
Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

author:Hedgehog reads

Because of his upright personality, his outspokenness, and his inability to avoid the sharp edge, he led to the pain of the Jiaqing Emperor and his exile. But he was not hit, calmly, laughed, and wrote down the scene of his exile career with poetry, pinning his emotions, he was the Qing Dynasty literary scholar Hong Liangji. Because of his literary achievements, he was called the "Seven Sons of Viling" along with six other literary scholars. Today, we will enjoy Hong Liangji's ten poems together and enter the spiritual world of the poet.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Hong Liangji grew up in the south of China, in the atmosphere of poetry in the late Qianlong period, he was deeply influenced by the poetic spiritual school in the early days, and had a very good personal relationship with Zhao Yi, Zhang Wentao and other literati, and became a friend of Mo Yuan, who was deeply valued by the latter. However, with the deepening of time and experience, Hong Liangji began to disagree with the spiritual poets headed by Yuan Ming, and he more advocated practical studies, advocated the true disposition of literature, and adhered to the theoretical basis of Confucian realism. Therefore, on the whole, Hong Liangji's literary career is contrary to the concept that Yuan Ming adheres to. Although there were differences in poetic views, Hong Liangji and Yuan Ming insisted on differences, but the two maintained a relatively close friendship.

Academics often attribute Hong Liangji to the spiritual poetry school, and in terms of temperament, true qi, and taste, they all have the flavor of spiritual poetry. However, his poetic theory is different from the spiritual school headed by Yuan Ming. The "temperament" he advocates is higher than emotion, with a correct character to establish a backbone, with a strong momentum to adjust the words, with a sincere temperament and whimsical ideas, from his poetry can reflect his character, has a deeper connotation, has a distinct personality, and exudes the personality charm of the poet.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

It is reported that Hong Liangji is frank, a lifelong wanderer, like to make friends, from cloth clothes to officials and dignitaries, they sit together to talk about academics, poetry and wine, and influence each other. In the creation of poetry, he absorbed the creative experience of the ancients, and criticized the theories of poets inheriting various dynasties, taking advantage of their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses, and gradually constructed his own poetic theory. In addition, he stood on the Confucian philosophy and aesthetics, exuding his integrity and spiritual temperament, and showing his righteousness and pride.

It is worth mentioning that Hong Liangji's poetry pays attention to the social function of poetry, emphasizes the value of poetry serving politics and religion, adheres to the Confucian poetry theory, and can understand the folk customs through poetry, and under the premise of emphasizing the cognitive function of poetry, it can also reflect the style of poetry and the background of the times. Therefore, behind his poetry, there is a sense of gentleness and thickness, and there is also the function of enlightenment.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Moreover, Hong Liangji's poetry embodies profound scriptural connotations, permeates the characteristics of Confucian culture, and connects the connotations of each family to create poems that belong to themselves and the times. His poems draw from a wide range of materials, and the emotions of joy, sorrow, sorrow, and pure emotions between friends are the testimony of his life footprints and the process of the development of his heart.

In the early days, his works were more ambitious and implied a vision of life, but he repeatedly failed in the imperial examination, which made him feel sad, so most of the sad feelings in the early poems. In the middle period, he experienced all kinds of hardships and embarked on a career path, during which his temperament was joyful, his style was gentle, his poetry was more, and his momentum was magnificent, which was the peak period of poetry creation. In the later period, it is mainly based on reminiscing about the past, looking back on the legendary life, there are sorrows, and there are also famous works that sympathize with the suffering of the people.

During the Qianjia period, in the literary world, Hong Liangji was a person who reached the pinnacle of perfection, and his achievements in poetry and poetry creation had a great influence. Today, we will enjoy Hong Liangji's ten poems together, enter the spiritual world of the poet together, and understand his inner thoughts and profound connotations.

Goose Pagoda name

Hong Liangji (Qing Dynasty)

Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Little Wild Goose Pagoda, Jinshi inscription He Zafu.

Li Bai Du Fu Gai DaiCai, can you inscribe the name to the tower?

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Cross the water to the west

It has been like a dust dream, and remnant spring has stopped saddles.

Thirty years ago, the only thing that can greet visitors is the towering bamboo pole.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Out of customs

Half a life trail has not been idle, and the five peaks have finished swimming.

But it is more than 10,000 miles out of the Great Wall, and the Tianshan Mountains are as far as the east, west, south and north.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Ili chronicle poems

The yellow mud wall hits the door frequently, and the white hair comes to the joyous new.

If you want to buy fresh fish and eat flowers and ducks, discuss the return of people tomorrow.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

The five drums cross the lake from Wupu to Dongshan

Arrive at the Blue Calendar, the Seventy-Two Peaks.

The frightened wave fish worshiped first, and the thunderbird was turned upside down.

The sound of the water shakes short dreams, and the wind squints for many years.

Last night before the mountain rain, vast Kasawa smoke.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring


Looking forward at the dawn curtain, the garden is desolate and green.

Spring knows that the road is wide, and the sky is low over the wall.

The bamboo shoots are sometimes folded, and the wild warblers cry countless times.

A slope of grass, ta'er crossed the west of the bridge.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Afang City

The phoenix phoenix stops Afang, one female and one male soaring.

I don't see the finches coming into the swallow room, but I see the floating clouds closing the day.

Feng Xi Fei, Que Dong Fei, Intestinal Broken Zhu Gong Fu Zi Di.

The Golden Robe led the way forward, but the Phoenix Emperor was not as good as the bird.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Housing conspiracy

Fang Gongmou, Du Gongjue.

Not counting Xiao Cao in the Western Han Dynasty,

Ying Gong Wei Gong Over-Irrigation.

Jun is not seen, Wei Zheng is feminine and charming,

Nishikyo Shubi Zhang Zifang.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring


During the day, watching the clouds sit in a small fast, idle into the shadows.

The forest birds told me that spring was unharmed, and the small trees were also good according to the shadows.

Sick wine mood sad cypress leaves, read the flower news to the mango shoes.

Away from the house twice the scenery is good, idle south cross street of the city.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

Heavy over the abandoned garden has a feeling

The twelve windows are open and yarny, caring for the flowers after idling.

The remnants of spring have become autumn dreams, and the dawn is as yellow as the moon.

Reminiscing about the past has no chance of being on the brocade, Qingyou thinks of the pandou chakra.

The waves of Hengtang are as empty as ever, and the noise is exhausted by the two frogs of the official and private.

Hong Liangji, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, admired his ten poems, reflecting a noble personality and worth savoring

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