
Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

author:History is the most emotional

<h1>First, start with the knife</h1> club

Since the Opium War, China has gradually degenerated into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. This war fully exposed the corruption, incompetence and external strength of the feudal autocratic government of the Qing Dynasty in the face of foreign invaders. The increase in military expenditure during the war and the huge reparations paid after the war finally fell on the broad masses of peasants.

In the years after the Opium War, the peasant masses could not bear the increasing feudal exploitation and stood up one after another. Peasant unrest broke out sporadically in various forms in many parts of the country, and various secret associations rose up one after another among the peasants and other working people. Under this revolutionary situation, on January 11, 1851 (the 30th year of Qing Daoguang), the great Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Peasant Revolution finally broke out in Jintian Village in Guiping, Guangxi.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

After two consecutive years of hard fighting, the heroic and fearless Taiping Army fought from Guangxi to Hunan and Hubei, and then the whole army descended from Wuchang along the Yangtze River to the east, and occupied the ancient capital of Nanjing in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River on March 19, 1853 (the third year of Qing Xianfeng). It is noteworthy that shortly after this, two armed uprisings launched by the Knife Society broke out in Fujian and Shanghai.

Founded in 1849 by Chen Zhengcheng, the Knife Society began to operate only in the Xiamen area and spread to Shanghai two years later. In May 1853, the leaders of the Fujian Knife Society, Huang Wei and Huang Demei, led an uprising at Chenghai (now merged into Longhai) and quickly conquered Zhangzhou, killing the Qing Dynasty Ting, Zhang, Long Dao members Wenxiu and the general BingZhu, and lian Ke Changtai, Tong'an, Xiamen, and Zhangpu.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

The knife will revolt

Huang Wei claimed to be the Grand Marshal of the Han Dynasty and established a political power in Xiamen. Soon, under the intervention of foreign invaders and the counter-offensive of the Qing army, they moved from Xiamen to the sea in November, and continued to fight until 1858. Just after the Fujian Knife Society uprising, Liu Lichuan, the leader of the Shanghai Knife Society, also joined forces with Chen Alin, Zhou Lichun and others to raise the banner of the uprising and occupied Shanghai on September 7. Liu Lichuan wrote to the Taiping Heavenly King to accept the leadership, but was not recognized.

They fought bloodily in Shanghai against the Qing army and the British, American and French invaders for 18 months, and on February 17, 1855, they broke through, Liu Lichuan unfortunately died in Hongqiao, and one of the remaining people joined the Taiping Army, and the other participated in the Jiangxi Tiandihui Uprising.

<h1>Second, the early purpose of the Qinghong Gang</h1>

According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty government, all Manchus were not allowed to get involved in industry and commerce, but could only become soldiers and officials, and every Manchu could receive a piece of silver almost at birth, becoming a parasitic who ate for free. This feudal autocracy mixed with racial oppression could not but provoke strong resistance from the people of all ethnic groups except the Manchus. Since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, many secret associations have arisen among the people, among which the earlier and more influential is the Heaven and Earth Society. The Small Knife Society, which is active in Fujian, Shanghai and other places, is a branch of the Heaven and Earth Society.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

The Heaven and Earth Society in the Book of Deer Ding

Founded in 1674 (the thirteenth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty), the Tiandihui was first secretly active in Taiwan and the Fujian coast. It aims to "oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty", the secret slogan is "Ming Da Fu Xin One", and the reverse thought is "One Heart Restores The Great Ming". Since Ming Taizu's name was Hongwu, the Heaven and Earth Association was called Hongmen, also known as the Red Gang.

The left side of the word "Hong" is three points, so the Heaven and Earth Society was renamed the Three Points Society; later, the name of the Three Points Society was not very auspicious, and it was renamed the Triad Society. There are many branches of the Heaven and Earth Society, in addition to the Knife Society, there are also different names such as the Red Money Society and the Brotherhood.

