
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

author:Konoh E-Renko

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On the 19th, #Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to publicly make gains# appeared on the hot search.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Originally, Zhuang Yu announced all the proceeds of her "Inside and Outside the Circle" on the social platform, and urged Guo Jingming to announce the specific amount of "How Much Flowers in Dreams" to the public as soon as possible, and directly donated it to the fund account after the establishment of the fund.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

However, when she posted the details of the income of "Inside and Outside the Circle", she was distressed by netizens because of the cost of litigation.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

And this litigation cost also completely slapped the face of those who said in the early years that Zhuang Yu made money by Guo Jingming's compensation and relied on Guo Jingming's fame.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

As early as the publication of "How Much Do You Know about Flowers in Dreams" and become a popular novel in 2013, some sharp-eyed readers have found that "How Much Do You Know About Flowers in Dreams" is very similar to Zhuang Yu's "Outside the Circle" launched in November 2002 in terms of setting and story development, and Zhuang Yu's book is one year earlier than Guo Jingming.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Zhuang Yu also found out, and for this reason, he sued Guo Jingming and related publishing houses in court.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

At that time, Zhuang Yu was just a small author with no name, "Circle" was the first to print 6,000 copies, "Dream" was the first to print 300,000 copies, and Guo Jingming's fans almost stood on his side.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

On December 7, 2004, the Beijing Municipal First Intermediate People's Court rendered a first-instance judgment on the copyright dispute between Guo Jingming and Zhuang Yu, and Guo Jingming's plagiarism was established, but Guo Jingming directly appealed, and Zhuang Yu also applied for compensation of 500,000 yuan.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

After the report came out, some Guo Jingming fans also posted insults to Zhuang Yu, thinking that she was too greedy.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

It took Zhuang Yu three years before and after, and it was not until the final trial in 2006 that Guo Jingming not only plagiarized the original character relationship content of "Inside the Circle and Outside the Circle", but also had the corresponding plots of "Circle" in 12 main plots, and the general plot and sentences were the same and similar to "Inside the Circle and Outside the Circle". The court still ruled guo Jingming for plagiarism, demanding a public apology and compensation for Zhuang Yu of 210,000 yuan.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

But Guo Jingming refused to apologize after losing money, and his career was prosperous.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Zhuang Yu has been insulted by Guo Jingming's fans for many years, and some people also feel that Zhuang Yu has made a lot of money by getting 210,000 compensation.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad
Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

At the end of last year, Guo Jingming and Yu Zheng were boycotted by screenwriters Yu Fei and Song Fangjin, who released 111 screenwriters, directors, producers, and writers, and attracted the attention of CCTV News Official Bo.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

In the early morning of December 31 last year, Guo Jingming suddenly issued a formal apology to Zhuang Yu on the social platform, and at the same time said that he would compensate Ms. Zhuang Yu for all the royalties and all the proceeds obtained online and offline after the publication of the novel "How Much Flowers In Dreams" was published.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Zhuang Yu accepted Guo Jingming's apology and proposed to set up an anti-plagiarism fund with the copyright taxes and proceeds of "Inside the Circle and Outside the Circle" and "How Much Do You Know in The Dream".

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Guo Jingming also said that he would set up a fund together according to Zhuang Yu's proposal.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

I thought that the matter would end like this, but I did not expect that Zhuang Yu was an action faction, and on the 4th, he had already calculated the income of "Inside the Circle and Outside the Circle" to the end. He also said that he had contacted Guo Jingming's agent and would regularly announce the progress to the public.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

On the 19th, Zhuang Yu announced the progress of the fund and urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Zhuang Yu said that the cumulative income of her "Inside and Outside the Circle" was 457806.27 yuan, and Guo Jingming's compensation of 210,000 yuan was not included because her litigation costs had far exceeded this amount.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

However, since the 4th, according to the feedback of Guo Jingming's broker, the income accounting of "How Much do you know in the dream" is still in progress, and so far it is impossible to give a specific amount, "I hope that Mr. Guo Jingming can announce the specific amount to the public as soon as possible, and directly donate it to the fund account after the establishment of the fund." ”

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

If it were not for Zhuang Yu's announcement, many people may not have imagined that the total compensation of 210,000 yuan she received at the beginning was far lower than the litigation costs.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

Coupled with the difficulty of proof, it is no wonder that many originals can only choose to swallow their anger for the phenomenon of plagiarism.

Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

I don't know when Guo Jingming released the proceeds of "How Much Do You Know about Flowers in Your Dreams"?

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Zhuang Yu urged Guo Jingming to disclose the income, and the litigation cost of his "Inside and Outside the Circle" made netizens feel sad

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