
It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

author:Dew chasing shadows
It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

Jacky Cheung's comeback after many years, and Nicholas Tse's big production "Customs Front" with an investment of more than 200 million yuan, was originally highly anticipated. After the film was released, the audience's reaction was far from expected. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the film's core issues, as well as the storyline and backstory behind it.

Jacky Cheung's 8-year film comeback, together with Nicholas Tse as the starring role and action director, coupled with a high-investment production budget, has made "Customs Front" a high-profile summer blockbuster.

Since the announcement of the start of filming of this movie, it has aroused the public's ardent expectations for Jacky Cheung's comeback. As a legendary singer in the Chinese music scene, Jacky Cheung's film works have always attracted much attention, especially this cooperation with Nicholas Tse, which is even more exciting. It is reported that the investment in this film exceeded 200 million, and the production team spent a lot of effort and resources, hoping to bring a shocking work to the audience.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

After the movie was released, it was unanimously criticized by the audience and critics. First of all, the plot setting and logic problems have become the main problems that the audience generally reflects. The main story of the film seems old-fashioned, the plot direction is unreasonable, and it is full of a large number of logical loopholes and unrealistic plot settings, which make it difficult for the audience to accept and understand. Many critics have also pointed out that some of the twists and conflicts in the development of the story seem reluctant and unnatural, affecting the overall viewing experience.

The excessive representation of action scenes in the film has also become a common concern for critics and audiences alike. The director clearly prefers big scenes such as explosions and crashes, and although these action scenes have a certain visual shock, they seem too ostentatious and unnecessary in promoting the plot and character development. In particular, Nicholas Tse as an action director, his personal action performance was criticized as too much imitation of Jackie Chan, and this kind of imitation action design made the audience feel disappointed and disgusted, believing that it was not in line with his innovative spirit as an actor and action director.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

Jacky Cheung's role as a "high-functioning bipolar disorder" in the film is abrupt and unconvincing. This setting is considered the biggest failure of the film, affecting the credibility of the overall characters and the coherence of the story.

The performance of the movie "Customs Front" at the box office can be called dismal, especially in the early days of the release. The audience originally had high hopes for the big production created by Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse, but in reality, the quality and content of the film failed to meet expectations, causing a wave of criticism.

The Internet is flooded with a large number of negative comments and criticisms of "Customs Front". One netizen commented on social media: "The film is nothing short of a disaster. The logic of the plot is chaotic, the character performance is superficial, and there is no depth at all. He points out several obvious plot irrationalities in the film, such as the fact that the protagonist's behavior is too blunt to be convincing.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

Another netizen initiated a discussion on Weibo: "Why do so many big-budget movies like to 'pile up' action scenes to 'circle money'? The explosions and crashes in Customs Front look gorgeous, but they don't really help the whole story progress. He believes that the director's excessive pursuit of action scenes has led to an imbalance in the overall rhythm of the film, which weakens the audience's emotional investment.

Some viewers expressed strong dissatisfaction with Nicholas Tse's performance and action direction. A reviewer wrote on Douban: "Nicholas Tse, as the action director, actually 'imitates' Jackie Chan's classic actions in a lot in the film? This is simply disrespectful to Jackie Chan, and it also makes me question his professionalism as a filmmaker. He believes that Nicholas Tse should focus more on originality and innovation, rather than sticking to outdated action patterns.

After the film was released, audiences expressed their disappointment on social platforms that the level of filmmaking did not match the expectations of modern audiences.

Some commentators have pointed out that modern audiences have demanded more than just visual effects, but also the depth of the story and the emotional expression of the characters. However, the handling of these aspects by "Customs Front" seems to be inadequate, and it fails to resonate and emotionally resonate with the audience.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

Jacky Cheung's acting skills are undoubtedly one of his highlights. His performance in movies always impresses the audience, whether it is the lesser role of "Thunderbolt Trumpet" or the highly acclaimed "Mong Kok Carmen", Jacky Cheung has shown excellent acting ability.

On social media, many fans expressed their appreciation for Jacky Cheung's acting skills. A netizen wrote on Weibo: "Jacky Cheung is not only a natural singer, his acting skills are also wonderful. In "Mong Kok Carmen", I was deeply impressed by his dedicated and delicate performance. He believes that Jacky Cheung can find resonance in different roles and show the inner world of the characters to the fullest.

Another fan commented: "After watching Jacky Cheung's performance in the movie, I found that his acting skills far exceeded my imagination. He can easily switch emotions and express the complexity of the character, which is really admirable. This praise for Jacky Cheung's acting skills reflects the audience's recognition of his versatility.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

Jacky Cheung is not only excellent in the movie, but also praised in music. His singing voice has a unique appeal and can penetrate the hearts and minds of the audience. One listener shared his feelings: "Jacky Cheung's singing always touches the depths of my heart. Whether it is the sad "Kiss Goodbye" or the powerful "Sunset Drunk", he can use his voice to convey the emotions of the song vividly. She believes that Jacky Cheung is not only a singer, but also a transmitter of emotions.

Other netizens pay more attention to Jacky Cheung's performance in fast songs. A fan left a message in the comment area: "Jacky Cheung's "Hair is Messy" and "The Legend of the Hungry Wolf" are simply bloody! His unrestrained and energetic singing style makes these fast songs full of vitality. She said that under the singing of Jacky Cheung, these songs are not only rhythmic, but also emotional.

The failure of "Customs Front" reflects the lack of storytelling and logic in filmmaking, and reminds the entire industry to pay more attention to the depth of the story and the three-dimensionality of the characters in future productions. The film industry is challenged by the diversification of audience tastes and fierce competition in the market, and needs more innovation and quality assurance to meet the needs and expectations of modern audiences.

It's a pity that 62-year-old Jacky Cheung! "Customs Front" 4 major hard injuries! Nicholas Tse mistakes himself for a dragon

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