
Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

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Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

Tang Sai'er was the famous female leader of the White Lotus Sect in the early years of the Ming Dynasty.

Tang Sai'er, a native of Putai County, Shandong (present-day Pucheng Township, Binzhou, Shandong), was the wife of Lin San.

It is said that Lin San was killed when he went to the government office to ask for a salary.

After the death of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di launched the "Battle of Jingnan", and Shandong was the main battlefield. After Zhu Di became emperor, he moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing and overhauled the palace. In order to support the officials and troops of the Beijing Division, they also organized the diversion of grain from the south to the north, repaired the canal, dug the Huitong River, and recruited a large number of people's husbands, and the people of Shandong bore the brunt of it. During the Yongle years, Shandong suffered a series of flood and drought disasters. The people ate tree bark, grass roots, and survived, but they still "did not stop servitude and conquest", and the people fell into a desperate situation. Tang Sai'er's father was arrested for hard labor, and she and her husband Lin San rushed into the palace to beg for grain, and Lin San was killed.

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

(Comic strip "Don Sai'er")

After Lin's death, it is said that Tang even obtained a stone box containing a sword and soldier book, and after Tang studied it, he became proficient in magic and martial arts, and gathered thousands of people in the name of preaching the White Lotus Sect, and in February of the eighteenth year of Yongle (1420), he rebelled in Yidu Shishi Village (in present-day Qingzhou City).

Tang Sai'er's headquarters completely annihilated the army that came to besiege and killed Gao Feng, the commander of Qingzhou.

The imperial court sent elite soldiers of the Beijing Division, led by Liu Sheng and Liu Zhong, the commander-in-chief of An Yuanhou, to come to the conquest. The Ming army was so numerous that it surrounded Tang Sai'er's cottage.

Tang Sai'er pretended to surrender and took the opportunity to attack the officers and soldiers at night. The Ming army was in chaos, and Liu Zhong was killed.

Tang Sai'er broke out and led his troops to capture Juzhou, Jimo and other places, and besieged Anqiu.

Tang Sai'er's army was finally defeated and destroyed by Wei Qing, the commander of Shandong Capital. But Tang Sai'er and the others fled and disappeared

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

(Tang Sai'er is enshrined in Taihe Temple, known as Buddha Mother)

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history
Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

(Shandong Qingzhou Taihe Temple Festival)

Note: The Wei Qing here is not the Wei Qing of the Western Han Dynasty. This Wei Qing was also famous in the early Ming Dynasty, mainly to destroy Tang Sai'er and kill Wu Kou. These two Wei Qing seem to have a relationship, and the ancestral hall of the Wei surname has a couplet: "Two Qing Imperial Foreign Insults, Seven Great Achievements." ”

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

(Tang Sai'er's hometown)

Ming Shi "Ming History Chronicle End" Volume 23 "Pingshan Dong Bandit" (original text)

In March of the eighteenth year of Chengzu Yongle, Tang Sai'er, a demon woman in Putai County, Shandong Province, rebelled. Sai'er, the third wife of the county resident Lin, a young Buddhist chanting sutra, calling herself "Buddha Mother", can know the success or failure of the before and after, and can cut paper to fight with people and horses. Travel between Yidu, Zhucheng, Anzhou, Juzhou, Jimo, and Shouguang counties to incite foolish people. Therefore, the traitor Dong Yangao (gǎo) and others led the crowd to follow them, and there were more than 500 people in the crowd, and according to Yidu, the stone shed village was infested.

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

(Don Sai'er's base)

Qingzhou Wei commanded Gao Feng to lead the troops to capture him, and the thieves defeated the officers and soldiers at night, and Feng and others fell. Du, cloth, and according to the three divisions to smell, send people to ride and beckon them. Directly subordinate to Yizhou Wei also played: "Juzhou thief Dong Yangao and other people gathered more than 2,000 people, with the red and white flag as the trumpet, and looted and killed. Sun Gong of a thousand households in Juzhou went to appease, disobeyed, and killed his followers, which was very rampant. "Marquis Liu Sheng of Shang'an Yuan divided his troops and suppressed them.

