
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

author:Lushan County Bureau of Culture, Radio and Tourism
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

In the era when hundreds of schools of thought were competing, MoZi, the founder of the Mojia School, took "the interests of the world and the elimination of the harm of all the people" as his mission, running everywhere and propagating righteousness. After several years of practice, he deeply felt that it was not enough to rely on the strength of one person, and it was necessary to organize more people to dedicate themselves to righteousness. Before the age of thirty, he founded the first comprehensive civilian school in human history with liberal arts, sciences, military, engineering and other subjects, and trained a large number of talents. History says that "the disciple Mifeng fills the world," and his doctrine has become the manifestation of "words and the world".

【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

Among them, the six chapters of "Jingshang", "Jingxia", "Jingshu Shang", "Jingshuxia", and "Great Take" and "Small Take" are devoted to the content of time, space, material structure, mechanics, optics, acoustics, algebra, geometry, etc., which were called "Ink Classics" by predecessors. The Ink Classic represents a highest peak in the development of Chinese science during the Warring States period. In terms of mechanics, the Ink Classic proposes a definition of mechanical motion: "Movement, domain migration also." This means that the essence of mechanical motion is the movement of the position of an object, which is exactly the same as the definition of modern mechanical motion. At the same time, the Mojia school mastered the law of leverage 2 centuries before Archimedes. In terms of optics, among the vast number of historical works in China, the Ink Classic is the only classic that systematically discusses the development of ancient geometric optics in China.

【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

The Ink Classic records the world's earliest "small hole imaging" experiment done by Mozi and his students, and makes incisive insights into the experimental results, which is the first scientific explanation of the propagation of light along a straight line. In mathematics, the Ink Classic proposes some geometric definitions, such as the definition of the circle in the Ink Classics cited in the middle school mathematics textbook: "Circle, one in the same length." This is perfectly consistent with the definition of a circle in modern mathematics as "the trajectory of an equidistant location at a point in the center." The Mojia Organ Technique is only an achievement in mechanics in "Mozi".

【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

The Mojia were the earliest civilian armed groups in China. There were hundreds of disciples of the Mo family, and the highest leader was called "Ju (Ju)Zi", and The Giant Zi had absolute authority. Its members must promote the Mojia proposition when they serve as officials in various countries, and the income must also be dedicated to the community.

The basic ideas of the Mo family are mainly as follows:

Equal love (both love) between people, and mutual equality between people, including strangers, in opposition to the feudal hierarchy of the time.

War against Aggression (Non-Offensive)

Promote conservation and oppose extravagance and waste (thrift)

Valuing the Cultural Wealth of Predecessors (Ming Ghost)

Mastering the Laws of Nature (Tianzhi)

The scientific style of the civilian saint Mozi

□ reporter Liu Bei

【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi
【Culture and Art Mr. Big】The scientific style of the civilian sage Mozi

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred schools of thought competed, ushering in the spring of the development of ancient Chinese philosophical thought. Confucius's Confucianism, Lao Tzu's Taoist thought and Mozi's Mojia thought together constituted the three major philosophical systems of ancient China, which had a profound impact on future generations. Mozi put forward the views of "simultaneous love", "non-attack", "Shangxian", "Shangtong", "Tianzhi", "Ming Ghost", "Non-life", "Non-Happy", "Festival Burial", "Festival Use" and so on.

The history books record that the Mozilu people also. Experts have verified that Lu is Lushan County in our city. In January 2013, Lushan County, as the hometown of Mozi, was named "the hometown of Chinese Mozi culture" by the Chinese Folk Culture Association, and the China Mozi Culture Research Center was established. On the morning of October 10 this year, this reporter came to Shuncheng Road in Lushan County, in the study room of Yuan Zhancai, secretary general of the China Mozi Cultural Research Center, to feel the thick ideological culture of the Mo family.

"Messenger of Peace"


On the eighth day of September before 2501, The ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher, educator, scientist, military scientist, and founder of the Mojia School was born, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Mr. Ji Xianlin, a famous literary scholar in China and former vice president of Peking University, once commented on Mozi: "Mozi represents the height of an era in the history of human civilization. He made outstanding contributions in the fields of philosophy, education, science, logic, military defense engineering, and was a great civilian saint. ”

Mozi's former residence is located in Yaoshan Town, Lushan County, is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, Lushan is hospitable in life, not impatient, perhaps the landscape has created humanities, Mozi's thought, the most famous is "both love" and "non-attack", which is in line with the Lushan humanities.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the disputes between the various countries led to frequent wars and social unrest, and Mozi was very saddened by the frequent suffering of innocent people from wars. "Simultaneous love" and "non-aggression" mean that the social status of monarchs, fathers and sons, and brothers is equal, everyone should love others as they love themselves, and all countries should stop war and achieve permanent peace.

"Many of Mozi's views coincide with the governing philosophy of our contemporary society." Yuan Zhancai, 57, who began studying Mojia thought in 1988, said that the concept of peace advocated by Mozi is precisely what the development of the world today pays the most attention to. Mozi believes that war not only implicates innocent people, but also is not conducive to social development, so he wanders around and propagates his ideas. "The members of the Mo family were called the Mo People, and there were thousands of people in their heyday, and their ideas of opposing war had a great influence on society at that time." In order to prevent the Chu state from attacking the Song state, Mozi once ran for ten days and nights in a row. When his feet were torn, he tore his jacket and wrapped them on his feet, continued to hurry, and finally ran to the Chu state, persuaded Lu Ban, persuaded the king of Chu, and enabled the people of Chu and Song to avoid a cannibalism. This is the famous allusion to "stopping Chu and attacking the Song".

