
Light and shadow relive history Movies grow up with me

author:Nine factions view the world

——Remember the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee donated film projection equipment to The Small School in Zhongzhou Town

On September 16, 2021, Zhu Shaoping, deputy director of the Film Department of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Hu Bingjun, chairman of the Chun'an County Federation of Social Sciences, and Xu Rong, first-level director of the Film Department of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Zhongzhou Town Center Primary School to hold a ceremony for the gift of film equipment into the campus.

The gift ceremony was presided over by Zhou Henghua, principal of Zhongzhou Town Center Primary School, who expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the arrival of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

In her speech, Wang Xianmei, member of the Party Committee of Zhongzhou Town, Chun'an County, expressed her sincere gratitude to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee for vigorously supporting the education work in the old revolutionary areas and for sending film projection equipment to the Zhongzhou Town Center Primary School. She pointed out that Zhongzhou Town is the inheritance of the red spirit, and the arrival of film projection equipment will enrich students' extracurricular life, and can inject the power of film into Zhongzhou Town to guard the "red root vein".

In his speech, Hu Bingjun, chairman of the Chun'an County Federation of Social Sciences, welcomed the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and his party to the remote mountainous schools in our county to guide the work, and sincerely thanked the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee for giving such a precious gift as film projection equipment to the grass-roots schools in our county. President Hu hoped that the school would make good use of this set of equipment and give play to the positive role of the equipment in the school's education work. At the same time, he also hopes that the school can expand the benefits of film equipment, so that more villagers can also enter the campus to watch excellent films, and give full play to the important role of the school in building an ideological position.

Light and shadow relive history Movies grow up with me

Zhu Shaoping, deputy director of the Film Department of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, affirmed the rich red campus culture of Zhongzhou Town Center Primary School in his speech. Deputy Director Zhu pointed out that after the film equipment enters the campus, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee should do a good job in the later service and support work to provide high-quality films for the school. At the same time, he put forward three hopes for the use of film projectors: he hopes that the film projector can become a seeding machine for film dreams and artistic dreams, and can plant the seeds of film art in the hearts of children; hope that the film projector can become a carrier of publicity and pass more positive energy to students; and hope that the film projector will become an important window, provide more support for local cultural construction, and provide more support for grass-roots people to enjoy a higher quality public cultural life.

After the event, the participating leaders visited the Fang Zhimin Exhibition Hall in our school and gave a high degree of affirmation to the red education work carried out by our school.

Film is the art of carving time. Zhongzhou Town Center Primary School will certainly be able to manage, use and play a good role in film equipment, further strengthen the school's red culture education, and cultivate good teenagers in the new era who inherit red genes!

【Source: Chun'an Education Information Network_Campus Shortwave】

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