Since the establishment of the Heaven and Earth Society, local leaders have launched armed uprisings on many occasions. In 1698, the Guangdong Heaven and Earth Society gathered at the Gaoxi Temple in Huizhou, pushed Su Hongguang as the commander, changed his name to Tianyou Hong, rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, won successive battles, and shook seven provinces. Later, after being defeated by the Qing army, Su Hongguang was killed, and the meeting was presided over by Lin Lie. Lin Lie dispatched his party members to develop secret organizations in various ports in Nanyang and inland provinces to expand their strength and wait for an opportunity to rise again.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

In the autumn of 1786 (the fifty-first year of the Qianlong Dynasty), the Changhua government in Taiwan burned villages and suppressed the congregation. Lin Shuangwen, the leader of the Changhua Heaven and Earth Society, who was born from a peasant background, called for "reassuring the people's hearts and protecting the family's business", led the people to revolt, conquered Changhua, established a political power, the year name was Shuntian, and then conquered Zhuluo (Jiali Town, Tainan). Zhuang Datian, the leader of the Heaven and Earth Society in Fengshan (present-day Kaohsiung), responded, and after occupying Fengshan, he and Lin Shuangwen besieged the capital city of Taiwan (present-day Tainan).

The following year, the Qing Dynasty sent troops to suppress it, and in December it fought in Dalidai. Lin Shuangwen's army fled into the mountains in defeat, and was later captured by the Qing army, and he was righteous in Beijing. After the Opium War, the Heaven and Earth Society launched many uprisings in the Two Lakes and Two Guangzhous. After the outbreak of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, the heaven and earth congregation was greatly encouraged, and in addition to Huang Wei and Liu Lichuan's uprisings in Fujian and Shanghai, there were also uprisings launched by Chen Kai, Li Wenmao, Lin Jun, Zhu Hongying, Hu Youlu, Zhu Jiutao, and others. By the late 19th century and early 20th century, some of the various factions of the Heaven and Earth Society had participated in the early workers' struggle and the anti-Foreign struggle.

According to the legend of the Hongmen people, Hongmen once sent Weng Mou to Beijing to find out the news. Weng was captured by the Qing court and did not have a strong will, so he formed another Anqing gang after the Qing Dynasty. The AnQing gang denied this, and they also called it anti-Qing, saying that the name "Anqing" was intended to cover up, in case the incident was leaked and then punished. Because Hongmen is also known as the Red Gang, the Anqing Gang is the opposite, also known as the Green Gang.

The legend of the Qingbang originated from a branch of Ming Buddhism, the Luo sect. By 1726 (the fourth year of Qing Yongzheng), Weng Yong, Qian Jian, and Pan Qing organized the transportation of the north-south canal. Caoyun originally meant water transportation, and later referred to the transportation of grain requisitioned by successive Chinese governments to the Beijing Division or other places, mainly water transportation, and occasionally part of land transportation. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the grain in the southeast was transported from the Grand Canal running from north to south to Tongzhou and Beijing.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Busy Grand Canal

The grain of the past generations has counted millions of stones every year. Due to the difficulty of transportation, ships were consumed and embezzled by officials, and the cost was huge, sometimes even transporting a stone of grain at the cost of more than a dozen stones. Carrying grain is a heavy task for both the officers, the army, and the people, and some are often bankrupt or even lose their lives.

For a long time, the Qing Dynasty government instructed the Qing Gang to escort and transport grain, so that it always maintained the status of a feudal gang in Cao Yun. The Qing gang divided the canal from Hangzhou to Tongzhou into 128 and a half sections, each of which had a special name, such as JianghuaiSi, Xingwu Liu, etc.; each set up a dock official, and the rank was from four pin dusi to five pin garrison and six pin qianzong. Master and apprentice have been passed down from generation to generation.

After the southern grain discount, the grain ships were left with six major relatives. During the light years of the Qing Dynasty, the canals were silted up and river transport gradually decreased. By 1872 (the eleventh year of Qing Tongzhi), all grain was transported by sea ships, and river transportation was completely stopped. The economic base of the Green Gang changed, and the disciples were forced to disperse to various places and become homeless organizations.

After the Opium War, as the imperialist powers intensified their aggression and plunder, forcing the rapid disintegration of China's natural economy, the result was bound to lead to an increasing number of bankrupt peasants, unemployed handicraftsmen and rogue proletarians. These people are the main components of the Qinghong Gang.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Qing Dynasty displaced people

Therefore, in the late Qing Dynasty, the Qinghong Gang organizations in various places developed rapidly, and their scope of activity also expanded from the coastal areas of Taiwan and Fujian to the Yangtze River Basin and southern provinces, and from the banks of the canal to Tianjin, Shanghai and the treaty ports in East China.

