
Zhong Zhaozheng, the author of "Lu Binghua", died at the age of 96

author:The Paper

According to Taiwan media sources, Zhong Zhaozheng, the author of "Lu Binghua", died at 19:00 on May 16 at the age of 96.

Zhong Zhaozheng, the author of "Lu Binghua", died at the age of 96

Zhong Zhaozheng

Born on January 20, 1925 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Zhong Zhaozheng graduated from Tamkang Middle School and Changhua Youth Normal School, studied at the department of Chinese of National Taiwan University, and then dropped out of school to become a teacher at Longtan Elementary School.

Zhong Zhaozheng, the author of "Lu Binghua", died at the age of 96

"Lu Binghua"

In 1951, he published his first article in Free Talk magazine, "After Marriage", and since then, he has worked tirelessly and written more than 20 million words in his lifetime. Among them, the works with the most literary value and historical value are the "Turbid Flow Trilogy" ("Turbid Flow", "Jiangshan Wanli", "Flowing Clouds") and the "Taiwanese Trilogy" ("Sinking", "CangmingXing", "Song of the Heavenly Mountains").

Its most popular is the first novel "Lu Binghua" published in 1960. In 1989, the film of the same name, directed by Yang Guoli and written by Wu Nianzhen, was released. At that time, Zhen Ni sang a song of the same name (originally sung by Zeng Shuqin) on the Spring Festival evening of CCTV, which hooked up the common emotions between the two sides of the strait and is still the common memory of generations on both sides of the strait.

Zhong Zhaozheng, the author of "Lu Binghua", died at the age of 96

Stills from "Lu Binghua"

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