
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Shouguang, Shandong Province, resisted the Qing Army Chronicle (IV) Taitou Sui Jia Daokou and Sun Ji Jiang Jia Ji

author:The Purple Heart 87302858

West of Shouguang City, there is a building in Suijia Daokou Village, which was built by a local named Sui Buyan during the Ming Dynasty's Apocalypse. The walls of this building are more than twice as thick as the others, and it is also known for its tallness. The villagers thought they could borrow this building to defend it, so nearly a thousand people gathered in this building.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Shouguang, Shandong Province, resisted the Qing Army Chronicle (IV) Taitou Sui Jia Daokou and Sun Ji Jiang Jia Ji

The Qing army had hundreds of people stationed outside the village, circled the building several times, and besieged the building day and night. Fortunately, the people in the building were heavily guarded and well defended, and the Qing army never broke through, and the people were safe and sound. One evening, the Qing army suddenly pulled out its camp and withdrew westward.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Shouguang, Shandong Province, resisted the Qing Army Chronicle (IV) Taitou Sui Jia Daokou and Sun Ji Jiang Jia Ji

Less than ten miles after the Qing army withdrew, the northwest corner of the building collapsed. The intelligence personnel of the Qing army told the Qing army's rangers about the collapse of the building, and the Qing army began to turn back. In a hurry, the collapsed place was too late to repair, so people drew a wall with cloth and propped it up at the collapsed gap. The Qing army was several miles away from the building, and began to look out, and found that the building was still standing there, no different from yesterday, so they killed the person who sent the information, and then left again, so the whole village escaped this military disaster.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Shouguang, Shandong Province, resisted the Qing Army Chronicle (IV) Taitou Sui Jia Daokou and Sun Ji Jiang Jia Ji

Jiangjiaji Village (present-day Jiangjiaji Village, Sunji Subdistrict), in the south of Shouguang County. Villagers built their own villages. The Qing patrol arrived, defending the villagers, fired artillery attacks, hit the horse's head, and the Qing soldiers fell to the ground and died. Suddenly, drums and horns sounded, and the Qing army brigade came galloping forward, and smoke and dust rose around the village. A scholar named Jiang Zhiyuan in the village and many villagers were abducted. Later, Jiang Zhiyuan ran barefoot and ran day and night for more than ten days before returning.

This raid by the Qing army caused bloodshed and disturbance throughout Shouguang. Later, the Qing Dynasty fixed the Central Plains, no one dared to remember, and An Zhiyuan roughly recorded this incident.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Shouguang, Shandong Province, resisted the Qing Army Chronicle (IV) Taitou Sui Jia Daokou and Sun Ji Jiang Jia Ji