"Legend has it that Mozi and his disciples also make all kinds of defensive weapons, and their technology is not worse than That of Lu Ban." Yuan Zhancai said, but Mozi is different from other "arms dealers", he does not value economic interests, his weapons are only sold to the defending party, and refuse to sell to the invading party. "Mozi is a peace-loving person, and the wish in his heart is to protect the masses from the suffering of war, and this wish is great and simple." Yuan Zhancai said that if there was a Nobel Peace Prize in the world during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Mozi would certainly deserve it.

"Civilian Saint"

Twice he was granted a fief of five hundred miles, but he refused both

Mozi's ancestor was the Yin Shang royal family, and for some reason he was demoted from a nobleman to a commoner, and Mozi was the only philosopher in Chinese history who came from a peasant background. Because of his poor and lowly origins, he developed a style of focusing on frugality and hard work, "eating with a stomach and wearing a tailor-made dress", eating "the soup of quinoa" and wearing a "short brown coat".

"Many of Mozi's ideas still have profound practical significance in contemporary times." Yuan Zhancai introduced that mojia thought represents the interests of the lower classes. Nowadays, ink science is more and more valued. In China, social development, cultural rejuvenation, literary and artistic works reflecting Mozi culture have emerged in an endless stream, and the people-oriented view, harmony view, economy view, and talent concept derived from Mojia thought have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "'Shangxian' is talking about the concept of talent." Yuan Zhancai said that there is a saying in "Mozi Shangxian Shangshang" that "the sage is the foundation of the government", which means that advocating meritocracy, advocating meritocracy, and appointing sages are the fundamentals of governing the country.

Mozi served as a doctor of the Song Dynasty during the reign of Duke Zhao of Song, but his status later declined, approaching that of a laborer. Later, the king of Chu promised Mozi a fief of five hundred miles and a book club to seal Mozi, but Mozi did not accept; the king of Yue invited Mozi to be an official and promised him a fief of five hundred miles, but Mozi also refused. Yuan Zhancai visited Mr. Sun Derun, the inheritor of Mozi culture, in Yaoshan Town, Mozi's hometown in his early years, and Mr. Sun Lao, who once guarded Mozi's former residence, said: "Mozi is the ancestor of hundreds of workers, a scientific giant, and a civilian saint. ”

"Shang tong" is another important political proposition of Mozi and the embodiment of Mozi's social thought. "The Shangtong view is also a dialectical Shangtong view, which contains the simple idea of democracy and the concept of harmony." Yuan Zhancai said that the core of "saving" is to save money and oppose waste, "which is essentially the same as the disc action we advocate."

"Master of Science"

The kite you fly and the decimal algorithm you use are all invented by him

In addition to the labels of thinker and military, Mozi was also a great scientist.

The Ink Sutra records the world's first "small hole imaging" experiment, which explains why small holes are inverted, which is the origin of the principles of modern photographic technology. Newton's three laws have only a history of more than 400 years, but they have promoted the world's scientific revolution, but Mozi proposed as early as the Warring States period that force is the reason for changing the state of physical motion, which is exactly the same as Newton's first law.

Mozi also studied the propagation of sound, and he found that wells and poppies (bottles with small mouths and large bellies) had the effect of amplifying sound and skillfully used them. He once taught his students that when defending the city, in order to prevent the enemy from digging tunnels to attack the city, dig a well every thirty feet, put a large poppy in the well, and put a thin cowhide on the poppy mouth, so that people with good hearing can lie on the poppy to listen, so as to know whether the enemy is digging tunnels and where the tunnels are dug, and to make preparations for resisting the enemy. Although it was impossible for Mozi to understand the mechanism of sound resonance at that time, this method of resisting enemies contained rich scientific connotations. In addition, Mozi also invented the decimal algorithm.

In order to commemorate Mozi's contribution to the scientific community, China launched the first quantum science experimental satellite at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on August 16, 2016, which was named Mozi. "At that time, we sent a letter of congratulations to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center for the first time, and they also replied to us." Yuan Zhancai said that on the morning of August 22, 2016, the China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center sent a letter of thanks to Lushan County, in which it said that Mozi culture and aerospace culture are two bright pearls in the long river of Chinese national history and culture.

Many people know that kites originated in China, but what they don't know is that kites were actually invented by Mozi. According to the "Han Feizi Wai Chu Shu", Mo Zhai "cut the wood for the harrier, formed in three years, and flew for one day and lost". This means that Mozi studied for three years and finally made a wooden bird out of wood, but it only flew for one day and then broke. This "wooden harrier" is the earliest kite in China. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun invented papermaking, and when making kites, he gradually replaced wood with paper, called "paper kites". In the fifth generation, bamboo whistles were tied on paper kites, and the wind blew bamboo whistles, which sounded like kites, so it was called "kite" in the future.

Mozi's achievements in the field of science are nearly 2,000 years ahead of the West, and the famous Western sinologist and scholar of the history of Chinese science and technology, Joseph Needham, once praised Mozi: "The scientific level of the Mo family has surpassed the entire ancient Greece." Yang Xiangkui, a well-known expert on the history of Chinese thought in China, also said: "The scientific achievements of the ancient Chinese Mo family are equal to or surpass the entire ancient Greece." ”

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