
How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

author:History lesson for the snow-drifting landlord

When it comes to the heroes of ancient China, I think everyone will think of Hua Mulan, Mu Guiying and other cattle people. In fact, in the Ming Dynasty, there was also a hero of the Towel, her name was Tang Sai'er.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

Tang Sai'er is a native of Putai, Shandong, that is, a modern-day Pucheng native of Binzhou, Shandong, who married Lin San as a wife in his teens because his family was poor.

Tang Sai'er's life was tragic, and the family died one after another.

At that time, Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan, and Shandong became the main battlefield. The war has displaced the local population and made life difficult. After Zhu Di ascended the throne, he began to build an imperial palace in Beijing; at the same time, in order to facilitate the transportation of grain from the south to the capital, he began to dredge the Grand Canal. Large-scale projects naturally require a large number of requisitions, and the strong labor force in Shandong and its surrounding areas is requisitioned in large quantities.

Her father was conscripted into labor for repairing canals and digging the Huitong River, when "the servitude was endless, the requisition was endless", and Tang Sai'er's mother later fell ill and died.

Tang Sai'er's husband, Lin San, rushed into the official palace to beg for grain from yicang, but was ruthlessly killed by the officers and soldiers.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

Tang Sai'er's family all died due to the Ming Dynasty's wanton conquests, and Tang Sai'er, in her grief, decided to "take revenge" - so she led the people to revolt.

In order to win the support of the people, Tang Sai'er made up the story of the occasional "Sword of the Treasure Book in the Stone Letter". It is also said that after studying, she cultivated a spell that could "serve ghosts and gods, cut paper and fight with people and horses". After gaining some followers, Tang Sai'er took the name of the "White Lotus Sect", so in the eighteenth year of Yongle (1420), thousands of people gathered in Yidu Shishi Village (in present-day Qingzhou City) to launch an uprising.

She was atmospheric and resourceful, so when the rebels sounded the horn of revolution, the ranks quickly expanded to tens of thousands. Later, Tang Sai'er called herself the "Mother of Buddha" and preached that she could predict the future and insight into the past. Countless people fell under the banner of Tang Sai'er.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

The peasant army soon occupied several prefectures and counties, and they "destroyed the official palace and burned the warehouse" to actively attack the Ming army guarding various places. After Zhu Di heard the news, he immediately appointed Liu Sheng and Liu Zhong, who was in charge of An Yuan, to lead the army to quell the rebellion. The officers and troops soon surrounded Sai'erzhai. Tang Sai'er was very clever, using deception, and attacked the unsuspecting officers and soldiers at night. Liu Zhong, the deputy commander of the Ming army, was killed in battle, and Tang Sai'er took the opportunity to break through and escape. Liu Sheng did not get the news until dawn, and it was too late to regret it.

Later, in desperation, Zhu Di changed to Tang Sai'er to recruit security. However, when the emissaries of the imperial court came to the base camp of the rebel army, Tang Sai'er did not say a word, directly killed the emissaries, and vowed to fight the imperial court to the end.

The recruitment was unsuccessful, and the imperial court urgently dispatched 5,000 officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress, and as a result, the officers and soldiers were suddenly attacked by the rebels, and the officers and soldiers were defeated and suffered countless casualties. Tang Sai'er led the remnants of the rebel army to move safely.

However, later, with the continuous mobilization of officers and soldiers by the imperial court, the lone rebel army was gradually defeated, and in the end, the Tang Sai'er uprising, which lasted only more than 2 months, ended in failure.

Although the rebels failed, the leader of the rebels, Tang Sai'er, "disappeared".

It is precisely because of Tang Sai'er's disappearance that the legend of Tang Sai'er's ending is also divided.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

The first is to die.

The first theory: According to legend, the Ming army threatened the lives of the congregations, and Tang Sai'er took the initiative to surrender himself to the officers and soldiers in order to avoid more innocent people being implicated and slaughtered.

After the soldiers captured Tang Sai'er, they saw that she was beautiful and obscene, and "raped for three days" and caused Tang Sai'er to die. Afterwards, in order to "avoid responsibility", the soldier threw Tang Sai'er's body into the wilderness, and declared to the outside world that he had never caught Tang Sai'er.

The second theory is that after the officers and soldiers caught Tang Sai'er, they tied Tang Sai'er naked, and then rode on a wooden donkey and paraded to the execution ground, and as a result, the knife and axe hand cut two or three thousand knives before he lost his breath. It can be said that it is the most tragic ending.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

The second is the survival of the lucky people.

According to legend, after the defeat of Tang Sai'er's soldiers, the officials and troops searched pu without success, suspecting that she was hiding among nuns or female Taoists, so they arrested many nuns and female Taoists in Beijing, Shandong and other places and sent them to Kyoto for interrogation, but in the end they failed to arrest Tang Sai'er.

Some say she has soared into a fairy, some say she became a nun, and some say she ran to the steppe and became a tribal leader... In short, this female Haojie has disappeared without a trace, and people do not know where she is.

Since then, Tang Sai'er has been lost to the folk like evaporation in the human world, and many folk legends about her have been passed down to this day.

How tragic was the fate of tang Sai'er, the female leader of the Ming Dynasty, after the failure of the uprising? Beyond your imagination

Of course, according to various historical materials, Tang Sai'er's ending is not optimistic, and the biggest possibility is that he died in the rebellion, because the body cannot be identified, thus giving birth to the mystery of eternity.

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