Liu sheng troops to Yidu, surrounded the thieves in the unloading stone shed village. The thief sent people to beg, and the clouds were deceived: "The village is full of food, and there is no water." "The old gate of the east gate of the ascension has a path, that is, to go to it. At night, the thieves attacked the official camp and commanded Liu Zhongli to die.

At dawn, Liu Sheng began to feel enlightened, divided his troops to pursue, and captured more than a hundred men and women such as Liu Jun of the thief party, while Sai'er and others fled.

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

When the thieves attacked Anqiu, Zhang Jie of ZhiXian and wéi gathered more than 800 people to resist the battle with their lives. The thieves could not attack, and the people of Juzhou and Jimo were reunited, and more than 10,000 people were united, and they attacked them with all their might, claiming to slaughter the city. Therefore, they all commanded Wei Qingbei to prepare for the sea, wen Anqiu wei, and quickly led a thousand horses to travel day and night, and fought to defeat it. The thieves gathered the remnants to fight again, and the people in the city also clamored to attack, and Bin Hong fled. More than 2,000 thieves were killed, and more than 40 people were captured, all of whom were beheaded. When the city was no longer supported, the young people were a little late, that is, they were trapped by thieves.

And the willow rises, and the green greets the gurudwara. Angered by its despotism, zuó (originally meant to grab his hair, here meaning to drive away) came out, and Qing did not bend. On the same day, Wang Gui, the commander of Aoshan Wei, also defeated the thieves in Zhucheng with 150 soldiers, and killed them all, and Xiping, Shandong. In the Punishment Department Shangshu Wu Zhong's impeachment: "Liu Sheng was ordered to requisition and suppress, not to do the Tao." The edict reads, "A thief who has no water and is short of food should sit in distress and do not seek to make a near deed." The ascending thief did not have equipment in the situation, and the battalion of the thief night (zhuó gu tong "axe", attack) killed and wounded the sergeant. Shi Du commanded Liu Zhong and Sheng Jia to attack, loyal to the first soldier, and several thieves broke the fortress. Sheng was jealous of his success, let alone rescued, so that the loyalty was exhausted and killed, and the thief had to take advantage of the time. Sheng dispatched the command Ma Gui and others to chase him, and after the harassment, Sheng did not ask. Ji Beiwudu commanded Wei Qingwen to surround Anqiu, and rushed to lead his troops to travel day and night, and defeated the thieves. After the third day of the ascension, anti-Qinggong was avoided. Strike hard. If a man is unfaithful, do not do anything wrong, and punish him. Shang Yue: "Every order will be sent to the master, and the dingning will be warned, and the plan will be perfect." Now that shengfang's life has been lost, mào is jealous of his work, and his sin cannot be punished. "So I went to jail.

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

Tang Sai'er was not obtained for a long time, and he was worried about cutting his hair as a nun or a mixed virgin Taoist. He ordered the Fa Division: All nuns and Daogu in Beijing and Shandong were arrested and interrogated.

In July, Duan Min was appointed as the leftist of Shandong to participate in politics. At that time, Dasuo Tang Sai'er was in a hurry to arrest Shandong and Beijing. They have also arrested tens of thousands of monastic women in the world. Duan Minfu Fixed Sui Ji, the song is an explanation, and people's feelings are safe.

In the beginning, Tang Sai'erfu died, Sai'er sacrificed the tomb, returned to the foothills of the mountain, saw the stone box horn of the stone (xià crack), sent it, obtained the demon book, the sword, and became familiar with all kinds of techniques. The sword is also a god, but Sai'er can use it. Because he cut his hair as a nun, he taught Shi Liyan (hàn township) to be tested, and the people followed it. If you want food, clothing, and goods, you can do whatever you need. At first, there were no great ambitions. The demon disciples turned into tens of thousands, and the officials were in a hurry to catch them, and Sai'er rebelled, killing and wounding many soldiers.

None of the three divisions are imprisoned with flea hair. If he catches it, he will be able to do it without fear. Naked and bound, the blade of punishment cannot enter, and he has no choice but to go back to prison. Miki was covered with a body, and the iron button was tied to the feet, and the Russians were liberated, and they fled away, and they did not know the end. The generals and other officials of the Three Divisions County were all punished for their mistakes.

Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is a hero in Chinese history

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