<h1>Third, the Qinghong Gang on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution</h1>

When Sun Yat-sen was engaged in revolutionary activities in his early years, he discovered the qinghong gang. For a long time, he had been trying to transform and use the power of the gangs to achieve revolutionary goals.

In 1894, Sun Yat-sen wrote to Li Hongzhang proposing to reform politics. During the Sino-Japanese War, he returned to Honolulu, USA, to organize the Xingzhong Association. From then on, he changed from the position of bourgeois reformism to advocating revolution.

The Honolulu Xingzhong Association is a small organization, with only more than 20 overseas Chinese from the local business community, including Deng Yinnan, an agricultural capitalist with a career in Honolulu, who was once a member of the Triad (another name for the Heaven and Earth Society). In February of the following year, Sun Yat-sen returned to Hong Kong and established the Xingzhong Association in Hong Kong. All members must take an oath, which reads: "Expel the Tartars, restore China, establish a United Government, and if there is a second heart, the gods will discern." "The old slogan of the triad against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty has been transformed into the language of the bourgeoisie.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

In the middle of the group photo, it is Dr. Sun Yat-sen

Many of Sun Yat-sen's friends were originally connected to Hongmen. There are more such relationships than Yang Quyun, a major figure in the FuRen Cultural Society (founded in 1890) who participated in the Hong Kong Xingzhong Association. As soon as the Hong Kong Xingzhong Association was established, Sun Yat-sen planned to rely on the triad to launch an uprising in Guangzhou. Yang Quyun prepared to gather 3,000 triads from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, and also contacted triad organizations in various places near Guangzhou. The uprising is scheduled to begin on the ninth day of September. However, due to the discovery by the Guangdong officials beforehand, the leaders of the triad society, Qiu Si and Zhu Guiquan, who were preparing for the uprising, were captured and brutally killed.

After the rise of the Boxer Rebellion, Sun Yat-sen sent people to Huizhou Sanzhoutian to rely on the Triad to hold an uprising, but the results were unsuccessful. In the spring of 1903, a triad uprising led by Wang Heshun, Lu Yafa and others occurred in Guangzhou, which quickly controlled more than 10 prefectures and counties in western Guizhou, and had the potential to spread to Hunan. However, two years later, the Qing government sent troops from Guangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces to finally suppress the uprising.

The bourgeois revolutionaries represented by Sun Yat-sen used to call all secret organizations, such as the Heaven and Earth Society and the Brotherhood of Elders, with the aim of opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, "hui"; since the Xingzhong Association contacted the leaders of these organizations, they were all called "Hui Dang".

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Comics, Hong Kong Xingzhong will plan the Guangzhou Uprising

In the 11 years from 1895 to 1905, the participants in the activities of the Xingzhong Association had two characteristics: first, the vast majority (about 70% or 80 percent) of the expatriates lived abroad and Hong Kong; second, most of the people in guangzhou and other mainland areas were members of the Party.

It is particularly worth mentioning that in January 1904, Sun Yat-sen went to Honolulu, in order to compete with the royalists for the masses and make more overseas Chinese support the revolution, resolutely joined the American Hongmen Zhigong. However, he believed that the Zhigongtang was poorly organized and its statutes were outdated, and could not help the revolution of the motherland. Therefore, in May of the same year, in San Francisco, a proposal was made to the Zhigongtang General Hall to hold a general registration of the members of the National Hongmen, and a new article 80 was re-established for the Zhigongtang. Later, the overseas Chinese in the Americas enthusiastically sponsored the revolution of the motherland, which was inseparable from the positive role played by the Zhigongtang.

However, the masses of the Party that the Xingzhong Association called for during this period were mainly urban poor, many of whom were unemployed vagrants. Because of the nature of spending money to hire, it can quickly gather considerable strength, but as long as it is frustrated, it is often scattered and disintegrated.

