if we want to understand the word "loading", we also need to put it in the word. Moreover, in the next three words, "disguise", "packaging", and "disassembly", were also thought of to tell the successful process of Zheng Zhuanggong.

The first is the word "disguise", I believe that after you see it, you will quickly think of the years when Duke Zhuang just succeeded to the throne. It is precisely because Ji Yusheng endured humiliation and burden, and before he was completely sure that he could control his mother and brother, he "disguised" himself as a timid and fearful person. Only then can he accumulate strength in secret, and let his opponent inflate himself to the point of losing the hearts of the people, and finally calm the chaos and clear the domestic obstacles for future hegemony.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Zheng Zhuanggong disguised himself as a promise in front of his mother

The second is the word "packaging", which means that Zheng Zhuanggong is very good at using the power in his hands. With the title of secretary, Ji Yusheng controlled the imperial court and commanded the world. Even through the false transmission of the king's orders, the behavior of his own invasion of other countries was "packaged" to be justified. Isn't this an important way for Zheng Guo to gradually become stronger and stronger until it dominated at that time?

The word "disassembly" is again, and it is estimated that many children's shoes will not understand what this word has to do with Zhuang Gong. But what I want to tell you is that "disassembling" is actually something that Zheng Zhuanggong has been doing all his life. For example, when the States of Song, Lu, Wei, Chen, and Cai joined forces against the State of Zheng, Zheng Zhuanggong tried his best to dismantle the alliance of the other side and gradually assembled the four kingdoms into his own alliance, thus isolating the State of Song. In addition, when Lu Huangong made an act of abandoning the "Iron Triangle" relationship, Ji Huansheng also took the initiative to dismantle it and reinstalled the Weiguo to form a new "Iron Triangle". Moreover, when Zheng Guo and Tianzi were at war, Zheng Zhuanggong did not first split his own troops to repel the other side's two wings, and then assemble all the troops to completely crush Huan Wang's middle road army.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

The contest between Zhou and Zheng - the Battle of Qiangge

Therefore, the words with the word "disguise", "packaging" and "disassembly" represent the successful development process of Zheng Zhuanggong and are an important means for Zheng Guo to become a "small hegemonic country".

<h1>3. The word "attack" is at the end, and it is the wing of Zheng Zhuanggong's success</h1>

Like the first two words, I also came up with three words about the word "attack", namely "attack", "attacked" and "attacked". It seems that the three words are just fighting, but each form of war is an experience of Zhuang Gong, helping Zheng Guo to break through the cocoon little by little.

The first look at "offense", this word should be the best to understand. After all, Zheng Zhuanggong has been fighting in the process of leading Zheng Guo to hegemony. Although this "attack" seems to have brought a lot of pressure to Zheng Guo's country, it is gratifying that as long as Zhuang Gong went out on the expedition, almost all of them won victories. In this way, these pressures were exchanged for rich results, and also helped Zheng Guo expand a lot of territory, and enhanced the prestige of his country, making it a powerful country that even the State of Qi wanted to tie up.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Zheng Guo's ability to become a "small bully" is inseparable from continuous attack

The second look at "attacked" should also be a very well understood word. Whoever let Zheng Guo always attack others is bound to attract many enemies to deal with himself. For example, Song, Wei, Chen, Cai, Nanyan, Beirong, and Wang Shi all invaded the territory of the Zheng state. However, instead of being defeated, The Zheng army was not defeated, and Zhuang Gong also used various favorable conditions for him to drive out the foreign enemies. Isn't this the best honing of Zheng Guo's own defensive ability?

The third look at "plotting to attack" is probably the best embodiment of Zheng Zhuang's old scheming. It is precisely because Ji Yusheng is good at strategy and good at controlling the situation that Zheng Guo has always been in a relatively advantageous position on the battlefield. If the other side already has an advantage, it is easy to turn it into a victory, and then reduce the losses of its own army through planning. It is conceivable that Zheng Guo's troops were able to maintain strong combat effectiveness during the Zhuang Gong period, and they must be inseparable from this "plot to attack.".

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Zheng Guo's troops with strong combat effectiveness

Therefore, the words with the word "attack", "attack", "attack" and "attack" represent the leap period when Zhuang Gong is moving towards success, and it is a pair of wings for Zheng Guo to become a "country of small hegemons".

In summary, the reason why Zheng Guo will dominate is because they have the cornerstone, means and wings. And these three success factors, replaced by the three words extracted from "idle narrative", are not also the key points that make Zheng Zhuanggong a generation of tyrants. I believe that if we look back on Zhuang Gong's life in such a summary way, we should be able to say goodbye to him well.

Well, we have reviewed Zheng Zhuanggong's life, and then it is time to complete the next task, that is, to talk about the situation of Ji Huan's birth and burial. However, what I am going to say next is not to tell everyone about the whole burial process. Because there is really no description of this ritual process in the history books, we have no way of knowing what happened at that time. The only trace that can be followed is that the cemetery of Zhengzhuang Gong is on the Zheng Boling In present-day Xinmi City, Henan Province, and has been repaired by the local government, and can still be admired by future generations, which is a good result.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

Zhengzhuang Cemetery on Zheng Boling

But the burial process is not "idle talk" of what you want to say, what do you really want to tell everyone? What I want to pay attention to is the time of Zheng Zhuanggong's burial. Because, according to the rules of etiquette, after the death of the general princely monarch, there will be a 5-month suspension period for the allied states to come to mourn. However, according to the "Spring and Autumn" record, Zheng Zhuanggong died (May of the eleventh year of Lu Huangong) to his burial (July of the eleventh year of Lu Huan), which was completely inconsistent with the standard. Therefore, at that time, Zheng Guo must have undergone some changes, so that Zhuang Gong had to be buried in advance. So what changed all that? Let's leave the table for the time being today and save it for the next time.

【A Brief History of Keyword Cloud Map】

In order to facilitate the majority of history enthusiasts to quickly recall the relevant historical content, the author "Idle Spring and Autumn" will present a "brief history of keyword cloud maps" at the end of each article, through 8-12 keywords, to help everyone recall the content of the article, I hope that all readers like.

The keywords of this article: farewell to Zheng Zhuanggong, review of his life, three words, three words, three words of orthography, cornerstone of success, three words of loading words, means of success, three words of attacking words, wings of success, two months of burial, Zheng Guo has changed.

Zheng Guoshi said 22: Because of the "right, loading, attack", it has created a generation of tyrants Zheng Zhuang Gong 1, "Zheng" character is the first, it is the cornerstone of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 2, "loading" word in the middle, it is the means of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success 3, "attack" word is at the end, it is the wings of Zheng Zhuang Gong's success

A brief history of keyword cloud maps

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