
Not only health, but also mellow The first pot of ancient tree old white tea in autumn is cooked

author:Small tea control

【Old White Tea】

Wang Heshun /Zuo

Qi Fei lonely dance cloud Xia, autumn water long day old white tea.

Several years of dry gold and stone tests, thousands of years of history waves and sand.

The mountains are subtle and precipitated, and the ancient trees are growing year by year.

Savor the smell of fireworks in the world, and spend your career with a pure heart.


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The first pot of old white tea in autumn ~

The decoctioned tea has a mellow taste and a long-lasting aroma.

Drinking tea can also make people drunk, but not only is there no pain of drunkenness, but the spirit of anti-consciousness is cheerful and gradually enters a better state.

It is like when you are alone with a lone lamp, and the old people come from thousands of miles away to meet each other.

This kind of magic can only be understood, not expressed, and only the drinker can appreciate the taste of it.

Not only health, but also mellow The first pot of ancient tree old white tea in autumn is cooked
Not only health, but also mellow The first pot of ancient tree old white tea in autumn is cooked

There is a kind of surprise that is given by time, the taste is strong and fragrant forever, drunken road, into a good situation.

Just like under the lamp, the deceased is far away, returning to the shadow.

The mouth cannot speak, and the heart is happy and introspective.

Not only health, but also mellow The first pot of ancient tree old white tea in autumn is cooked

Further reading:

Tea (six major types of tea) about "boiling" and "brewing"

Not only health, but also mellow The first pot of ancient tree old white tea in autumn is cooked

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