The HuaxingHui and the Guangfuhui, which were established later in the Xingzhong Association, were both groups with the character of bourgeois revolutionary parties. They handle the relations between the participating parties and most of them do the same as the Xingzhong Association.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Huaxing will be established for a group photo

Founded in Changsha in February 1904, huaxinghui was initiated by Hunan students Huang Xing, Liu Yiyi, Yang Jing, Chen Tianhua and others, and more than 100 people from Hunan Province and other provinces attended the meeting. The meeting put forward the political program of "expelling the Tatars and restoring China"; elected Huang Xing as the president and Song Jiaoren and Liu Yiyi as vice presidents; and set up the Huaxing Company and the Dongwen Training Institute as the activity organs.

Founded in Shanghai in the winter of the same year, the Guangfuhui was attended by scholars from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces. Their aim was to oppose the feudal despotism of the Manchu nobility and establish a republic. Cai Yuanpei, who presided over the China Education Association, was elected president, but the central figure who has been playing a major role since its establishment is Tao Chengzhang.

In the spring of 1904, Huang Xing and Liu Yiyi of the Huaxing Association and Ma Fuyi, the leader of the Hunan Brotherhood of elders, jointly established the Society of Common Hatred as the party organ of the Liaison Association. At their first meeting in Xiangtan, Huang, Liu, and Ma agreed on the matters of the uprising in Changsha in November of the same year, with Huang Xing as the commander-in-chief of the uprising, and Liu Yiyi and Ma Fuyi as the main and deputy commanders.

In August, when they met again in Puji City by the Liuyang River, they were secretly informed by a sneaky qing official by a sneaker. Lu Yuanding, the governor of Hunan, immediately ordered a search and arrest. Huang Xing, Song Jiaoren, Liu Yiyi, and others escaped from Changsha; Ma Fuyi was officially wanted and fled to Guangxi, sneaking back to Hunan early the following year, and was soon captured by the authorities in Xiangxiang and killed.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Oath of membership in the Restoration Society

The Guangfuhui also carried out the work of the Liaison Committee Party, mainly under the responsibility of Tao Chengzhang. He and Gong Baoquan, the initiator of the GuangfuHui, traveled through western and eastern Zhejiang and contacted many party organizations. These facts show that the young intellectuals who appeared as bourgeois revolutionaries at that time understood that in order to revolution and rebellion, there could be no masses, but they did not really understand the masses, and ready-made organizations such as the Triad and the Brotherhood of Elders became the force they regarded.

On July 30, 1905, Sun Yat-sen held a meeting in Tokyo, Japan, with Huang Xing, a member of the Huaxing Association, and others to organize the party, and agreed to unite small local organizations such as the Xingzhong Association, the Huaxing Association, and the Guangfu Association to form a nationwide organization, the China League Association, with the purpose of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights."

Between 1907 and 1908, under the planning and direct leadership of Sun Yat-sen, the League staged six armed uprisings in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan. These uprisings mainly relied on the strength of the Party.

At the same time, the uprisings planned by Qiu Jin and Xu Xilin in Shaoxing, Anqing and other places mainly relied on the strength of the hui party. All these uprisings failed in the end. A series of harsh facts made the revolutionaries at that time gradually feel that it was unreliable to use the old-style party as the main force of the revolution.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Oil painting, Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin led the Guangfuhui uprising in Anqing

<h1>Fourth, the connection and organizational form of the Qinghong Gang</h1>

Why can't the Old-style Party such as the Qinghong Gang become the relying force of the revolution? The root cause lies within these old-fashioned parties. In feudal society, the Qinghong Gang and its branches under different names were feudal secret groups with obvious primitiveness and backwardness. Whether in their internal ties of connection or from their internal forms of organization, we can see the manifestations of this primitiveness and backwardness.

The link within the Qinghong Gang is religious superstition and feudal morality. First of all, for the origin of their own group, they always have to concoct some absurd and bizarre myths and legends. The Red Gang and Hongmen are also called the Heaven and Earth Society, which means "worshiping heaven as the father and worshiping the earth as the mother". Since its establishment, it has been an organization aimed at opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty.

