
Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

On December 31, Guo Jingming posted on a social platform late at night, apologizing to Zhuang Yu, the author of "Inside and Outside the Circle", saying that his conscience was condemned, triggering heated discussion among netizens.

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

In the text, Guo Jingming made a very sincere apology for his previous mistakes, posting that "Ms. Zhuang Yu, I solemnly apologize for the harm caused to you, I am very sorry. In addition, Guo Jingming also mentioned that he would compensate Ms. Zhuang Yu for all the proceeds obtained after the publication of the novel "How Much Flowers In Dreams" was published, and if the other party did not accept it, he would donate all of them to a public welfare charity.

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Some netizens commented that "let go of the past, start over, the years are wonderful, love and hate are coming, let's continue to move forward, you go forward, I accompany you, Guo Jingming is always worth it." "

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Zhuang Yu also posted an acceptance of Guo Jingming's apology.

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Regarding the plagiarism storm, Zhuang Yu said that Guo Jingming's 2003 novel "How Many Flowers Fall in Dreams" used methods such as makeovers, character misalignment, and reverse order to plagiarize her novel "Inside the Circle and Outside the Circle", so Zhuang Yu sued Guo Jingming in court. In the end, the court made a judgment and punishment for Guo Jingming.

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Guo Jingming is a mainland writer and director who directed the film "Little Times" series, so he is familiar with the audience, in addition to "Traces". The representative works of the novel include "Magic City" and "Sorrow Against the River".

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Later, Guo Jingming began to transform into filming. On December 25, Guo Jingming's new film "QingyaJi" was released, and it took four years before and after the filming and production of the film, which shows that the intentions are good, and the film is starred by actors Deng Lun and Zhao Youting.

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology! The man apologized for plagiarism every 15 years, saying his conscience was condemned

Guo Jingming's willingness to come out and apologize and admit his wrong behavior and attitude deserves to be affirmed. Finally, congratulations on his new film "Qingyaji" can achieve good box office, and I look forward to his continued wonderful works in the future.

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