With the help of gods, their purpose was very clear, that is, to try their best to get in touch with the Ming Dynasty. For example, one of the activities to open up jiulong mountain, made up the Ming taizu Zhu Yuanzhang buried his father in Jiulong mountain in Fengyang, Anhui, and the feng shui family "measured" that this was the place where Jiulong snatched pearls, so Zhu Yuanzhang later became emperor. The "Hongmen Brothers" "opened the mountain" in the name of Kowloon Mountain, of course, it is also auspicious and invincible.

The legend of the Qing Gang about the origin of Luo Jiao also fabricated that Weng, Qian, and Pan went to the land of brute thorns to worship Luo Zu as a teacher, until the red snow was waist-high and the reeds were worn through the knees, and only then did they form a good relationship with Luo Zu. A few months later, Luo Zu Nian Weng and other loyal and pious people ordered them to go down the mountain to escort the Qing court and transport grain.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Statue of Luo Zu

The Green Gang is divided into a large incense hall and a small incense hall. The Great Xiangtang is dedicated to the so-called "Thirteen Ancestors" who are mixed with monks, Taoists, and lay customs, such as Dharma, Shenguang, Sangha, Huineng, Luozu, etc.; the Xiaoxiangtang only enshrines Weng, Qian, and Pan.

Second, their slogans for uniting the disciples are nothing more than the words "loyalty" and "righteousness." The Red Gang imitates the ancients to burn three and a half incense sticks: the head of the incense, imitating the sheep's horn mourning, Zuo Bo peach into a life and death friendship; the second incense, imitating the taoyuan three knots of righteousness, do not seek to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but hope to die on the same day of the same month of the same year; three incense, imitate the one hundred and eight generals of Liangshan, rob the rich, help the poor, and take the way of heaven; half a handful of incense, the righteousness does not end, the brothers of different surnames do not vote for Tang, and Qin Qiong weeps blood and leaves Shan Xiongxin.

The fundamental statute of the Green Gang is "righteousness and righteousness". What is righteousness? That is, the master and disciple are like father and son, and the same counselor is like a brother and sister. If you look at the ten major gang rules of the Green Gang, it is completely a hodgepodge of feudal morality, such as filial piety to parents, respect for the elders, loyalty to the country, self-cultivation of the right mind, accumulation of merit and so on.

Third, they practice a tedious, superstitious ritual of joining the gang. The Red Gang imitated Liangshan and named it after "Mountain", such as Taihang Mountain, Zhongnan Mountain, Jiulong Mountain, Wudang Mountain, etc. There are "halls" under the mountain, such as Zhongyi Hall, Hong Shun Hall, Li De Hall, Ren Wen Hall and so on. The ceremony of receiving disciples is called "Kaishan Hall", and it is generally necessary for the "mountain lord" to preach the rules of the gang, kneel down to pray, drink blood wine, and cut off the incense and distribute it to the disciples of the new gang (called incense).

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

The ceremony of receiving disciples in the Green Gang is called "Placing Incense Hall", and the various ceremonies are similar to those of the Red Gang; the difference is that the xiangtang often hangs the full map of the canal and objects related to water transportation and ships. Those who participate in the Qinghong Gang, in addition to bearing the cost of opening the mountain hall or setting up the incense hall, the red gang also has to pay a certain amount of money and grain, generally three (indicating the taoyuan three knots), thirty-six (indicating the thirty-six friends of Wagang), and one hundred and eight (indicating one hundred and eight generals of Shuipo Liangshan) as the standard number, neither more nor less; the Qing gang must send a generous gift to the master.

Finally, they also popularize a set of specific actions and black words that are interconnected internally. When the red gang meets and salutes, they can know each other's position in the gang, such as the right hand on the left wrist, indicating the old man; the higher the status in the gang, the higher the right hand to the upper part of the left wrist, until the right hand is on the left shoulder, that means that he is the "dragon head master" in the gang.

When the Red Gang met, they asked, "Which mountain does Brother En occupy, and what pass?" Answered: "In the lower occupation is Helan Mountain, and the crossing is Jiayu Pass." "The Green Gang went to the docks in the field, knocking on the door to be three times before four." Inside the door, I asked who it was, and outside the door I answered; "Today I came to the incense hall to catch up, and Anqing did not distinguish between near and far..." In public, after taking off the hat, the hat should be placed on the table with the mouth of the hat facing up. When receiving or giving a person, 3 fingers must be extended from the left hand and 4 fingers from the right hand (indicating three old and four young). If people in the gang are not familiar with these jianghu actions and black words, they will be considered as impersonating the "loopholes" in the gang.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Certificate of the Republic of China Youth Gang

The organizational form within the Qinghong Gang is a feudal patriarchal system with the patriarchal concept as the core. The organization of the Red Gang was built in imitation of the Thirty-six Days of Liangshan. They claim to be equal and do not distinguish between generations. The brothers in the gang are commensurate, the big brother is not big, and the full is not small. The inner structure of the gang is divided into eight halls inside and eight churches outside. Neibatang is a "Jingguan" and is called the eldest brother. There are counts; the mountain lord and the deputy mountain lord are called the dragon head big brother; the incense chief and the alliance certificate are "guest secretaries" and do not enter the orthodox lineage; the seat hall is "prime minister"; the accompanying hall is "deputy prime minister"; the management hall is in charge of personnel; the general affairs of the hall are in charge of the general affairs; the auditorium is in charge of ceremonial education; the criminal law is in charge of the criminal law; and the confidants, swords, and seals are all counted as a row of confidants. The inner eight halls are the old man, and the outer eight halls are the eldest brothers, with the title of "Shang Shu".

The outer eight halls are nominally divided into ten rows, of which four and seven rows are women scattered and do not enter the church, so they are called eight halls. One row of confidants, known as the "Viceroy of Waijiang"; the second row of sages, as "military masters", usually did not seal ordinary brothers, but served as monks; the third row of Huan hou, also known as "pawns", was in charge of grain and wages; the fourth row of golden phoenixes, also known as Jin Jie and the fourth sister, was the spouse of the brothers in the gang; the five rows of red flags, blue flags, black flags, and law enforcement, also known as "Zhimen Gangji" or "stewards", that is, "Chinese troops", managing orders and enforcing the law; six rows of patrol winds, flower crowns, and Qinggang were garrison or patrol generals in the mountains; seven rows of silver phoenixes, also known as silver sisters or seven sisters, were unmarried women scattered generals Eight rows of white-clad, zhenshan, shoushan, and patrol are usually appointed as Taoist priests; nine rows of Jiangkou, Checkpoint, Doukou, and Shoukou are responsible for garrisoning or patrolling; ten rows of Large Full, Full, Bronze Seal, and Iron Seal are "Nine Gate Admirals", in charge of garrisons or guards. A total of 36 half-functional divisions (half full).

The organizational form of the Green Gang is named after the gang, for example, the Jiabai Gang, the Jianghuai Four Gang, and the Jiahaiwei Gang are common in the north. It is said that in the past they also referred to each other as brothers, but later changed to master-disciple transmission.

The generations within the gang were originally set at 20 words, namely: qingjing morality, Wencheng Dharma, benevolent wisdom, original self-confidence, yuanming xingli. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, these 20 words had been used up, and the four words of "Great Understanding" were added, that is, 21st to 24th generations. After the Republic of China, the people in the gang continued with 24 characters, namely: Vientiane refuge, precept transmission, cross-heart return, Pumen open, Guangzhao Qiankun, and lead the practice. It is called the first 24 generation and the last 24 generation, respectively.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Green Gang Generation Chart

Although most of the members of the Qinghong Gang are the lower-class masses who have no food and no clothes, they live in a feudal society, and it is difficult to get rid of the influence and influence of feudal ideas and systems. From the perspective of organizational form, whether it is the "brotherhood" of the Red Gang or the "master-apprentice transmission" of the Green Gang, it has been deeply branded by the patriarchal system.

The leading elder brother of the Red Gang and the senior master of the Green Gang are actually the supreme parents within the gang, who hold all the power to execute the affairs within the gang, and use feudal etiquette and customs to bind and bind most of the lower-level disciples in the gang.

In short, in China's feudal society, the Qinghong Gang was a secret group formed under the form of patriarchal organization linked by religious superstition. Some of them are also armed. For a long time they have used such organizations to seek mutual assistance in the life of society, and for a certain period of time they have used them to wage struggle against the bureaucrats and landlords who oppress them.

However, the primitive and backward nature of these primitive forms of organization, due to their own primitiveness and backwardness, determines that they cannot become the relying force of the revolution, nor can the broad masses of peasants and craftsmen find a way out of them!

<h1>Fifth, the decline of the Green and Red Gang</h1>

The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty government and China's more than two thousand years of feudal monarchy, and the concept of a democratic republic has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people ever since. However, this revolution did not and could not accomplish the great task of the democratic revolution of the Chinese people against imperialism and feudalism.

The old-style hui parties such as the Qinghong Gang played a certain role in the preparation, preparation, and launching of the Xinhai Revolution, but with the disintegration of the Qing government, the backwardness of these organizations also developed rapidly and viciously. They are often easily manipulated and exploited by bureaucratic landlords and internal and external reactionary forces, and become tools for disintegrating the unity of the working people and undermining the revolution.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

Stills, Green Gang

The purpose of the Red Gang is to oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. After the overthrow of the Qing dynasty government, they believed that they had achieved their goal and lost the goal of struggle, and some of them gradually degenerated into armed bandit groups that robbed their homes and robbed houses and killed people and goods. As early as the end of the Qing Dynasty, after the grain discount and the change to shipping, its disciples successively wandered from place to place and turned to other industries, and some of them increasingly evolved into bullying and hooligan organizations that befriended the government and shared the loot.

During the Xinhai Revolution, the Green Gang established the Chinese Communist Progressive Association in Shanghai, and the Red Gang also merged with it. On March 20, 1913, Yuan Shikai, the leader of the Beiyang warlords, used this organization to create a political bloody case that shocked China and foreign countries, and assassinated the democratic revolutionary Song Jiaoren. Before and after the Great Revolution, the Chinese Communist Progressive Association had completely become a reactionary society controlled by the leaders of the Qinghong Gang. In April 1927, just as the Northern Expedition was victoriously marching, the Kuomintang reactionary clique headed by Chiang Kai-shek used this reactionary organization to participate in the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup and brutally extinguished the raging fire of the workers' and peasants' mass movement in the Great Revolution.

The main leaders of the Chinese Communist Progressive Association, Jin Jinrong, Du Yuesheng and Zhang Xiaolin, are all big gangsters of the Shanghai Youth Gang. In his early years, Jin Jinrong served as the chief inspector of the Shanghai French Concession Patrol House; Du Yuesheng started his career as an opium trafficker and later relied on imperialist forces to collect disciples in Shanghai; Zhang Xiaolin was originally a Hangzhou goon, and later went to Shanghai to closely collude with Huang and Du, becoming one of the leaders of the Green Gang in the Shanghai French Concession.

Did Sun Yat-sen really join Hongmen? Demystifying the enmity and hatred between Hongmen and the Qinggang I, Talking from the Knife Club II. The Early Purpose of the Qinghong Gang III. The Qinghong Gang ON the Eve of the Xinhai Revolution Iv, The Qinghong Gang's Ties and Organizational Forms V. The Decline of the Qinghong Gang

The Big Three of the Green Gang

They have long been running amok in Shanghai and oppressing the people. In the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, they used the reactionary clique of the Chinese Communist Progressive Association to issue articles and telegrams to viciously attack the Communist Party of China, gather the Green Gang hooligans to pretend to be workers, frantically attack the workers' pickets, and become a shameful accomplice of Chiang Kai-shek.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many leaders of the Qinghong Gang threw themselves into the arms of the Japanese aggressors and acted as traitors and enemies. Zhang Xiaolin, the leader of the Shanghai Youth Gang, was assassinated in Shanghai in 1940 for participating in traitorous activities. Yuan Wenhui, the leader of the Tianjin Youth Gang, used the gang organization as a capital to spare no effort to serve Japanese imperialism, but due to the great popular anger, it was suppressed by the people's government after liberation.

The composition of the Qinghong Gang is extremely complex, and most of them are landless peasants and handicraft workers who have lost their job opportunities. They are the most unstable people in social life. They are very brave in their struggle, but they are also very destructive. When the power of the industrial proletariat in modern times rose in a grand way, the peasants gradually established a completely new type of organization under the leadership of the working class, and the primitive and backward feudal groups such as the Qinghong Gang lost the value of their existence.

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